1500 1600 1700 1750 1800 1810US Post Office, 1789 to 1875, additional resources
1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829
1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839
1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849
1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859
1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869
1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 and later
References and working notes
British Almanac, 1828 - 1875; Companion to the Almanac, 1828 - 1875
Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, 1800 - 1875; Introductory Notes
Report of the [British] Postmaster General, 1855 - 1875 (search key UK-PMG-Report)
British Postal Guide, 1856 - 1875
Report of the [US] Postmaster General, 1823 - 1875 (search key US-PMG-Report)
Postal Laws and Regulations, 1774 - 1948 (search key US-Postal-Laws)
List of [US] Post Offices, 1790 - 1882 (search key US-Post-Offices)
Congressional Statutes, Resolutions, TreatiesWorldwide, to 1875, additional resources
Official Register of the United States
United States Official Postal Guide
Postmasters General
more, in preparation
First Issues
more, in preparation
General-interest libraries and digital collections
Philatelic libraries, museums, societies and journals
Before proceeding further, may I be allowed a complaint or two or three? The projects initiated by Google and Microsoft, which led to Google Books, the Internet Archive and HathiTrust, have produced some remarkable results. "Scan all the books, and put them on the Web" was, and remains, a great concept. But, the execution is sometimes far short of the goal. The following are links to some egregious examples.
The postal service for the Holy Roman Empire
was entrusted to Franz von Taxis, in 1497. The Thurn
und Taxis post survived until 1867. For a summary, see
Wikipedia, Thurn
und Taxis. The early royal posts acted as a messenger service when needed, and did not hold to a regular schedule. The public posts were a device to transfer the cost from the Emperor/King/Prince to the public, and if a profit could be made, so much the better. The early merchant and church posts operated similarly, but did not open to the public, or survive in the face of royal monopolies. "The post" or "posting" at first meant transport of people, parcels or letters, generally by horse-drawn coach. Horses were exchanged at specified locations, or posts, hence the name. |
The first English "Master of the King's
Post", Brian Tuke, was appointed by Henry VIII in
1516. Foreign posts were in the hands of the
"Merchants Strangers" and "Society of Merchants
Adventurers", until 1591. The first assertions of
government postal monopoly were in royal proclamations of
1591, for foreign mails, and 1609, for inland mails.
These were codified in Acts of Parliament, 1657 and 1660. |
Giovanni da l'Herba, Itinerario delle poste
per diverse parte del mondo. Cherubinis de Stella, Poste per diverse parti del mondo.
Giovanni da l'Herba, Itinerario delle poste per diverse parte del mondo, Venice, 1564 Cherubinis de Stella, Poste per diverse parti del mondo, Venice, 1564 Cherubinis de Stella, Poste per diverse parti del mondo, Lyon, 1572
James VI, King of Scotland, 24 July 1567;
later also James I, King of England and Ireland, 24 Mar.
1603; to 27 Mar. 1625. |
Richard Rowlands [Richard Verstegan], The
Post For diuers partes of the world : to trauaile from one
notable Citie unto an other, with a descripcion of the
antiquitie of diuers famous Cities in Europe, London :
Thomas East, 1576, [24] + 112 p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Sessions 1600-1800. (previous, next) |
Ottavio Codogno, Nuovo Itinerario delle poste
Per tutto il mondo, Milan : Girolamo Bordoni, 1608, [32] +
430 p. Ottavio Codogno, Nuovo Itinerario delle Poste per tutto il Mondo, Venice : Lucio Spineda, 1611, [32] + 446 p.
Ottavio Codogno, Nuovo Itinerario Delle Poste per tutto il Mondo, Venice : Steffano Curti, 1676, 478 p.
Frankfurter Ober-Post-Amts-Zeitung, Frankfurt
: Thurn und Taxis, published from 1615 to 17 July 1866; more
Charles I assumed the English, Scottish and
Irish thrones, 27 Mar. 1625, until his execution on 30 Jan.
Carte géographique des postes qui traversent
la France, Paris, 1632.
There were three services available in France,
Until about 1820 or so, "postes" should generally be taken to mean postes aux chevaux, and afterward to mean postes aux lettres. See, for example, Patrick Marchand, Voyager en France au temps de la poste aux chevaux, http://www.laposte.fr/chp/mediasPdf/PMarchand.pdf. |
The Royal Post was opened to the public in
Oct. 1635 by King Charles I of England, primarily as a
revenue source. From 1653 to 1677, the Post Office was
"farmed out", whereby the government received an advance
payment, and the concessionaire was allowed to keep all
further revenues. |
The Paris local post, as organized by M. de
Villayer, or de Vélayer, opened Aug. 1653, closed within
months, and was soon forgotten. Printed wrappers
(billets de port payé) were used to indicate prepayment of
postage; none have survived in the original. Post
boxes were installed throughout the city, but some became
trash receptacles or homes for rats. Memory of the
local post was revived in the pamphlet by Piron, 1838 (see below).
The Commonwealth period (or, Interregnum) in
England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, under Cromwell,
John Hill, A
Penny Post: or, a Vindication of the Liberty and Birthright
of every Englishman, in Carrying Merchants & other men's
Letters, against any restraint of Farmers of such
Employments, London, 1659, 8 p.
Charles II assumes the English, Scottish and
Irish thrones, 29 May 1660, ending the Commonwealth period;
until 1685.
An Act for erecting and establishing a
post-office, London, 1660, 143 p.
The first Postmaster General under the Act of 1660 was Henry
Bishop (1660-63); he is credited with the invention
of dated postmarks. From his Majesties General Post-Office in London.
Notice is hereby given unto all gentlemen, merchants,
traders, and others, that Henry Bishop Esq; his Majesties
Post-master General, finding that neither the intelligence
of his Majesty from Carlisle, and all parts of Cumberland
and Westmerland, nor the necessary correspondencies of
merchants and others into those countries, have been so
speedy as it ought: ...; 1660, 1 sheet. |
An agreement and convention for the
regulation and speedy dispatch of the posts between England
and the United Provinces [Netherlands]. At London,
April 11, 1661.
Richard Blome, Britannia, Or, a Geographical
Description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and
Ireland, with the Isles and Territories Thereto Belonging,
London, 1673, [36] + 464 p. + maps.
Thomas Gardiner, A General Survey of the
[British] Post Office, 1677.
Dockwra, London
Penny Post, March 1680 to Nov. 1682. |
James assumes the English and Scottish
thrones, 6 Feb. 1685.
William, Prince of Orange, assumes the
English and Scottish thrones, following the ouster of James
II/VII on 23 Dec. 1688.
[Charles Gildon], Post-boy rob'd of his mail,
or, the pacquet broke open. Consisting of five hundred
letters ... with observations upon each letter.
Publish'd by a gentleman concern'd in the frolick, London,
1692. Second volume ... To which are added several ingenious letters lately sent to the gentleman concern'd in this frolick, 1693. Many other editions and imitations; for example, John Dunton, Post-Boy robbed of his mail, 1700 and 1706. |
Pierre d'Ortigue de Vaumorière, Lettres sur
toutes sortes de Sujets, avec des avis sur la maniére de les
écrire, et des réponses sur chaque espece de Lettres, Paris
: Jean Guignard. 1690
A post office was established in Boston,
Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1639, at the home and tavern of
Richard Fairbanks, until his death in 1667. He was
authorized to accept letters brought by others and to hold
them until claimed, or sent onward by the occasional
ship. Regular mail transport between the colonies
began in 1673, between Boston and New York, but ended within
a few years. John Hayward was appointed Boston
postmaster in 1677, to 1687. William and Mary granted Thomas Neale the rights to establish a post office throughout America, 17 Feb. 1691/92, for 21 years. Neale appointed the Governor of New Jersey to act in his stead. Post offices were established in New York (1692), Philadelphia (1693), etc. By 1698, the system was greatly in debt; Neale's patent was revoked in 1707, and the Crown took control. |
Death of Britain's King William III, 8 Mar.
1702; succeeded by Queen Anne. |
The Almanach
Royal, Paris, 1707 and 1708, contained a section "Liste
générale des postes de France", which developed into a
separate publication in other hands, and continued until
1859. Almanac ou Calendrier pour l'Année ..., Paris : Laurent D'Houry, 1683-1699. Almanach Domestique, ou Calendrier pour l'Année 1691, Paris : Estienne Michallet.
Almanach Royal, pour l'Année [or, l'An] ..., Paris :
Laurent d'Houry, 1700-1792.
Jacques Le Quien De La Neufville, Origine de
postes chez les anciens et chez les modernes, Paris, 1708
and 1709.
See also,
An Act for establishing a General Post Office
for all Her Majesties Dominions, and for settling a weekly
Sum out of the Revenues thereof for the Service of the War
and other Her Majesties Occasions.
June 23, 1711, proclamation of Queen Anne, establishing a
post office in America, under this statute.
Death of Britain's Queen Anne, Aug. 1, 1714; succeeded by George I. |
A Collection of the Statutes Now in Force,
Relating to the Stamp-Duties, London,
Death of Britain's King George I, June 11, 1727; succeeded by George II. |
Compleat Guide to all persons who have any
trade or concern with the City of London, and parts
For more detailed listings, see Charles W.F. Goss, The
London Directories 1677-1855, London : Denis Archer, 1932. |
The Gregorian calendar was introduced in
England, Scotland and the British dominions, with Sep. 2
followed by Sep. 14, 1752. Under the Calendar
(New Style) Act 1750, the legal year now began Jan. 1,
instead of March 25; Scotland had already made this change
in 1600.
Benjamin Franklin and William Hunter
appointed Deputy Postmasters for North America, 10 Aug.
1753. B. Franklin and W. Hunter, Post Office Instructions and
Directions, 1753 or 1754. Franklin and Hunter, Additional Instruction to the Deputy Postmasters of North America, 10 Mar. 1758. Franklin was dismissed from office, 31 Jan. 1774. |
Dictionnaire des postes, Paris. [The
title varies.]
The Universal Scots Almanack, Edinburgh :
John Chapman, containing,
John Rocque, A General Map of the Post Roads
of Europe wherein all the post stages with their distances
are particularly expressed, London : Robert Sayer.
Death of Britain's King George II, Oct. 25, 1760; succeeded by George III. |
Nouveau journal des postes, et tarif des
ports de lettres, Paris, 1760 and later. Edme-Giles Guyot, Guide des lettres, Paris, 1763-1791.
Edme-Giles Guyot, Petit guide des lettres, Paris,
1773-1776, 70 p.
The New-York Pocket Almanack, For the Year
1762, New-York : H. Gaine, 60 p.
Franz Joseph Heger, Post-Tabellen oder
Verzeichnuß deren Post-Strassen in dem Kayserlichen
Romischen Reich ..., Mainz : Häffner, [1764], 18 + 130 +
[12] p. |
The Gentleman and Citizen's Pocket-Almanack,
For the Year 1766, Philadelphia : Andrew Steuart, 46 p.
The American Calendar, or an Almanack, For
the Year of our Lord, 1767, Philadelphia : William and
Thomas Bradford, 40 p.
A Collection of the Statutes Now in Force,
Relating to the Post Office, London : Mark Baskett, 1767,
176 p.
Act of 1765, 5 Geo. III c. 25, modifying Act of 1711, 9
Anne c. 10 (see above), effective Oct. 10, 1765.
Three postmarks of Dublin and London were
illustrated to accompany a complaint about threatening
letters sent to the Duchess of Northumberland.
François-Joseph Heger, Tablettes de postes de
l'Empire d'Allemagne et des provinces limitrophes, Dédiées à
Son Altesse Sérénissime Monseigneur Alexandre-Ferdinand,
Prince de la Tour et Tassis, etc. Mayence [Mainz] : Haeffner, n.d. [1770-1790], vi + 182 p. Manheim, Brussels : Lemaire, n.d. [1770-1790], vi + 182 p. Aix-La-Chapelle : R.A. de Saint-Aubin, n.d. [1770-1790], vi + 190 p. Brussels : B. Le Francq, 1793, xvi + 196 p. Poste aux lettres, etc. |
The New-York Pocket Almanack, For the Year
1771, New-York : Hugh Gaine, 48 p.
Journal kept by
Hugh Finlay, Surveyor of the Post Roads on the Continent of
North America, during his Survey of the Post Offices between
Falmouth and Casco Bay in the Province of Massachusetts, and
Savannah in Georgia : begun the 13th Septr. 1773 and ended
26th June 1774.
See also,
William Goddard's plan for an independent
post office in the American colonies, Essex Gazette, Mar.
15, 1774, p. 135. William Goddard, The plan for establishing a new American
post-office, [Boston, 1774], 1 sheet.
See also, Joseph M. Adelman, "A Constitutional Conveyance of Intelligence, Public and Private": The Post Office, the Business of Printing, and the American Revolution, Enterprise & Society, Vol. 11, No. 4 (Dec. 2010), pp. 711-754, http://www.jstor.org/stable/23701246 William Goddard's sister, Mary Katharine Goddard, was Postmaster of Baltimore from 1775 to Sep. 1789.
A Collection of the
Statutes Now in Force, Relating to the Post-Office, New-York
: Hugh Gaine, 1774, 174 pp.
Mills and Hicks's British and American
Register, with an Almanack For the Year 1774, Boston : Mills
and Hicks, 108 p.
A collection of stamp duty markings was begun
by John Bourke of Dublin in 1774. It is essentially an
official register of stamp impressions from the Irish
revenue office.
Gaine's Universal Register, or, American and
British Kalendar, For the Year 1775, New York : H. Gaine,
168 p.
Gaine's Universal Register, or, American and British
Kalendar, for the year 1776, New York : H. Gaine, 168 p.
Franklin was appointed Postmaster General under the
[US] Continental Congress, July 26, 1775. His
successors (to 1789), by appointment date, were
The Ledger of Doctor Benjamin Franklin,
Postmaster General, 1776.
Ordonnance du Roi en faveur des maîtres de
postes aux chevaux et de la ferme des messageries, contre
les entreprises des loueurs de chevaux, Paris : Imprimerie
royale, 1779, 3 p. |
Great Britain. Post Office. An account
of the salaries and allowances to the several officers
employed in the General Post Office, the Bye and Cross Road
Letter Office and the Penny Post Office, with the amount of
all fees, gratuities and perquisites, coals, candles,
&c. for year ending the 5th Jan[uar]y 1782 [manuscript],
The New Complete Guide To all Persons who
have any Trade or Concern with the City of London, and Parts
The Pennsylvania Pocket Almanac, For the Year
1784, Philadelphia : Thomas Bradford, 24 p.
Guia General de Postas para el ano de ...
. Madrid. |
Washington to Ebenezer Hazard, 8 June 1789, requesting a
report on the general state of the United States Post
New York June 8th 1789George Washington to Ebenezer Hazard, 3 July 1789, in response to Hazard's reply of 27 June 1789, which is lost. George Washington to Ebenezer Hazard, 17 July 1789, in response to Hazard's reply of 15 July 1789, which is lost. A further response came from Samuel Osgood, 9 Dec. 1789 (see below). (previous, next) US-PMG-Report |
Osgood was appointed US Postmaster General under the
Constitution, 26 Sep. 1789.
An Ordinance for Regulating the Post-Office
of the United States of America, Passed the 18th of October,
1782. Published by order of the Postmaster-General,
New York : Childs and Swaine, Oct. 1789.
A similar item, An Ordinance For regulating the
Post-Office of the United States of America, 4 p.
US National Archives, Letters
Sent By the Postmaster General, 1789-1836
Osgood to George Washington, 9 Dec. 1789.
M. De
Saint-Victour, Mémoire sur la réunion des trois services,
des postes aux chevaux, de la poste aux lettres, et des
messageries, sous une seule administration, Paris, 1790, 32
p. |
Plan for Improving the [US] Post Office
Department, Samuel Osgood to Alexander Hamilton, Jan. 20,
Survey and
Publication of the [US] Post Roads, Apr. 26, 1790. List of [US] Post Offices, and the Receipts and Expenditures to January 5, 1790.
Clement Biddle, The
Philadelphia Directory, Philadelphia : James & Johnson,
1791. Copyright date Mar. 18, 1791.
List of [US] Post
Offices, and the Receipts and Expenditures for the year
ending October 5, 1791.
An Act to establish
the Post-Office and Post Roads within the United States,
Feb. 20, 1792. Effective June 1, 1792.
Timothy Pickering, Instructions to the Deputy
Postmasters, [Philadelphia, 1792], 5 + [1] + 4 p.
[Direction générale des postes], Instruction générale sur le
service des postes, Paris : l'Imprimerie de Ph.-D. Pierres,
Imprimeur de l'Administration des Postes, [1792], viii + 161
p. (Nougaret 1879; viii + 166 p.)
Account of the Days and Hours of the Post
Going Out Of, and Coming Into, the City of Gloucester,
1792?, 1 sheet.
Letter of US
Postmaster General Timothy Pickering, in response to a
request from the US House Post Office Committee, Dec. 31,
A Collection of the Statutes Relating to the
Post Office, London, 1793, 281 p.
Palmer's postal reforms in Britain, Parliamentary
Reports from 1793 to 1813.
Carte géométrique des Routes de Postes du
Thomas Stephens,
Stephens's Philadelphia Directory, for 1796, ... , To all
which are added, a complete Account of the Post Office
Establishment, ... , Philadelphia : Thomas Stephens, 1795,
20 + 286 + 70 p.
Map of the United States, Exhibiting the
Post-Roads, the situations, connections & distances of
the Post-Offices, Stage Roads, Counties, Ports of Entry and
Delivery for Foreign Vessels, and the Principal Rivers, by
Abraham Bradley, Jun, Philadelphia, on sale from the author
at the General Post-Office and at his house.
Registered with the copyright office, Sep. 26, 1796; notice
published in the Gazette of the United States, Oct. 3, 1796.
Additional maps by Abraham Bradley, Jr., not a complete
Table of
post-offices in the United States, with the distance from
the post-office at Philadelphia to every other post-office
here mentioned, Philadelphia, 1796, 1 sheet.
Samuel A. Ruddock,
A Geographical View of All the Post Towns in the United
States of America, and their Distances from each other
According to the Establishment of the Postmaster
General. Boston, 1796, 1 sheet.
Similar, Edinburgh, 1814. Similar, variously described as printed on cotton, linen or chintz, dated 1815.
New Postage on Letters. A Correct List
of the Principal Towns in England and Wales, with their
distances calculated from the General Post Office, London,
with the Rates of Postage as directed by the late Act of
Parliament affixed to each town. To which is added, an
Abstract of the Act for regulating the postage on letters,
from and after Thursday, the 5th of January, 1797.
London : Laurie and Whittle, 1797, 29 + [3] p.
Jedidiah Morse, The
American Gazetteer, Boston, 1797, not paginated, about 640
Further editions,
Charles Bonnor [or, Bonner], The Proceedings
and Correspondence, Relating to Certain Articles of
Accusation, Which were exhibited under the Authority of the
Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, against the
Principal and Resident Surveyor, and the Presidents of the
Inland Office; founded on a Conviction that the
Mismanagement of the Inland Department of the General
Post-Office, among numerous other ill Consequences, exposes
its Revenues to a Waste exceeding One Hundred Thousand
Pounds Sterling Per Annum, London, 1798, x + 76 + [2] p.
The Post-Office
Law, with Instructions, Forms and Tables of Distances,
Published for the Regulation of the Post-Offices,
Philadelphia, 1798; Washington, 1800.
Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Sessions
1801 - 1809. (previous,
next) |
Office Directories for London, etc., from 1800 to 1875
(and later, and elsewhere in Britain). |
The State of the Nation, with Respect to its
Public Funded Debt, Revenue, and Disbursement, comprized in
the Report of the Select Committee on Finance, London,
1798-1800, 4 vol.
Table of post offices and rates of postage of
single letters for post offices in the state of
Massachusetts, distance computed from Boston to each other
office, Philadelphia, 1800, 1 sheet.
List of Post Offices
in the United States, 1800.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland, Jan. 1, 1801, by the Acts of Union passed in 1800. |
The Trial of Arthur Wallace, Assistant Deputy
Post-master of Carlow [Ireland], for stealing notes out of
the post bag, and for forgery, Dublin, 1800, 48 p.
Letter and Report from the [US] Post-Master
General, accompanying a list of Post Roads, ..., Dec. 24,
1801, [Washington], 8 p. |
Report of the [US] Secretary of the Treasury,
on the state of the Finances, 1801-1809. These annual reports originally appeared in documents of the Senate and House of Representatives, but are difficult to find before 1818. Reprints appeared in
Annual Receipts for Seventeen Years, Jan. 4, 1809. Includes postage of letters, 1793-1807.
[John Feltham], The Picture of London, for
1802, London : Richard Phillips, 1802.
A.F. Lecousturier, F. Chaudouet, Dictionnaire
géographique des postes aux lettres de tous les départements
de la République française, Paris, An XI (1802).
Le petit livre de poste, ou Départ de Paris
de la poste aux lettres, Paris.
Annuaire des postes de la France, Paris, 1871-1876. Annuaire des postes de France, Paris, 1877-1878. Annuaire des postes et télégraphes de France, Paris, 1879. Annuaire du Ministère des postes et des télégraphes de France, Paris, 1880-1887. Annuaire de la Direction générale des postes et des télégraphes de France, Paris, 1888-1896. etc. |
William Cobbett, Abuses in the General Post
Office, Cobbett's Annual Register, London, Nov. 20-27, 1802,
vol. 2, col. 673-686. |
List of the
Post-Offices and Postmasters in the United States,
Washington, 1802. Dated 5 Jan. 1802. Message from the President of United States, Transmitting a Roll of the Persons having Office or Employment under the United States, published by order of the Senate, February 16, 1802. Washington City : Printed by William Duane, 1802; 168 p. Eight sections, each paginated separately.
William Graydon, An
Abridgment of the Laws of the United States, Harrisburg
(Pennsylvania) : John Wyeth, 1803, lvi + 476 + 164 + [16]
p. Dated Mar. 15, 1803 in the copyright notice (link).
(previous, next) US-Post-Offices |
List of the
Post-Offices in the United States, with the Counties in
which they are situated, and their Distances from Washington
City, Washington City : printed by order of the
Post-Master-General, 1803, 39 p. Dated Nov. 7, 1803,
on p. 39.
Letter from the Post-Master General
transmitting An Annual Report on Post Roads, Washington,
Nov. 28, 1803, 31 p. |
Intercepted Letters. Letters
intercepted on board the Admiral Aplin, captured by the
French, and inserted by the French Government in the
Moniteur of the 16th September 1804, London, 1804, iv + 107
The Post-Office
Law, with Instructions and Forms, Published for the
Regulation of the Post-Office[s], Washington, 1804, 1808,
1810, 1812, 1817, 1818.
W.C. [Walley Chamberlain] Oulton, Esq., The
Traveller's Guide; or, English Itinerary : containing
accurate and original descriptions of all the counties,
cities, towns, villages, hamlets, &c. and their exact
distances from London; Together, with the cathedrals,
churches, hospitals, gentlemens' seats (with the names of
their present possessors), manufactures, harbours, bays,
rivers, canals, bridges, lakes, salt and medicinal springs,
vales, hills, mountains, mines, castles, curiosities, market
days, fairs, inns for post horses, &c.; the whole
comprising a complete topography of England and Wales; to
which are prefixed, general observations on Great-Britain;
including a correct itinerary from London to the several
Watering and Sea-Bathing Places, Lists of Inns in London;
Mail Coaches; Wharfs; Packet Boats; Rates of Porterage;
Postage of Letters; And every other useful Information,
equally calculated for the Man of Business and the
inquisitive Traveller. London : J. Cundee and C.
Chapple, 1805.
List of Post Offices
in the United States, with the Counties in which they are
situated, and Their Distances from Washington City,
Washington City : printed by order of the Post-Master
General, 1805, 47 p. Dated Aug. 15, 1805.
"A Barrister", The Trial of George Carr and
William Connon, Deputy Assistant Postmasters of the Town of
Athlone, at Mullingar, in the County of Westmeath, on
Tuesday, the 1st Day of April, 1806, for embezzling the
postage of letters, Dublin, 1806, 33 p.
Inquiry into the Conduct of the Postmaster
General, communicated to the [US] House of Representatives,
April 17, 1806.
Noah Webster, A
Compendious Dictionary for the English Language, Hartford
and New Haven : Sidney's Press, 1806, xxiii + 408 p.
Progress of the [US] Post Office Department
from March 3, 1793 to January 12, 1807, communicated to the
House of Representatives, January 19, 1807.
Additional List of
Post Offices in the United States, established since the
publication of the list in 1805, with the counties in which
they are situated, and their distances from Washington City,
Washington City : printed by Westcott & Co. printers to
the General Post-Office, 1807, 10 p.
(previous, next) US-Post-Offices |
List of Post Offices
in the United States, including all established before
December 31st, 1807, with the counties in which they are
situated, and their distances from Washington City,
Washington City : printed by Westcott & Co., 1808, 60
p. Date December 31, 1807, on p. 60.
Letter from the Post-Master General,
accompanied with a Report relative to Post Roads within the
United States, which have not produced one third part of the
expense of carrying the mail upon said roads during the last
year, January 7, 1808. Read and referred to the
committee on post-office and post-roads. Washington,
Calvin F. Stevens, A List of the
Post-Offices in the United States; their names, counties and
states; their distance from Washington City; rates of
postage and distance from New-York City; with the Laws and
Regulations of the Establishment, New York : printed for the
author, by I. [Isaac] Riley, 1808, [4] + 92 p.
(previous, next) US-Post-Offices |
État général des postes et relais de
l'Italie, Florence : Nicolas Pagni, 8th ed., 1809. |
Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Sessions
1810 - 1819. (previous,
next) |
Post-Handbuch für das Königreich Baiern,
Munich : F.S. [Franz Seraph] Hübschmann.
View of the [US] Post Office Establishment
from 1789 to 1809, communicated to the House of
Representatives, April 30, 1810.
Report of the [US] Secretary of the Treasury,
on the state of the Finances, 1810-1819.
Table of Post
Offices in the United States, with their distances from
Washington City, and the names of the post-masters,
Washington City : printed for the Post-Master General, 1811,
70 + [6] p.
On behalf of everyone who has had something
"disappear" in the mail, we commend to you this old British
solution (ref). |
Sunday Mails, communicated to the [US] House
of Representatives, June 15, 1812. |
Thomas Moore, Intercepted Letters, or, The
Twopenny Post-Bag, London.
Table of Post
Offices in the United States, with the Names of the
Post-Masters, the counties and states in which they are
situated, and the Distances from Washington City, Washington
City : by direction of the Post-Master General, 1813, 84 p.
Ambrose Leet, A Directory to the market
towns, villages, gentlemen's seats, and other noted places
in Ireland, With reference to the Counties, in which they
are Situated, The Post-Town to which each is attached, their
Description, or if a Seat, the Name of the Resident, to
which is added A General Index of Persons Names ... together
with lists of the Post Towns and present Rates of Postage
throughout the Empire. Dublin : Brett Smith, 1814, 2nd
ed., 4 + 394 + [56] p.
List of post roads in the United States which
"have not in the last year produced one-third part of the
expense of carrying the mail on the same.", Washington, Mar.
22, 1814.
The US Postmaster General reported that no
official books or papers were lost in the British attack on
Washington in August 1814; some other departments were not
so fortunate (link).
Thomas Jefferson's personal library was purchased to replace
the Library of Congress (link,
link). |
August Schumann, Vollständiges Staats-, Post- und Zeitungs-Lexikon von Sachsen, Zwickau, 1814-1833. More details. |
John Melish,
1771-1822, wrote and published a series of books describing
the roads and geography of the United States, including
information from the Post Office.
(previous, next) US-Post-Offices |
General Post-Office, A Candid Examination, of
the Origin and Management, of what is called the Inland
Letter-Carrier's Superannuated Fund, by a Friend to
Impartial Justice, London, 1815, 48 p.
Laws of the United States of America,
Philadelphia : Bioren and Duane, vol. 1, 1815, 726 p.
The Post-Roads in France, with the routes
which conduct to the principal cities in Europe; being a
translation of the État général des postes for 1816,
London : Samuel Leigh, 1816, 319 p.
A Register of Officers and Agents, Civil,
Military, and Naval, in the Service of the United States, on
the Thirtieth day of September 1816, Washington, 1816.
Timothy Pitkin, A Statistical View of the
Commerce of the United States of America.
Dictionnaire des postes aux lettres du
royaume de France, Paris, 1817.
Table of
Post-Offices in The United States, with the names of the
post-masters, the Counties and States in which they are
situated, and the Distances from the City of Washington, by
Direction of the Post-Master General, Washington City :
Jonathan Elliot, 1817, 88 p. Dated May 19, 1817, on p.
Adam Seybert, Statistical Annals, embracing
views of the Population, etc., Philadelphia : Thomas Dobson,
1818, xvii + 803 p.; preface dated Oct. 31, 1818.
J.E. Worcester, A Gazetteer of the United
States, abstracted from the Universal Gazetteer of the
author, with an enlargement of the principal articles,
Andover (Mass.), 1818, 8 + 373 p.
Table of Post Offices in the United States,
Washington : Lawrence & Wilson (printers), 1818.
Henry Burgess, On the establishment of an
extra post, for the purpose of multiplying and improving the
means of postage communications between the distant and
important parts of the Kingdom, London, 1819, 2 + 23 p.
Henry Burgess, A plan for obtaining a more
speedy postage communication between London and the distant
parts of the Kingdom, London, 1819, 8 + 60 p.
Report of the Committee of the Society of
Arts ... relative to the mode of Preventing the Forgery of
Bank Notes, London, 1819, ii + 72 p. |
Table of
Post-Offices in the United States, with the Names of the
Post-Masters, the Counties and States in which they are
situated, and the Distances from the City of Washington, and
the Capitals of the Respective States, by direction of the
Post-Master General, Washington City, 1819, 86 p.
Dated Jan. 1, 1819, p. 71.
Postage, from the Poughkeepsie [New York]
Journal, Mar. 24, 1819, in The American Historical Record,
Sep. 1874, vol. 3, p. 418 (link).
The Merchant's and
Traveller's Companion, Petersburg (Virginia) : Published by
Thomas Shore, From the Petersburg Republican Press, E.
Pescud, printer, 1819, viii + 258 p.
(previous, next) US-Post-Offices |
Society for Literary and Scientific
Improvement, founded Oct. 1819 in Birmingham, England, by
Thomas Wright Hill and his son Rowland (ref,
The group survived until Jan. 1827; its goals were continued
by the Birmingham Mechanics Institution. |
Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session
1820. (previous,
next) |
Ch. G. Vischer, Allgemeine geschichtliche
Zeittafel des Postwesens, nebst einer allgemeinen Literatur
derselben, Tübingen, 1820, iv + 68 p. |
The post roads of Europe : being a new
edition of the work published by authority, during the reign
of Napoleon, London : Samuel Leigh, 1820, 324 p.
Jan. 29 |
Death of Britain's King George III, Jan. 29,
1820; succeeded by George IV, who had been Prince Regent
since Feb. 5, 1811. |
Jan. |
Peter Force, The National Calendar, and
Annals of the United States, Washington : various
publishers, 1820-1836.
July 25 |
Post-Office Laws,
Instructions and Forms, Published for the Regulation of the
Post-Office, Washington, 1820, 122 p.
Britain, House of Commons, Commissioners of
Inquiry into the Departments of the Customs and Excise,
Report of the [US] Secretary of the Treasury,
on the state of the Finances, Dec. 5, 1820.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1821. (previous, next) | |
Report of the [US] Secretary of the Treasury,
on the state of the Finances, Dec. 10, 1821.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1822. (previous, next) | |
Feb. 1 |
Table of Post
Offices in the United States, with the Names of the
Post-Masters, the Counties and States in which they are
situated, and the Distances from the City of Washington, and
the Capitals of the Respective States, By direction of the
Post-Master General, Washington City, 1822, 114 p.
Dated Feb. 1, 1822, p. 96.
Nov. |
William Elliot, The Washington Guide,
containing An account of the District of Columbia, ... ,
City Post-Office, Rates of Postage, ... , Washington : S.A.
Elliot, Nov. 1822, xi + 138 p. |
Itinéraire général des postes et relais,
Brussels : Remy.
Livre general des postes et relais, Brussels : de Mat and
Report of the [US] Secretary of the Treasury,
on the state of the Finances, Dec. 24, 1822.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1823. (previous, next) | |
Nicolas-Louis Gouin, Essai historique sur
l'Etablissement des postes en France, sur les produits
progressifs de ce domaine royal, les changemens ou
améliorations opérés dans son organisation, depuis l'année
1464, jusqu'au mois d'Octobre 1823, Paris : Impr. de Moreau,
1823, 15 p. |
Table of Post-Offices in the United States,
Washington : Way & Gideon (printers),1823.
Nov. 17 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 17,
1823. Documents accompanying the Message of the President of the United States, to both Houses, at the Commencement of the First Session of the Eighteenth Congress, Washington : Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1823. 18th Congress, 1st Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 89.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1824. (previous, next) | |
Anon., The Periodical Press of Great Britain
and Ireland, or, an inquiry into the state of the Public
Journals, chiefly as regards their Moral and Political
influence, London : Hurst, Robinson, 1824, viii + 219 p.
[Switzerland], Instructions générales pour
les directeurs et commis des postes, 1824, 23 p.
Jan. 24 |
Report of [US] Postmaster General, Jan. 24,
Feb. 24 |
Letter from the postmaster general
transmitting a list of post routes, which have not produced,
within the past year, one third of the expense of
transporting the mail on the same, Washington, Feb. 24,
1824, 50 p.
Aug. |
Philadelphia in 1824; or, a Brief Account of
the Various Institutions and Public Objects in this
Metropolis, Philadelphia : H.C. Carey & I. Lea, 1824,
xii + 238 + 18 p. |
Nov. 30 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 30,
1824. Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the Commencement of the Second Session of the Eighteenth Congress, Washington : Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1824. Documents accompanying the Message of the President of the United States. 18th Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 108.
Hagan, 2004; for details, see 1823.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1825. (previous, next) | |
John B. Taylor, Post Office Calendar
containing a list of all the post offices in the state of
Virginia, with the distances from Richmond, and rate of
postage, etc., etc., Richmond : Shepherd & Pollard,
1825, 36 p.
Jan. 1 |
Table of
Post-Offices in the United States, with the Names of the
Post-Masters, the Counties and States in which they are
situated, and the Distances from the City of Washington, and
the Capitals of the Respective States, by Direction of the
Post-Master General, Washington City : Way & Gideon,
Printers, 1825, 131 p. Dated Jan. 1, 1825, p. 131.
Mar. 11 |
Post-Office Law,
Instructions and Forms, Published for the Regulation of the
Post-Office, Washington : Way & Gideon, 1825, 148 p.
Alfred John Kempe, Historical Notices of the
Collegiate Church Or Royal Free Chapel and Sanctuary of St.
Martin-le-Grand, London, Formerly Occupying the Site Now
Appropriated to the New General Post Office, London :
Longman, 1825, x + 212 p.
Nov. 24 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 24,
1825. Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the First Session of the Nineteenth Congress, Washington : Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1825. 19th Congress, 1st Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 2. US Serial Set 125.
Hagan, 2004; for details, see 1823.
Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session
1826. (previous,
next) |
Charles Bernède, Des postes en général, et
particulièrement en France, Paris : Raynal, 1826, iv + 177 +
[3] p.
A remarkable history and summary of the postal systems. |
Nov. 18 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 18,
1826. Message from the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Nineteenth Congress, Washington : Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1826. 19th Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 144.
Hagan, 2004; for details, see 1823.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1826-27. (previous, next) | |
Mar. 24 |
John McLean, US
Postmaster General, communicating the Act of 2 Mar. 1827,
and new postal instructions, 7 p. (previous, next) US-Postal-Laws |
Nov. 13 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 13,
1827. Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the First Session of the Twentieth Congress, Washington : Printed by Duff Green, 1827. 20th Congress, 1st Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 163.
Hagan, 2004; for details, see 1823.
British Almanac, London : Baldwin and Cradock, vol. 1, 1828,
60 p. Preface date Dec. 24, 1827; published Jan. 1,
1828 (per 1829, p. 3).
Published under the superintendence of The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. See Charles Knight's memoirs, vol. 2, p. 58-65 (link), for more history of the Almanac; it was conceived by Knight in consultation with Matthew Davenport Hill and Henry Brougham.
See also, Wikipedia, Charles Knight, Matthew Davenport Hill, Henry Brougham, General Post Office, General Post-Office, London, St. Martin's Le Grand, Postage stamps and postal history of Great Britain. |
Companion to the Almanac, or Year-Book of General
Information, 1828, vi + 186 p. Preface date Feb. 27,
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1828. (previous, next) | |
Trompeten-Schule für die Königl. Sächsischen
Postillone, Leipzig, 1828, 24 p. |
François [Francesco] Gandini, Itinéraire
Postale et de Commerce de l'Europe, Milan, 7th ed., 1828,
204 p. Earlier and later editions, 1819
(2nd), 1821
(4th), 1827
(5th), 1838,
Joseph-Léon Germain, Du secret des lettres et
de la nécessité de mettre en accusation M. de Vaulchier,
directeur-général des postes, Paris, 1828, 67 p.
Jan. |
C. [Cajetan]
Ritter von Manner, Postbuch für das Jahr 1828, Vienna, 1828,
[4] + iv + 104 p. Preface date, Jan. 1828.
previous, J.A. Peter, Briefpost-Bericht, 1826; next, 1830. |
Mar. 11 |
Post-Office Laws,
Instructions and Forms, Published for the Regulation of the
Post-Office, Washington : Way & Gideon, 1828, 63 p.
Mar. 17 |
Catalogue of a portion of the valuable
library of Rev. Daniel Lysons, ..., sold by auction by Mr.
Evans, London, Mar. 17-19, 1828, 36 p. The item of interest is lot 669, two volumes of newspaper clippings, 1722-1808, including Mails, Post Chaises [Post Coaches], etc. (link), which was resold as
Also by Daniel Lysons, with his brother Samuel Lysons, Magna Britannia, London,
June 1 |
List of Post-Offices
in the United States, Washington : Way & Gideon, 1828,
xx + 151 p.
Nov. 17 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 17,
1828. Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Twentieth Congress, Washington : Printed by Duff Green, 1828. 20th Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 181.
Hagan, 2004; for details, see 1823.
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 2, 1829, 72
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1829, 246
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1829. (previous, next) | |
Jan. |
[Review of] The Times, Jan. 19, 1829, The
Westminster Review, Jan. 1829, vol. 10, no. 19, p. 216-237 (link).
Jan. 19 |
Sunday Mails, communicated to the [US]
Senate, January 19, 1829. Report by Richard M.
Johnson, chairman of the Senate Committee on Post Office and
Post Roads.
Apr. |
[Review of] The Atlas, March 22, 1829, The
Westminster Review, April, 1829, vol. 10, no. 20, p. 466-480
Apr. |
Steam Navigation to India, by the Cape of
Good Hope, Mr. Waghorn's Documents and Papers, London, 1829,
32 p.
May |
[Jeremiah Evarts, ed.], An Account of
Memorials Presented to Congress During its last Session, By
Numerous Friends of Their Country and Its Institutions,
Praying that the Mails May Not be Transported, Nor
Post-offices Kept Open, on the Sabbath, New York [also
Boston], May 1829, 32 p.
[Jeremiah Evarts], The Logic and Law of Col.
Johnson's Report to the [US] Senate, on Sabbath Mails,
Utica, N.Y. : G.S. Wilson, 1829, 24 p.
July |
History of Lithography, The Foreign Review,
London, July 1829, vol. 4, no. 7, p. 41-58 (link).
Oct. |
The New Post Office, The Gentleman's
Magazine, London, Oct. 1829 (published Nov. 1829), vol. 99,
p. 297-301 + 1 plate [before p. 297] (link).
Reports of the Commissioners of Inquiry into
the Collection and Management of the Revenue Arising in
Ireland and Great Britain, 1829, 1830.
Nov. 24 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 24,
The National Calendar, 1830, p. *30-*33 (link, link). Hagan, 2004; for details, see 1823.
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 3, 1830, 72
p. |
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1830, 264
Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session
1830. (previous,
next) |
Frankfurter Postbuch, Frankfurt am Main :
Carl Jügel, 1830, iv + 66 p. |
'The Virginia Society' for Promoting the
Observance of the Christian Sabbath, To the People of the
United States.
Barnabas Bates, An Address ... on the
Memorials to Congress to Prevent the Transportation of the
Mail, and the Opening of the Post Offices on Sunday, New
York, 1830, 12 p.
Jan. |
C. [Cajetan]
Ritter von Manner, Postbuch zum Gebrauche für Jedermann,
Vienna, 1830, xvi + 276 p. Preface date, Dec. 1829.
Jan. |
[Review of] The Leeds Mercury and The
Manchester Guardian, The Westminster Review, vol. 12, no.
23, Jan. 1830, p. 69-103 (link).
William Herbert, Illustrations of the Site
and Neighbourhood of the New Post Office, St.
Martin's-le-Grand, London : Smales and Tuck, 1830, 75 p. |
March |
A List of Post-Towns and Principal Places; with the Postage of a Single Letter to or from London, According to the Actual Routes of the Post, London : Joseph Hartnell, 1830, 29 p.; on p. 29, Francis Freeling, Secretary, General Post-Office, March 1830. |
June 26 |
Death of Britain's King George IV, June 26,
1830; succeeded by William IV. |
Oct. 1 |
Table of the Post
Offices in the United States, Washington, 1830; see 1831.
Nov. 11 |
First conveyance of mails by railway, from
Liverpool to Manchester. [Wikipedia]
Philatelic Group]
Nov. 21 |
The phrase "taxes on knowledge", for the 4d.
British newspaper stamp duty, first appears in the masthead
of The Examiner, London, Nov. 21, 1830. Edwin Chadwick
is credited with this; he was sub-editor at the time.
The amounts collected by these taxes, in 1830, in Great Britain, were
Nov. 23 |
General Post Office, November 23rd, 1830; A
Table of the Rates of Postage from Bridgwater to the
Principal Towns in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and to
Foreign Countries, Exeter, 1830, 75 p.
Nov. 30 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 30,
1830. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Twenty-first Congress, Washington : Printed by Duff Green, 1830. 21st Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 203.
The National Calendar, 1831, p. 328-330 (link). Hagan, 2004; for details, see 1823.
The Moral and Political Evils of the Taxes on
Knowledge; expounded in, 1. the speeches delivered at the
City of London Literary and Scientific Institution, on the
subject of a petition to Parliament against the stamps on
newspapers, the duty on advertisements, and on printing
paper; 2. the petition presented to Parliament from the
members of that institution; 3. a letter of the editor of
The Scotsman to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, London :
Effingham Wilson, 1830, 16 p.
[Collection of material relating to Post Offices], London, 1830-1840. -- Kansas | |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 4, 1831, 72
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1831, 240
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1830-31. (previous, next) | |
Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session
1831. (previous,
next) |
Post office inquiry, Mr. Holmes's speech on
Mr. Grundy's resolution, delivered in the Senate U.S.,
February 1831, Washington : Printed at the office of the
National Journal, 1831, 27 p.
Thomas Waghorn, Particulars of an Overland
Journey from London to Bombay, by way of the Continent,
Egypt, and the Red Sea, London : Parbury, Allen, 1831, 62 p.
Table of the Post
Offices in the United States, Washington : Duff Green, 1831,
viii + 359 p. To Oct. 1, 1830, with supplement to
April 1, 1831.
Jan. 29 |
[Francis Place], A Letter to a Minister of
State, respecting Taxes on Knowledge, London, 1831.
Feb. 20 |
[Edwin Chadwick], The Real Incendiaries and
Promoters of Crime! [the exclamation point is in the
original], The Examiner, London, Feb. 20, 1831, p. 114-116. |
Apr. 6 |
The office of the Postmaster General of
Ireland was eliminated, and merged into the office of the
Postmaster General of the United Kingdom. The previous
Postmaster General of Scotland had been Deputy Postmaster
General for Scotland since 1710. |
July |
[Edwin Chadwick], [Review of] The Moral and
Political evils of the Taxes on Knowledge, ..., The
Westminster Review, July 1831, vol. 15, no. 29, p. 238-267 (link).
Sep. |
Influence of the Newspapers, Fraser's
Magazine for Town and Country, London, Sep. 1831, vol. 4, p.
127-142 (link);
Oct. 1831, vol. 4, p. 310-321 (link). |
Nov. 28 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 28,
1831. Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the First Session of the Twenty-second Congress, Washington : Printed by Duff Green, 1831. 22d Congress, 1st Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. No. 2. US Serial Set 216.
The National Calendar, 1832, p. *27-*28 (link). Hagan, 2004; for details, see 1823.
Dec. 26 |
[William Cobbett], Manchester Lectures,
Cobbett's Weekly Political Register, London, Dec. 31, 1831,
vol. 75, no. 1, col. 1-31 (link).
? |
P.C. O'Neill, A Brief Review of the Irish
Post-Office from 1784 to 1831, when Sir Edward Lees was
removed from that establishment, in a letter to the Right
Honourable Lord Melbourne, 1831, 98 p.
The London Twopenny Post was extended to a
distance of three miles from the General Post Office at St.
Martin's-le-Grand. |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 5, 1832, 72
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1832, 240
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1831-32. (previous, next) | |
Report of the Select committee on Post
communication with Ireland : with the minutes of evidence
and appendix, London, 1832, 1842.
Scottish Jests and Anecdotes, to which are
added, a selection of choice English and Irish Jests,
Edinburgh : William Tait, 1832; preface dated Nov. 1831.
Post-Handbuch für
Berlin, Berlin : A.W. Hayn, 1832. (previous, next) |
Jan. 1 |
The New South Wales Calendar, and General
Post Office Directory, 1832, Sydney : Stephens and Stoke,
1832; preface date Jan. 1, 1832. Compiled by James
Raymond, the Principal Postmaster of the Territory.
March |
[non-philatelic] Rowland Hill, Home Colonies : Sketch of a Plan for the Gradual Extinction of Pauperism and for the Diminution of Crime, London : Simpkin and Marshall, 1832, 52 p.; preface date March 1832, published April 1832.
April |
Twenty-Second Report on the Revenue, Fraser's
Magazine for Town and Country, London, Apr. 1832, vol. 5, p.
261-275 (link).
Apr. 7 |
Mémoire des entrepreneurs de messageries,
appelants, contre les mâitres de poste, intimés, Ghent,
1832, 12 p.
May 1 |
Laws, Instructions
and Forms, for the Regulation of the Post-Office Department,
Washington : Globe Office, F.P. Blair, 1832, 79 + [1] p.
Postal Laws and Regulations of the United States of
America, 1832 & 1843, reprint by Theron Wierenga,
May 10, May 14 |
Speech of Mr. Hill, of New Hampshire, in [US]
Senate, May 10, 1832, on Mr. Bibb's amendment to the bill
for establishing post roads, proposing the abolition of
postage on newspapers, 9 p. Speech of Mr. Hill, of New Hampshire, in [US] Senate, May 14, 1832, in reply to Messrs. Clayton and Holmes, on the bill to establish certain Post Roads and discontinue others, 3 p.
June |
National Political Union, Taxes on Knowledge,
Debate in the House of Commons, on the 15th June, 1832, on
Mr. Edward Lytton Bulwer's Motion "For a select committee to
consider the propriety of establishing a cheap postage on
Newspapers and other Publications", with a comment in the
form of notes; and the article from the "Examiner"
newspaper, of Sunday, 17th June, 1832, Southwark : W.
Barnes, 1832, 48 p.
June |
Ministère des Finances, Instruction générale sur le service
des postes, Paris : l'Imprimerie Royale, 1832.
(Nougaret 1882)
Same, Paris : Imprimerie Impériale, 1856, x + 486
p. (Nougaret 1884)
France, Direction générale des postes, Instruction
générale sur le service des postes. (Nougaret 1886)
Previous editions, 1792, 1808, 1810 (see above). |
Sep. |
Wilhelm Heinrich Matthias, Über Posten und
Post-Regale, Berlin, 1832; preface dated Sep. 1832.
Nov. 30 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 30,
1832. Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Twenty-second Congress, Washington : Printed by Duff Green, 1832. 22d Congress, 2d Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. No. 2. US Serial Set 233.
The National Calendar, 1833, p. 244-249 (link). Hagan, 2004; for details, see 1823.
Dec. 1 |
The General Post Office, The Saturday
Magazine, London, Dec. 1, 1832, vol. 1, p. 209-211 (link). |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 6, 1833, 72
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1833, 256
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1833. (previous, next) | |
J.R. [John Ramsay] McCulloch, A Treatise on
the Principles, Practice, & History of Commerce, London
: Baldwin and Cradock, 1833, 128 p.
Jan. |
[Review of] Du Journalisme, Revue
Encyclopédique, The Westminster Review, Jan. 1833, vol. 18,
no. 35, p. 195-208 (link).
Jan. 5 |
London Post-Office, The Penny Magazine, Jan.
5, 1833, vol. 2, p. 6 (link).
Feb. |
Taxes on Knowledge -- Duty on Paper -- Direct
and Indirect Taxation, Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, Feb. 1833,
vol. 2, p. 608-617 (link). |
Apr. |
[Arthur Symonds?], [Review of] London Gazette
for the Year 1832, The Westminster Review, April 1833, vol.
18, no. 36, p. 474-493 (link).
May 1 |
Post Office Arrangements with France,
Companion to the Newspaper, London : Charles Knight. |
June 8 |
Post Office Department, Regulations for the
government of the mail arrangement on the great Atlantic
line from Washington, D.C. to Portland, Maine, commencing on
the 1st May, 1833.
Nov. 9 |
Italian Letter-Writers, The Penny Magazine,
Nov. 9, 1833, vol. 2, p. 436-438 (link). |
Nov. 30 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 30,
1833. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the First Session of the Twenty-third Congress, Washington : Printed by Duff Green, 1833. 23d Congress, 1st Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 238.
Hagan, 2004; for details, see 1823.
Penny Cyclopædia of the Society for the Diffusion of
Useful Knowledge, London : Charles Knight, 1833-1843, 27
vol. plus supplements, 1845-46, 1858.
Charles Knight, The Struggles of a Book against Excessive Taxation, London, 1850, 15 p., reviews the tax consequences of publishing the Penny Cyclopedia (link). |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 7, 1834, 72
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1834, 250
+ ii p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1834. (previous, next) | |
American State Papers. Documents,
Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United
States, from the first session of the first to the second
session of the twenty-second Congress, inclusive, commencing
March 4, 1789, and ending March 4, 1814, Class VII, volume
[27], Post Office Department, Washington : Gales and Seaton,
See also, Robert Dalton Harris, Postal Documents in the Serial Set, P.S., A Quarterly Journal of Postal History, 1986, vol. 8, no. 3, whole no. 31, p. 89-96; 1987, vol. 9, no. 1, whole no. 33, p. 17-22. |
Jan. |
The South Australian Land Company, formed in
1831, was reorganized as the South Australian Association in
Jan. 31 |
The History and Present State of the
Post-Office, The Penny Magazine, Monthly Supplement, Jan.
31, 1834, vol. 3, p. 33-40 (link).
Mar. |
[Robert Wallace], Abuses of the Post-Office,
Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, Mar. 1834, vol. 1 n.s., p. 96-101
Mar. |
[Privileges of the Post-Office clerks with
regard to newspapers], Companion to the Newspaper, London,
March 1834, p. 48 [image]. |
Mar. 8 | Transmission of Newspapers by Post, The Penny Magazine, Mar. 8, 1834, vol. 3, p. 96 (link). |
Mar. 28 |
The Times, London, Mar. 28, 1834, p. 2 [image].
Apr. |
Needed Reform of the Post-Office, The
Westminster Review, Apr. 1834, vol. 20, no. 40, p. 411-424 (link).
May |
Anon. [possibly Hannibal Evans Lloyd], Post
Office Communication between England and Foreign Countries,
[Review of] Treaty for the Conveyance of Letters between
England and France, The Foreign Quarterly Review, May 1834,
vol. 13, p. 397-405 (link). |
May 22 |
Stamps on Newspapers, May 22, 1834.
The following are two excerpts from the speeches, noticing (by Bulwer) uniform postage by weight, not distance, and (by M.D. Hill) the first step toward a postage stamp. The editor of the Mirror of Parliament, John Henry Barrow, employed experts in shorthand to record the proceedings, while Hansard is more of a summary. Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, May 22, 1834, vol. 23, col. 1193-1223 (link).
For news reports, see Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, Aug. 1834, p. 499-500 (link). For later reports, see Charles Knight in The Athenæum, Jan. 3, 1863 (ref); Charles Knight's memoirs, vol. 2, p. 249-250 (ref); and M.D. Hill's biography, p. 130-131 (ref). Henry Cole's evidence in Parliament in June 1851 is illuminating (Select Committee on Newspaper Stamps, Parliamentary Papers, 1851 (558) vol. XVII, p. 398-419). |
June 1 |
[Rowland Hill?], Stamp Duty on Newspapers,
Companion to the Newspaper, London : Charles Knight, June 1,
1834, p. 108-110 [image].
June 4-5 |
Taxes on Knowledge, Stamps on Newspapers,
Extracts from the evidence of the Right Honourable Baron
Brougham and Vaux, Lord High Chancellor of England, before
the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on Libel Law,
in June 1834, London : Childs, 1834, 8 p.
June 27 |
Letter from the [US] Postmaster General,
transmitting A list of unproductive Post Roads, June 27,
1834, 7 p.
June 30 |
Letter from the [US] Postmaster General,
transmitting A report of the operations of the Department
for the year 1833, June 30, 1834, 6 p.
July |
Aristocratic Taxation, [Review of] The
Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom, for the year 1833,
The Westminster Review, July 1834, vol. 21, no. 41, p.
140-185 (link).
July 12 |
Newspapers in Van Dieman's Land, The Printing
Machine, London : Charles Knight, vol. 1, no. 10, July 12,
1834, p. 236-237 (link). |
July 14 |
Report from the Select Committee on Steam
Navigation to India, London, 1834. See also, The Foreign Quarterly Review, Jan. 1837
(below). |
Aug. 16 |
Smoke, The Printing Machine, London : Charles
Knight, vol. 1, no. 12, Aug. 16, 1834, p. 285 (link).
Aug. |
According to claims by Patrick Chalmers in
the 1880's and 1890's, his father James Chalmers of Dundee,
Scotland, invented the adhesive postage stamp in Aug.
1834. James Chalmers indeed made a proposal, but took
few actions to implement it, and did not make his plan known
until Dec. 1837, in a letter to Robert Wallace.
Oct. |
The "Unstamped Press" in London, Tait's
Edinburgh Magazine, Oct. 1834, vol. 1 n.s., p. 614-625 (link). |
Oct. |
Lord Brougham's Evidence on the Newspaper
Stamp Duty, Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, Oct. 1834, vol. 1
n.s., p. 625-628 (link). |
Oct. |
New Post-Office Arrangements, Companion to
the Newspaper, London, Oct. 1834, p. 201-202 [image]. |
Oct. |
Stamp Duties on Newspapers, Companion to the Newspaper, London, Oct. 1834, p. 206-209 [image]. |
Oct. 16 |
The British Houses of Parliament at
Westminster caught fire as a result of dangerous conditions
and "one of the greatest instances of stupidity upon
Nov. 29 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 29,
1834. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Twenty-third Congress, Washington : Printed by Duff Green, 1834. 23d Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 266.
Hagan, 2004; for details, see 1823.
Dec. |
Fatherhood of the Unstamped, Tait's Edinburgh
Magazine, Dec. 1834, vol. 1 n.s., p. 733-734 (link). |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 8, 1835, 96 +
8 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1835, 263
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1835. (previous, next) | |
The Post-Office Annual Directory and Calendar
for 1835-6, Edinburgh : Printed by Ballantyne and co., 1835,
259 + lxxii p. At head of title: Under the patronage of Sir Edward S. Lees, Secretary to the General Post-Office for Scotland.
United States Congress, Senate Committee on
the Post Office and Post Roads, Reports, Washington, 1835. |
Jan. 31 |
Constitutional Information, The Printing
Machine, London : Charles Knight, vol. 3, no. 34, Jan. 31,
1835, p. 68-72 (link).
Feb. |
Francis O.J. Smith, A Letter Relating to the
Administration and Present Condition of the Post Office
Department of the United States, Portland (Maine), 1835, 23
Feb. 12 |
A patent was granted "to Rowland Hill, of
Tottenham, in the county of Middlesex, gentleman, for his
invention of certain improvements in certain method of
letter-press printing by machinery".
Mar. 23 |
Speech of Henry, Lord Brougham, on the Stamp
Duties on Newspapers, in the House of Lords, on Monday, the
23rd of March, 1835, London : Charles Knight, 1835, 16 p.
May? |
Arthur W. Austin, A Memorandum Concerning the
Charlestown [Massachusetts] Post-Office, [Boston, 1835], 23
May |
Rowland Hill appointed Secretary to The Colonization Commissioners for South Australia. |
May 9 |
Commissioners were appointed to inquire into
the management of the British Post-Office Department, at the
instigation of Robert Wallace.
First Report of Commissioners appointed to
inquire into the Management of the Post-Office Department. Second Report of Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Management of the Post-Office Department. Third Report of Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Management of the Post-Office Department. Reports made by the commissioners for inquiring into the Post Office Department, on the subject of mail-coach contracts. House of Commons, Session 1835 1835 (313) XLVIII.399, 88 p.; PDF [ProQuest] subject index (1840 index p. III.1-52) |
June |
In Britain, the Newspaper Stamp Duty was
reduced to 1 penny; it was abolished in 1855. |
July 21 |
The Post-Office, The Weekly Visitor, July 21,
1835, vol. 3, p. 265 (link). |
Oct. 10 |
First announcement of the printed marking
used on letters at the Northern Liberties News Room's
Sub-Post Office in Philadelphia, Oct. 10, 1835.
Nov. |
France, Ministère des finances,
Administration des postes, Règlement concernant la
constatation du produit des taxes de lettres, journaux et
imprimes, admis dans la comptabilité des préposés des
postes, sans l'intervention d'un controle exterieur, Paris :
Imprimerie royale, 1835, 8 + 112 p. |
Dec. 1 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 1, 1835. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the First Session of the Twenty-fourth Congress, Washington : Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1835. 24th Congress, 1st Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 279.
Hagan, 2004; for details, see 1823.
Overland mail from Britain to India
established under Lt.
Thomas Waghorn. Some references, among many, |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 9, 1836, [12]
+ 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1836, 250
+ [2] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1836. (previous, next) | |
Parliamentary Papers, Reports from
Commissioners, Pilotage and Post Office, for the session 4
Feb. - 20 Aug. 1836, vol. XXVIII.
Parliamentary Papers 1836 [49, 50, 51] vol. XXVIII, p. 33, 101, 145. PDF [ProQuest] For the First, Second and Third Reports, see the Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Reports of Revenue Inquiry, 1829-30. |
[A Collection of Minutes and Reports,
Newspaper-Cuttings and Manuscripts relating to the
administration of the Post Office from 1836 to 1868. With
copious MS. notes and corrections by Sir Rowland Hill.]
Cary's new plan of London and its vicinity,
1836 : shewing the limits of the two-penny post delivery. |
Crawfurd, The Newspaper Stamp, and the Newspaper
Postage Compared, London : J. Reed, 1836, 22 p.
[John Ramsay McColloch], Observations,
Illustrative of the Practical Operation and Real Effect of
the Duties of Paper, London : Longman, 1836, 38 + [samples]
C.M. [Charles Molloy] Westmacott, The Stamp
Duties, Serious Considerations on the Proposed Alteration of
the Stamp Duty on Newspapers, addressed to the Right
Honourable Thomas Spring Rice, Chancellor of the Exchequer,
London, 1836, 15 p.
The Newspaper Stamp and Advertisement Duties,
a form of a Petition to Parliament, London, 1836, 10 p.
Jan. |
W.E.H. [William Edward Hickson], Reduction,
or Abolition, of the Stamp-duty on Newspapers, The London
Review, Jan. 1836, vol. 2, no. 4, p. 336-355 (link)
Jan./Feb. |
John Crawfurd, Taxes on Knowledge, A
Financial and Historical View of the Taxes which Impede the
Education of the People, London : Charles Ely, 1836, 63 p.
Feb.? |
Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates ...
on the Subject of the Location of the Post Office [in New
York City], New York : James van Norden, 1836.
Feb.? |
'Cincinnatus', Freedom's Defence: Or a
Candid Examination of Mr. [John C.] Calhoun's Report on the
Freedom of the Press, Worcester (Mass.), 1836, 24 p.
Feb. 6 |
First meeting of the committee which founded
the Reform Club, London. The first formal meeting of
the committee was May 5, and the Club first opened to
members on May 24, 1836.
Feb. 20 |
Newspaper Stamps. Deputation to Lord
Viscount Melbourne, to procure the total repeal of the Stamp
Duty on Newspapers, Cleave's Gazette, Feb. 20, 1836.
Mar. 12 |
[Charles Knight], The Newspaper Stamp, and
the Duty on Paper, Viewed in Relation to Their Effects upon
the Diffusion of Knowledge, London : Charles Knight, 1836,
64 p.; dated March 12, 1836, p. 57.
Mar. 12 |
F.P. [Francis Place], The Stamp Duty on
Newspapers, The Radical, London, Mar. 12, 1836.
Apr. |
W.E.H. [William Edward Hickson], Proposed
Reduction of the Stamp Duty on Newspapers, The London and
Westminster Review, April 1836, vol. 25, p. 264-270 (link). Reprinted as "Mr. Spring Rice and his Penny Stamp", 1836, 8 p. |
Apr. 30 |
John Bowring, Report on the Commerce and
Manufactures of Switzerland, London, 1836, 148 p.
July 1 |
Table of the Post
Offices in the United States, Washington : Blair and Rives,
1836, 183 p.
Reprinted as, Table of Post Offices in the United States
on the 1st of July, 1836, Chester County (Pennsylvania)
Historical Society, 1972.
July 10 |
Sir Francis Freeling, Secretary to the
British General Post Office since 1797, died July 10,
1836. During his tenure, the General Post Office and
the Penny Posts were expanded, internal management was
improved, and postage rates were increased in 1801, 1805 and
1812. The Post Office was regarded more as a source of
revenue for the Government than as a service to the public. |
July 21 |
House of Commons, Debates, July 21, 1836 (link).
Aug. 13 |
Reduction of the British newspaper stamp duty
from (about) 3¼d. to 1d., and a consequent
increase of newspaper transmission by the Post. The
duty had been nominally 4d., but discounts were
offered. The reduction was implemented by Thomas
Spring Rice, Chancellor of the Exchequer, by an Act of
Aug. 13, 1836. See also, Taxes
on knowledge. The 1d. duty was removed in
June 1855. |
Nov. |
The Liberal Newspapers -- Effects of the
Reduction of Stamp-Duty, Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, Nov.
1836, vol. 3 n.s., p. 685-692 (link);
Dec. 1836, p. 799-808 (link). |
Dec. 5 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 5, 1836. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Twenty-fourth Congress, Washington : Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1836. 24th Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 297.
Dec. 15 |
The Post Office building in Washington, DC,
burned. It was replaced by a new building in the same
location, E Street north, between 7th and 8th Streets,
completed in 1841. Many, perhaps most, of the old
records of the Post Office were lost in the fire. |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co., vol. 10,
1837, 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co.,
1837, 258 p.
Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session
1837. (previous,
next) |
The Seventh Report of the Commissioners
appointed to inquire into the Management of the Post-Office
Department. House of Commons, Session 1837, command paper no. 70, 142 p. Parliamentary Papers 1837 [70] vol. XXXIV Pt. I, p. 263. PDF [ProQuest] |
The Eighth Report of the Commissioners
appointed to inquire into the Management of the Post-Office
Department. House of Commons, Session 1837, command paper no. 85, 26 p. Parliamentary Papers 1837 [85] vol. XXXIV Pt. I, p. 405. PDF [ProQuest] |
The Post Office Annual Directory and
Calendar, for 1837..., containing an alphabetical list of
the nobility, gentry, merchants, and others in Dublin and
vicinity ... with a variety of useful information, Dublin :
printed for the Letter Carriers of the General Post Office,
by John S. Folds, 1837, 12 + 72 + 478 + 22 p.
Post-Handbuch für
Berlin, Berlin : A.W. Hayn, 1837, x + 436 + [2] p. |
Dictionnaire des postes aux lettres, Paris :
l'Imprimerie Royale, 1837, 84 + 883 p.
Also, 1835, 1845. |
Jan. |
Hill, Post Office Reform, Its Importance and Practicability,
London, "Private and confidential", privately printed by W.
Clowes and Sons, 1837, (2) + 73 + (1) p.
Version A - No statement of edition on title page; "Price Two Shillings." at bottom of the cover. Version Aa - No statement of edition on title page; "Price Two Shillings sewed." at bottom of the cover. Second ed., as the first edition, with minor changes. Version B - "Second edition" on title page and cover; no statement of price.
"Third edition" on title page and front wrapper. Version Ca - On p. vii, the last footnote is ¶ Page 112. Version Cb - On p. vii, the last footnote is ¶ Page 121.
"Fourth edition" and "1838" on the cover and title page, otherwise identical to the Third ed.
There are further items sold at auction or privately,
which are related or do not indicate which edition.
See, for example, http://www.christies.com/,
etc. Some biblio-biographical notes.
For further library holdings, see
See also,
Jan. |
[Review of] Report from the Select Committee
on Steam Navigation to India, The Foreign Quarterly Review,
London, Jan. 1837, vol. 18, p. 342-392 (link).
Jan. |
Samuel Lover, Handy Andy, Bentley's
Miscellany, London, Jan. 1837, vol. 1, pp. 20-29 (link).
Feb. |
[Robert Wallace], The Post-Office and its
Abuses, with Hints for Improvement, Tait's Edinburgh
Magazine, Feb. 1837, vol. 4 n.s., pp. 81-88 (link). |
Capt. [Robert] Melville Grindlay, A View of
the Present State of the Question as to Steam Communication
with India, London : Smith, Elder and Co.
Mar. 25 |
A Great Reform, and the Bureaucracy, The
Spectator, Mar. 25, 1837, vol. 10, p. 275-277 (link). |
Mar. 31 |
A Looking-Glass for London, No. VIII,
External and Internal Communication [Mail Coach Routes], The
Penny Magazine, Monthly Supplement, Mar. 31, 1837, vol. 6,
p. 113-120 (link).
Apr. 2 |
Reduction of Postage, The Examiner, Apr. 2,
1837, p. 212. |
May 6 |
Post Office Reform, By Rowland Hill, The
Athenæum, May 6, 1837, p. 320 (link). |
May 20 |
New System of Postage, Chambers's Edinburgh
Journal, May 20, 1837, pp. 131-132. |
June 3 |
The Post-Office "Express:" Penny Letters, The
Spectator, June 3, 1837, vol. 10, p. 512-513 (link). |
June 20 |
Victoria becomes Queen of England, succeeding
William IV. The formal coronation was June 28, 1838. |
July 1 |
The first Traveling Post-Office in Britain,
on the Grand Junction Railway between Liverpool and
Birmingham. |
July 7 |
The Ninth Report of the Commissioners
appointed to inquire into the Management of the Post-Office
Department, London : House of Commons, July 7, 1837, 137
p. + maps. House of Commons, Session 1837, command paper no. 99, 129 p. Parliamentary Papers 1837 [99] vol. XXXIV Pt.I.431 PDF [ProQuest]
July |
Universal Penny Postage, Monthly Repository,
July 1837, pp. 65-66. |
July 12 |
The British Parliament receives Royal Assent
for five Acts revising Post Office procedures, all effective
Aug. 1, 1837.
July 15 |
Report from the Select Committee on Steam
Communication with India.
July 15 |
Table of the Post
Offices in the United States, Washington : Langtree &
O'Sullivan, 1837, 191 p.
Aug. |
Practical Science, Applied to the Reform of
the Post-Office, The Magazine of Popular Science, Aug. 1837,
vol. 4, pp. 144-148 (link). |
Sep. |
Robert Wallace, letter to the editor, The
Scotsman. Copied, Kendal Mercury, Sep. 9, 1837. |
Sep. 9 |
Post Office Improvement, The Spectator, Sep.
9, 1837, vol. 10, p. 852-853 (link). |
Sep. 16 |
The Twopenny Post, The Spectator, Sep. 16,
1837, vol. 10, p. 875-876 (link). |
Oct. 21 |
Cheap Postage for the Metropolis, The
Spectator, Oct. 21, 1837, vol. 10, p. 992-994 (link). |
Nov. 23 |
On 23 November 1837 the British government
announced that "a Select Committee is to be appointed to
inquire into the present rates and mode of charging postage,
with a view to such a reduction thereof as may be made
without injury to the revenue and for this purpose to
examine especially into the mode recommended for charging
and collecting postage in a pamphlet published by Mr Rowland
Hill." The committee published its final report in
March 1839 and it was agreed by Parliament on 12 July 1839. |
Dec. 2 |
Post-Office Improvement, The Spectator, Dec.
2, 1837, vol. 10, p. 1141 (link). |
Dec. 3 |
Postage Committee, The Examiner, Dec. 3,
1837, pp. 777-778. |
Dec. 4 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 4, 1837. Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Twenty-fifth Congress, Washington : Blair and Rives, Printers, 1837. 25th Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 314.
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co., vol. 11,
1838, 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co.,
1838, 248 p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1837-38. (previous, next) | |
American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge, for the
Year 1838, Boston : Charles Bowen, vol. 9, 1837, 336 p.;
preface dated Sep. 11, 1837. (previous, next) American-Almanac |
Acts of Parliament Relating to the Post
Office, From 9 Anne to 1 Victoria, 1710-1837, London, 1838. Reprinted 1977, The Britannia Stamp Bureau, Tiverton, Devon, England, [14] + 312 + [137] p.
J.R. [John Ramsay] McCulloch [M'Culloch], A
Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical, of
Commerce and Commercial Navigation, London : Longman, 1832,
1835, 1838, 1839, etc.
W.H. [William
Henry] Ashurst, Facts and Reasons In Support of Mr. Rowland
Hill's Plan for a Universal Penny Postage, London : Henry
Hooper, 1838. First ed., 1838, viii + 92 p.
The law firm founded in 1822 by W.H. Ashurst (1791-1855) still exists as Ashurst LLP. His son, also named William Henry Ashurst (1819-1879), was a student at Bruce Castle School in 1836, and was later employed as Solicitor to the Post Office, 1862-79. |
James MacQueen, A general plan for a mail
communication by steam, between Great Britain and the
eastern and western parts of the world; also to Canton and
Sydney, westward by the Pacific: to which are added,
geographical notices of the Isthmus of Panama, Nicaragua,
&c., London : B. Fellowes, 1838, xii + 132 p.
A. Piron, Du Service
des Postes et de la Taxation des lettres au moyen d'un
timbre, Paris : H. Fournier, 1838, 148 p.
Pierre Jouhaud, De l'Institution comparée des
postes, en France et à l'étranger, et des innovations
soumises par l'administration à une commission, Paris : Mme
Goulet, 1838, iv + 94 p.
Ritter von Manner, Handbuch für k.k. österr. Staatsbeamte
und Postbedienstete, Vienna, 1838.
Jan. |
The Tenth Report of the Commissioners
appointed to inquire into the Management of the Post-Office
Department, Registration of Letters, Jan. 1838, 38 p. See also, http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C11756 House of Commons, Session 1837-38, paper no. 112, 38 p. Parliamentary Papers 1837-38 (112) vol. XXXV, p. 185. PDF [ProQuest] |
Feb. 11 |
Postage, The Examiner, Feb. 11, 1838, pp.
81-82. |
Mar. 14 |
The Post Circular, Mar 14, 1838, first issue.
Apr. |
Launcelot Lamprey, Mems in the Mediterranean,
The Metropolitan Magazine, April 1838, vol. 21, p. 376 (link)
[image]. |
Apr. |
M.C. [Henry Cole], Uniform Penny Postage, The
London and Westminster Review, Apr. 1838, vol. 7/29/31, no.
1, p. 225-264 (link).
The first article of the next issue, Modern Wood Engraving, Aug. 1838, vol. 7/29/31, no. 2, p. 265-280 (link), is also Cole's work (ref). |
Apr. |
Dr. Lichfield, The Postman, Bentley's
Miscellany, April 1838, vol. 3, p. 504-505 (link). |
Apr. 4 |
First Report from the Select Committee on
Postage; together with the minutes of evidence, and
appendix. House of Commons, Session 1837-38, paper no. 278, 516 p. Parliamentary Papers 1837-38 (278) vol. XX Part I, p. 1. PDF [ProQuest]
Apr. 21 |
Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select
Committee on Postage, The Athenæum, Apr. 21, 1838, p.
281-284 (link). |
Apr. 28 |
Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select
Committee on Postage, The Athenæum, Apr. 28, 1838, p.
297-298 (link).
Jun. |
[J.J. Darling], Post-Office Reform, Tait's
Edinburgh Magazine, Jun. 1838, vol. 5 n.s., p. 391-395 (link). |
July |
Post Office Reform, The Eclectic Review, July
1838, vol. 4, p. 107-120 (link). |
July |
Moral Effect of High Postage on the Poor, The
British Magazine, July 1838, p. 43-44. |
Aug. 1 |
Second Report from the Select Committee on
Postage; together with the minutes of evidence, appendix and
index. House of Commons, Session 1837-38, paper no. 658, 879 p. Parliamentary Papers 1837-38 (658) vol. XX Part II, p. 1. PDF [ProQuest]
Aug. 13 |
Third Report from the Select Committee on
Postage; together with an abstract of the evidence, directed
by the committee to be appended to the report. House of Commons, Session 1837-38, paper no. 708, 200 p. Parliamentary Papers 1837-38 (708) vol. XX Part I, p. 517. PDF [ProQuest]
Aug. |
[Henry Cole], Report of the Select Committee
on Postage, Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country, London,
Aug. 1838, vol. 18, pp. 250-252 (link). |
Aug. 19 |
Moral Advantages of Low Postage, The
Examiner, Aug. 19, 1838, p. 523. |
Nov. 14 |
New South Wales Government Gazette, Nov. 14,
1838, no. 370, p. 969-1004.
Dec. 3 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 3, 1838. Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Third Session of the Twenty-fifth Congress, Washington : Blair and Rives, Printers, 1838. 25th Congress, 3d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 338.
Dec. 8 |
The Public and the Post Office, The
Spectator, Dec. 8, 1838, pp. 1161-1162 (link). |
A Money-Order Office was established as part
of the British Post Office. |
First steamship mail from Britain to America. |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co., vol. 12,
1839, 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co.,
1839, 252 p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1839. (previous, next) | |
[US Post Office
Laws, 1808-39], 1839, 48 p.
David H. Burr, The American Atlas, Exhibiting
the Post Offices, Post Roads, Rail Roads, Canals, and the
Physical and Political Divisions of the United States of
North America, 1839, 13 maps.
William Chapin, A Complete Reference
Gazetteer of the United States of North America : Containing
a General View of the United States, and of Each State and
Territory, and a Notice of the Various Canals, Railroads and
Internal Improvements ... Together with All the Post Offices
in the United States, as published by the authority of the
Post Office Department, ... New York : W. Chapin and J.B. Taylor, 1839, 347 + [3] p.
New York : Phelps & Ensign, 1841, 367 p. New York : T. & E. H. Ensign, 1843, 371 p. New York : T. & E. H. Ensign, 1844, 371 p.
The Democratic Medley, or sayings and doings,
with the history of one day, to which is added the Whig's
light-house, and a trip through the custom-house & post
office, Philadelphia, 1839, 34 p.
Texas [Republic], Post Office Department,
Report of the post office master general of the condition of
his department, Austin, Texas, Oct. 1839, 1 sheet.
J. Williams and H. Döring, The English-German
Letter-Writer, or a Series of exquisite Letters and other
Compositions relative to Private- and
Commercial-Correspondence [Deutsch-Englischer Briefsteller
oder Auswahl von Musterbriefen und andern Aufsätzen aus der
Private- und Handels-Correspondenz], Jena : F. Mauke, 1839.
Jan. |
Post Office Reform, Monthly Review, Jan.
1839, vol. 1 n.s., pp. 54-65 (link).
Jan. |
Indelible Ink [Society of Arts], Tait's
Edinburgh Magazine, Jan. 1839, p. 64.
Feb. 8 |
Document, On the subject of reducing and
equalizing letter postage, Feb. 8, 1839.
Mar. |
Samuel Lover, Handy Andy, Bentley's
Miscellany, Mar. 1839, vol. 5, pp. 299-312 (link).
Mar. 9 |
Parliamentary Report on Postage, The
Spectator, Mar. 9, 1839, vol. 12, pp. 226-227 (link,
but without the supplement). |
Mar. 10 |
Report for the Committee on Postage, The
Examiner, Aug. 19, 1839, p. 155. |
Apr. |
[Henry Cole], The Justice and Profit of a
Uniform Penny Postage, The British and Foreign Review, Apr.
1839, vol. 8, pp. 451-489 (link).
Apr. 1 |
Penny Postage, Figaro in London, Apr. 1,
1839, p. 97. |
Apr. 18 |
Three page printed report of the Public
Meeting on Postage held at Manchester on 18 April 1839,
concerning the effect of the current postal tariffs on
business and the public in the Manchester area.
Apr. 20 |
Ministerial Neglect of the Post-Office
Question, The Spectator, Apr. 20, 1839, vol. 12, p. 370 (link). |
Apr. 21 |
The Penny Postage, The Examiner, Apr. 21,
1839, p. 243. |
Apr. 27 |
[about Mr. London's letter to the Morning Chronicle], The Spectator, April 27, 1839, vol. 12, p. 387 (link). |
Apr. 27 |
Mr. Hill's Plan for Securing the Delivery of
Paid Letters, The Spectator, Apr. 27, 1839, vol. 12, p. 393
(link). |
Apr. 27 |
Proposed New Plan of Postage, Chambers's
Edinburgh Journal, Apr. 27, 1839, pp. 108-109. |
Apr. |
Mercantile Committee on Postage, To the
Mercantile Committee : report of the Sub- Committee, [London
: W. Lake, printer], [1839], 3 p., with a printed covering
letter, dated April, 1839, signed in ms. by W.H. Ashurst.
May |
[J.J. Darling], A Uniform Penny Postage,
Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, May 1839, vol. 6, pp. 284-286 (link). |
May |
Samuel Lover, Handy Andy, Bentley's
Miscellany, May 1839, vol. 5, pp. 479-489 (link).
May 2 |
The Political Economy Club met in London, May
2, 1839, and discussed the question, led by J.R. McCulloch,
"Are there any good grounds for thinking that the proposed
plan of conveying Letters by Post under stamped envelopes
could be advantageously carried into effect?" (link).
Rowland Hill and Henry Cole, though not members, attended
the meeting (link). |
June 1 |
News of the Week, The Spectator, June 1,
1839, p. 501 (link). |
June 13 |
Rowland Hill, On the Collection of Postage by
Means of Stamps, June 13, 1839. Issued by the Mercantile Committee on Postage, No. 65.
June 10 |
Penny Postage, Figaro in London, June 10,
1839, p. 173. |
June 29 |
Cheap Postage, at Home and Abroad, The
Spectator, June 29, 1839, vol. 12, pp. 607-608 (link).
July 1 |
Rowland Hill, Facts and Estimates as to the
Increase of Letters.
July 6 |
Motion in Parliament by Thomas Spring Rice,
to reduce postage to one penny, uniform; to abolish
Parliamentary franking; etc. The Penny Postage Bill
passed Commons July 29, and Lords Aug. 17. |
July |
Samuel Taylor, The Penny Postage Question
Examined, The British Farmer's Magazine, July 1839, vol. 3,
pp. 146-166 (link). Samuel Taylor, The Penny Postage Question Examined, London : J. Ridgway & Sons, 1839, 23 p., preface date May 27, 1839.
Aug. 5 |
Queen Victoria's Journals, 5 Aug. 1839.
Aug. 17 |
The Penny Postage Act received Royal
Assent. The act was passed Aug. 17, 1839; it extended
to Oct. 5, 1840. Penny Postage Act, ![]()
Berger's edition of the Penny Postage act : the new act
(2 & 3 Victoria, cap. 52) for establishing a uniform
penny postage, passed 17th August, 1839 : with notes,
London : G. Berger, [1839], 8 p.
Aug. |
Penny Postage Act, The Inventors' Advocate,
Aug. 24, 1839, pp. 22-23. |
Aug. |
Post Office Reform in England, The United
States Magazine and Democratic Review, Aug, 1839, vol. 6,
pp. 81-96 (link). |
Sep. 6 | Announcement of the Treasury Competition for designs of postage stamps and postal stationery, The Times, London, Sep. 6, 1839. |
Sep. 16 |
Rowland Hill was given a two-year appointment
(later extended to three years) at the Treasury to assist in
implementing the Penny Postage Act. He had no actual
authority, could only interact with the Post Office though
the Treasury, and was dismissed on a change of government in
1842. |
Oct. |
Wilson Croker], Post-Office Reform, The Quarterly
Review, Oct. 1839, vol. 64, no. 128, pp. 513-574 (link). Post-Office Reform, The London Quarterly Review, American Edition, Oct. 1839, vol. 64, pp. 282-304 (link).
Oct. 19 |
British and French Encouragement of
Invention, The Mechanics' Magazine, London, Oct. 19, 1839,
vol. 32, p. 44-45 (link). |
Oct. 22 | Rowland Hill, A Report on the French
Post-Office, in a letter addressed to the Rt. Hon. the
Chancellor of the Exchequer, [1839], 14 p.; dated at head of
text, October 22nd, 1839.
Nov. |
A "Sly Drive" from the Post-Office to
Parliament Street: Penny Plans and Puzzling Prognostics,
Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country, London, Nov. 1839,
vol. 20, pp. 630-634 (link).
Nov. |
The New Post Office Regulations, The
Inventors' Advocate, Nov. 30, 1839, p. 251 (link). |
Nov. 2 |
Rowland Hill's famous letter to the
Chancellor of the Exchequer 2 Nov. 1839 outlining his plan
for the gradual implementation of Postal Reform.
Nov. |
William Cooper, A Letter to the Right
Honorable The Postmaster General, London, Oct. 1839. Second ed., The Penny Postage -- A Letter to the Right Honorable The Postmaster-General showing the practicality of the Penny Postage plan, Nov. 1839, London : Fisher & Co., 12 p.
Nov. 30 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 30,
1839. Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the First Session of the Twenty-sixth Congress, Washington : Blair and Rives, Printers, 1839. 26th Congress, 1st Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 354.
Dec. 5 |
Uniform 4d postage rate introduced in
Britain, with 1d in London. Letters charged by weight,
not by distance or sheets of paper. Letter rate, 4d
for the first 1/2 ounce, otherwise 8d per ounce. |
Dec. 14 |
Samuel Forrester, Plan for the operation of
Uniform Penny Postage. |
Dec. 20 |
The New-York Penny Post Association announced
their service, to distribute letters and small packages, in
the New York Journal of Commerce, Dec. 20, 1839 (link).
They applied to the New York Board of Assistant Aldermen,
Feb. 3, 1840, for permission to place boxes at City Hall,
etc., to receive mail (link);
the managers were then stated to be Messrs. Stirling and
Dec. 28 |
Treasury Warrant, Supplement to the London
Gazette, Dec. 28. 1839, p. 2717-2720 (link,
pdf). |
? |
Queen Victoria and the uniform penny postage
: a scene at Windsor Castle. [London : Printed by C.
Reynell]. [1838?], [2] p.
In Henry Cole's memoir, Fifty Years of Public Work, 1884, this appears as A Report of an Imaginary Scene at Windsor Castle Respecting the Uniform Penny Postage (link). |
Invention of electrotyping (relief printing)
by Moritz Jacobi. |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co., vol. 13,
1840, 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co.,
1840, 263 p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1840. (previous, next) | |
Indexes to Parliamentary Reports and Papers
relating to the Post Office and Postage, 1735-1839, London :
House of Commons, 1840, Session 1840, vol. XLII, 479 p. |
The Post-Office London Directory for 1840,
London : W. Kelly & Co. See p. 631 for details of the new Penny Postage.
James Orange, The Nottingham Annual Register,
containing an Almanack, etc., London, 1840, 152 p. +
Cole], "Post Office", The
Penny Cyclopædia, London : Charles Knight, 1840, vol.
18, p. 453-459 (link).
Written after August, 1840.
Post-Handbuch für
Berlin, Berlin : A.W. Hayn, 1840, xiv + 485 + [4] p. previous, next |
George Watterston, A Picture of Washington,
Giving a Description of All the Public Buildings, Grounds,
&c., Washington : William M. Morrison, 1840, 136 p.
Texas [Republic], An Act to amend and reduce
into one of the several laws regulating the Post Office
Department, to which is added instructions and forms for the
guidance of Post-Masters, Austin, Texas : Gazette Office,
1840, 48 p.
Jan. |
William Waverton, The People's Letter Bag and
Penny Post Companion, London : Darton and Clark.
Jan. |
The Fourpenny Postage, Tait's Edinburgh
Magazine, Jan. 1840, vol. 7, p. 66 (link). |
Jan. |
[Matthew Davenport Hill, Henry Cole],
Post-Office Reform, The Edinburgh Review, Jan. 1840, vol.
70, no. 142, pp. 545-573 (link).
Jan. 10 | Uniform Penny Postage was adopted in Britain
on Jan. 10, 1840, with the end of free franking by
Parliament and most government officials. Letter rate,
1d for the first 1/2 ounce, otherwise 2d per ounce.
Jan. 11 |
The Penny Postage, The Mechanics' Magazine,
London, Jan. 11, 1840, vol. 32, p. 254 (link).
Jan. 16 |
When the British Parliament opened on Jan.
16, the Members could purchase preprinted envelopes ("letter
covers"), valid for use only at the Houses of
Parliament. After the 1838 Sydney envelopes, these
were the second items representing prepaid postage, though
neither was intended for wide-spread general use. The
Parliamentary envelopes remained valid only until May 6,
when they were replaced by the new generally-available
postage stamps, envelopes and letter sheets, the Penny
Black, Twopenny Blue, and Mulready's. The Parliamentary envelopes were not reported in a philatelic publication until 1881, although they had been mentioned in the contemporary records of Parliamentary business. For their history and a census of surviving examples, see Alan Huggins and Edward Klempka, Great Britain: The 1840 Prepaid Parliamentary Envelopes, London : The Royal Philatelic Society London, 2013. |
Jan. 31 |
King's Registered Commemorative Letter
Balance, The Mechanics' Magazine, Jan. 31, 1840, vol. 32, p.
305-308 (link).
Jan. 31 |
Edwin Hill, brother of Rowland Hill, was
appointed Inspector of Postage Stamps at the Board of Stamps
and Taxes (renamed the Board of Inland Revenue in
1849). This agency assumed responsibility for
production and distribution of British postage stamps, as
they were already doing so for duty stamps for tax
collections. Paper manufacture and stamp printing were
contracted and operated under supervision of Board
employees. Ormond Hill, son of Edwin Hill, was appointed Assistant Superintendent of Postage Stamps, in May 1841. |
Feb. |
The Postage Stamps, The Art-Union, Feb. 1840,
vol. 2, p. 25 [image]. |
Feb. |
The Penny Postage, Tait's Edinburgh Magazine,
Feb. 1840, vol. 7, p. 136 (link). |
Feb. 1 |
Means of Personal and Epistolary Intercourse
Seventy years Ago, The Penny Magazine, Feb. 1, 1840, vol. 9,
p. 43-44 (link). |
Mar. |
X. [Henry Cole], [Review of] On the
Collection of Postage by Means of Stamps, The London and
Westminster Review, Mar. 1840, vol. 33, no. 65, p. 491-505,
with 4 color plates, p. 506-515 (link).
Mar. |
Reduction of Postage, The Magazine of Natural
History, London, Mar. 1840, vol. 4, p. 145 (link).
Mar. |
Barnabas Bates, Post-Office Reform - Cheap
Postage, Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, New York, Mar. 1840,
vol. 2, pp. 253 - 258 (link).
Mar. 14 |
Perkin's and Co.'s Post-Office Stamps, The
Mechanics' Magazine, Mar. 14, 1840, vol. 32, p. 438 (link). |
Mar. 21 |
Report of the meeting of the Statistical
Society, Mar. 16, 1840, The Athenæum, Mar. 21, 1840, p. 236
Apr. |
Rowland Hill, On the Effect of the New
Postage Arrangements upon the Number of Letters, Journal of
the Statistical Society of London, April 1840, vol. 3, pp.
102-105 (link,
link). |
The Monthly Chronicle of Events, Discoveries,
Improvements and Opinions, Boston.
Apr. 4 |
Our Weekly Gossip, The Athenæum, Apr. 4,
1840, p. 276. |
Apr. 25 |
Treasury Warrant, Supplement to the London
Gazette, April 25, 1840, p. 1073-1075 (link,
Apr. 25 |
The Times, London, Apr. 25, 1840. |
Apr. 26 |
The Examiner, Apr. 26, 1840, p. 266. |
May |
The New Postage, The Gentleman's Magazine,
May 1840, p. 532 [image]. |
May 1 |
Postage stamps [the Penny Black] and Mulready
covers on sale in London.
[Victoria examines a sheet of "penny black" postage stamps with her portrait on them]Poetic license, we suspect. For the complete conversation, see, Daisy Goodwin, Victoria: A Novel of a Young Queen, 2016, p. 336, http://books.google.com/books?id=vig4DQAAQBAJ. Rowland Hill's Post Office Journal [Fryer & Akerman] does not indicate a meeting with the Queen about the postage stamps, although the Mulready design had been shown to her by Francis Baring, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Moreover, the gum was most likely a chemical derived from potato starch (link), not the more expensive gum arabic. |
May 2 |
The Times, London, May 2, 1840.
May 2 |
The Times, London, May 4, 1840.
May 6 |
The British Penny Black and Mulready covers
are valid for postage; they went on sale May 1.
May 12 |
Rowland Hill made a note in his diary, "I
fear we shall be obliged to substitute some other stamp for
that designed by Mulready, which is abused and ridiculed on
all sides." The first of the Mulready caricatures
appeared the next day, the surviving example being addressed
to Mulready without pre-payment of postage.
May 17 |
General Post Office, Notice to the Public,
The Examiner, May 17, 1840, p. 320 [image].
May 23 |
The Penny Postage, The Mechanics' Magazine,
May 23, 1840, vol. 32, p. 738-740 (link).
May 25 |
Mail Contracts. Letter from the [US]
Postmaster General transmitting A report of the contracts
for carrying the mail for the year ending on the 30th of
June, 1839; also, an abstract of the offers for carrying the
mail within the said year. May 25, 1840.
Washington, 1840, 640 p.
May 28 |
Petition of Samuel Martin, Praying a
reduction of the rates of letter postage, May 28,
1840. Public Documents Printed by Order of The Senate
of the United States, Washington, 1840, vol. VII, Document
no. 502 (link).
May 30 |
The Penny Postage, The Mechanics' Magazine,
May 30, 1840, vol. 32, p. 760 (link).
Jun. |
A Pictorial Rhapsody by Michael Angelo
Titmarsh, with an Introductory Letter to Mr. Yorke, Fraser's
Magazine for Town and Country, London, Jun. 1840, vol. 21,
pp. 720-732 (link).
June 10 |
Journal of the [U.S.] Senate, June 10, 1840,
p. 422 (link).
Public Documents Printed by Order of The Senate of the
United States, Washington, 1840, vol. VII, Document no.
547 (link),
2 p. plus 1 plate.
July 25 |
Post Magazine, London, first issue, July 25,
Aug. |
The Exhibition of the Royal Academy of 1840,
The Metropolitan Magazine, Aug. 1840, vol. 28, p. 116,
excerpt (link)
Sep. |
[Review of] The Seven Ages of Shakespeare,
The Westminster Review, Sep. 1840, vol. 34, p. 505-506 (link). |
Sep. 1 |
Warrant of the British Treasury, regulating
the Rates of Postage payable on certain Foreign, Colonial,
and other Letters, &c. 1st September, 1840.
Dec. 5 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 5, 1840. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Twenty-sixth Congress, Washington : Blair and Rives, Printers, 1840. 26th Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 375.
Dec. 15 |
Iowa [Territory] Legislative Assembly, House,
H.R. File No. 81, Mr. Walworth, Dec. 15, 1840, Memorial to
Congress, on the subject of Post Roads in the Territory of
Iowa, [1840].
Dec. 26 |
Public Improvements, The Penny Magazine, Dec.
26, 1840, vol. 9, pp. 497-500 (link). |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co., vol. 14,
1841, 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co.,
1841, 256 p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1841. (previous, next) | |
The Post Office London Directory, 1841,
comprising, Commercial Directory, Court Directory, Post
Office Directory, Conveyance Directory, Banking Directory,
&c. &c. &c., London : W. Kelly & Co., 1841. At head of title: Under the immediate patronage of Her Majesty's Postmaster General.
This is the first of the POLD series with a Street directory, though it had been a feature of other London directories for many years. |
The Post-Office Annual Directory and Calendar
for 1841-42, Edinburgh : Ballantyne and Hughes, 1841, xiv +
290 + cvi p. At head of title: Under the patronage of Sir Edward S. Lees, Secretary to the General Post-Office for Scotland.
[Sir] John Gladstone, Four letters addressed
to the editor of the Morning Post on the objects of the
ministerial budget, with additions, Edinburgh : William
Blackwood, 1841, 35 p.
A Descant on the Penny Postage, London : John
Bohn, 1841, 1st ed., 38 p.; 2nd ed., 24 p.; Encore ed., with
a few new cadences.
London, Charles Knight, ed., London : Charles
Knight & Co., 1842, 6 vol.
Blue Book, or, Register of Officers and
Clerks in the Custom House & Post Office of the City of
New York, with the annual compensation annexed to each,
copied from the last report of the Secretary of the
Treasury, New York, 1841, 12 p.
Manual of the Legislature of the State of
Michigan, Detroit, 1841. Table of the post-offices in
the State of Michigan, p. 73-81. |
Jan. 1 |
Louis Bronne, Belgium, Ministère des travaux
publics, Administration des postes, Rapport sur le système
de réforme introduit en Angleterre dans l'administration des
postes aux lettres et de son application en Belgique,
Brussels, 1841, 28 + [2] p.; dated Jan. 1, 1841. |
Jan. 6 |
Post Office Report, United States Commercial
& Statistical Register, Jan. 6, 1841, vol. 4, p. 1-4 (link).
Jan. 9 |
Progress of Penny Postage, The Spectator,
Jan. 9, 1841, p. 9 (link). |
Jan. 9 |
Mail-Tenders, The Spectator, Jan. 9, 1841, p.
9 (link). |
Jan. 12 |
New South Wales Government Gazette, Jan. 12, 1841, no. 3,
p. 41-52.
Accounts and Papers of the House of Commons,
Post Office and Postage, for the Session 26 Jan. 1841 to 22
June 1841. |
July |
Rowland Hill, Results of the New Postage
Arrangements, Journal of the Statistical Society of London,
July 1841, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 85-99 (link).
Remarks on a Paper by Rowland Hill on the
Results of the New Postage Arrangements, by One who has
examined the statistics, London : J. Ollivier (John
Oliverier), 1841, 33 pp.
July |
The Dissolution of Parliament, The
Westminster Review, July 1841, vol. 36, p. 167-188 (link).
July |
Plitt's Report on the Post Office, New York
Review, July 1841, vol. 9, pp. 70-91 (link).
July 31 |
Post Office Revenue, The Examiner, July 31,
1841, p. 490 (link). |
Aug. 13 |
Postage Stamps, The Times, London, Aug. 13,
Aug. 24 |
John Reynolds, Speech of Hon. John Reynolds,
of Illinois, on the post office appropriation bill, in the
House of Representatives, August 24, 1841, 4 p.
Aug. 25 |
Caleb Cushing, Speech of Mr. Cushing, of
Massachusetts, on the post office bill, delivered in the
House of Representatives, August 25, 1841, Washington, 1841,
10 p.
Aug. 25 |
Samuel Gordon, Speech of Hon. Samuel Gordon,
of New York, on the bill making appropriation for the post
office department, delivered in the House of
Representatives, Wednesday, August 25, 1841, Washington,
1841, 8 p.
Oct. |
[Review of] La Convention de Juillet 13
[1841], The Foreign Quarterly Review, Oct. 1841, vol. 28, p.
206-232 (link).
Oct. |
Miscellaneous Literary Notices - Germany, The
Foreign Quarterly Review, Oct. 1841, vol. 28, p. 262 (link).
Dec. |
Pierre Jouhaud, Les chemins de fer et les
postes, dans leurs rapports comparés de progrès et de
conservation, en France et à l'Etranger, Paris :
Charpentier, Dec. 1841, [2] + 82 p. |
Dec. 2 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 2, 1841.
Dec. 25 |
Post Office, The Examiner, Dec. 25, 1841, p.
825 (link). |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co., vol. 15,
1842, 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co.,
1842, 244 p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1842. (previous, next) | |
Rowland Hill dismissed from his appointment
at the Treasury. |
The County and City of Cork Post Office
General Directory, 1842-3, Cork : F. Jackson, 1842, xv + 164
p. The County and City of Cork Almanac, 1843, Cork : F.
Jackson, 1843, xv + 140 p. + adverts. The County and City of Cork Post-Office Almanac, 1847,
Cork : F. Jackson, 1847, 90 p. + adverts. |
"Post-Office", The Encyclopædia Britannica,
Edinburgh, 1842, 7th ed., vol. 18, pp. 486-498 (link). |
The Post-Office, London : Charles Knight
& Co., 1842, 66 p.
Wilhelm Görges, Deutscher Post-Almanach für
das Jahr ..., Braunschweig : Friedrich Martin Meinecke,
1842-1853, 12 annual volumes.
Messrs. Waghorn & Co.'s Overland Guide to
India: By Four Routes to Egypt, London : J. Madden, 1842. See also, http://www.collectorsclub.org/Library.shtml |
George Watterston, A New Guide to Washington,
Washington : Robert Farnham, 1842, 221 + [1] p.
George Bliss, Reply to a late letter of the
post-master general and report of the first assistant
post-master general, Springfield, Mass. : Wood & Rupp,
1842, 15 p.
Jan. |
Table of the Post
Offices in the United States, on the thirty-first of
January, 1842, Washington : J. & G.S. Gideon, 1842, 240
Mar. |
Elisha Whittlesey, Post Office Facilities,
The American Pioneer, Chillicothe (Ohio), later Cincinnati,
Apr. |
Political Retrospect, 1830 to 1841, The
Westminster Review, Apr. 1842, vol. 37, p. 394-427 (link).
June |
Report from the Select Committee on Post
Office Communication with Ireland.
July |
The Post Office Directory, Reading : John
Snare, 1842, 10 + v-xx + 21-143 + 4 + v-xii + 153-306
p. (Norton 128).
Oct. |
Hamburg, The Westminster Review, Oct. 1842,
vol. 38, p. 441-442 (link).
Nov. |
The French Post Office, The Monthly
Chronicle, Boston, Nov. 1842, vol. 3, pp. 503-505 (link). |
Dec. |
My Life and Times, "Nimrod", Fraser's
Magazine for Town and Country, London, Dec. 1842, vol. 26,
pp. 668-677 (link).
Dec. 3 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 3, 1842.
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co., vol. 16,
1843, 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co.,
1843, 260 p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1843. (previous, next) | |
The Small Edition of the Post Office London
Directory, 1843, London : W. Kelly & Co., 1843, 44th ed.
A Gazetteer: Containing a General View of the
United States, And the Several States and Territories; with
an Accurate Account of the Internal Improvements Throughout
the Union: Also, a Table of the Counties, Cities, Towns,
Villages, &c. in the Same; Together with a Table of the
Rivers, Exhibiting Their Length and Termination; to which is
Added a Table of All the Post Offices in the United States,
and Their Nett Proceeds in 1841; the whole compiled from
public documents and other popular works, Akron, Ohio :
Manning & Darby, 1843, 409 p.
The New York State Guide, containing an
alphabetical list of counties, towns, cities, villages, post
offices, &c., ..., compiled from authentic sources,
Albany : J. Disturnell, 1843, 96 p.
The Whig Almanac and United States Register,
New York : Greeley & McElrath, 1843.
Jan. 1 |
John T. Blain, A Table of Post-Offices in
Ohio, Columbus : Wright & Legg, 1843, 72 p. Dated
Jan. 1, 1843.
Jan. |
Cooper (Chief Clerk in the Southampton Post-Office), Post
Office Directory of the Borough of Southampton, and the
Neighborhood Comprised in the Postmaster's Official
District, Southampton : Fletcher, Forbes, and Fletcher,
1843, viii + 194 p. + extensive advertisements; preface date
Jan. 1843. (Norton 361) Later editions,
Jan. |
[Leonard Bacon], The Post-Office System, as
an Element of Modern Civilization, The New Englander, New
Haven, Jan. 1843, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 9-27 (link). |
Feb. 24 |
Post office department contracts, &c.;
Letter from the Postmaster General transmitting An abstract
of the offers for carrying the mails, made within the year
preceding the 1st of July, 1842, Washington, Feb. 24, 1843,
854 p.
March |
Mr. Rowland Hill's Correspondence with the
Treasury [1839-42], with reference to his appointment and
removal, and to the introduction of the remaining parts of
his plan of post-office improvement, including those letters
which have been withheld as well as those which are given in
the official copy, London : W. Clowes, 1843, 32 p.; preface
date March 1843.
Apr. 24 |
Rowland Hill, Requisites to the Completion of
Mr. Rowland Hill's Plan of Post-Office Improvement, London :
C. Knight, 1843, 16 p. Being his letter of 24 April
1843 to the London Mercantile Committee on Postage, with his
petition for inquiring into the state of the Post-Office,
and the Committee's petition that his reforms be completed.
May 6 |
Post-Office Management of Post-Office Reform,
The Spectator, May 6, 1843, vol. 16, pp. 421-422 (link). |
June 13 |
Postage, Kendall's Expositor, Washington,
June 13, 1843, vol. 3, p. 193-195 (link).
Aug. 14 |
Gt. Britain, House of Commons, Report from
the Select Committee on Postage; together with the minutes
of evidence, appendix and index, Aug. 14, 1843, 6 + 366 +
316 pp.
Parliamentary Papers 1843 (564) vol. VIII.1 PDF [ProQuest] |
Aug. 9 |
Post-Office Belfast Annual Directory for
1843-44, Belfast : Printed by James Wilson for the Letter
Carriers, 1843, 1st ed., 200 + 16 + [1] p.; preface date
Aug. 9, 1843. |
Aug. 24 |
Laws and
Regulations for the Government of the Post Office
Department, Washington : Alexander & Barnard, 1843, [4]
+ 61 + [3] + 59 + [5] + 30 + [1] p.
Postal Laws and Regulations of the United States of
America, 1832 & 1843, reprint by Theron Wierenga,
Oct. 17 |
Post Office Circular, Kendall's Expositor,
Washington, Oct. 17, 1843, vol. 3, p. 342-344 (link). |
Nov. |
Railway Reform, Tait's Edinburgh Magazine,
Nov. 1843, vol. 10, pp. 733-738 (link).
Nov. 1 |
Lt. Waghorn, The Acceleration of Mails (once
a fortnight) between England and the East Indies, London :
Smith, Elder and Co., 1843, 27 p.
Dec. 2 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 2, 1843.
Dec. 30 |
Report of the Select Committee on Postage,
The Athenæum, Dec. 30, 1843, p. 1156-1158 (link). |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co., vol. 17,
1844, 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co.,
1844, 252 p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1844. (previous, next) | |
Acts of Parliament Relating to the Post
Office, From 1 & 2 Victoria to 7 & 8 Victoria,
1838-1844, London, 1844. Reprinted 1976, The Britannia Stamp Bureau, Tiverton, Devon, England, [6] + 94 + [18] p.
Poole's Gentleman's Pocket Memorandum Book
for 1844, London, 1844.
Marshall's New British Gentleman's Pocket
Book for 1844, London, 1844.
Suggestions upon the Nature and Disadvantages
of the Present Post Office Tariff showing the injurious
effects of the high rates of postage, especially on letters
containing enclosures ... / respectfully dedicated to the
members of the Post Office Committee and members of Congress
generally by their obedient servants Edmund Charles &
Son, New York : E. Charles, 1844, 15 p.
Jan. |
Rowland Hill, The State and Prospects of
Penny Postage, as Developed in the Evidence Taken before the
Postage Committee of 1843, with incidental remarks on the
Testimony of the Post-Office Authorities and an Appendix of
Correspondence, London : Charles Knight & Co., 1844, iv
+ 84 p.
Jan. |
Lysander Spooner, The Unconstitutionality of
the Laws of Congress, Prohibiting Private Mails, Printed for
the American Letter Mail Company, New York : Tribune
Printing Establishment, Jan. 1844, 24 p.
Further "Independent Mails" operating in the US in
1844-1845, and issuing their own postage stamps, were
All these were closed by the end of June 1845, having
been made uncompetitive and illegal by the new US postal
law. For more, see Michael S. Gutman, ed., Eastern
Independent Mail and Express Mail Companies, 1840-1845,
2016; Scott Trepel's introductory essay is especially
useful for perspective on the postal pressures in 1830's
and 1840's. |
Feb. |
'Franklin', An Examination of the Probable
Effect of the Reduction of Postage, Washington, 1844, 7 p.
Feb. 17 |
Results of Penny Postage, The Penny Magazine,
Feb. 17, 1844, pp. 63-64 (link).
Mar. 16 |
Stamped Postage Paper, Illustrated London
News, Mar. 16, 1844, vol. 4, p. 172 (link).
Mar. 30 |
Post Office Reform, The New World, New York,
Mar. 30, 1844, vol. 8, pp. 404-406 (link). |
Apr. |
National Acknowledgment for the Penny Postage, The Spectator, Apr. 13, 1844, vol. 17, p. 348 (link). |
Apr. |
The Penny Postage and the Post Office, [Henry
Cole], The British and Foreign Review, Apr. 1844, vol. 17,
pp. 166-198, 354 (link).
Apr. |
Mr. Rowland Hill, Post Office Reform, The
Eclectic Review, Apr. 1844, vol. 16, pp. 459-475 (link). |
May |
Pierre Jouhaud, Les postes, Seront-elles
sacrificés aux chemins de fer? Observations sur le projet de
loi des crédits extraordinaires, Paris : Charpentier, May
1844, 56 p. |
May 11 |
The Metropolitan Post Office, The Family
Herald, May 11, 1844, vol. 2, p. 13 (link)
[image]. |
May 13 | [Anon.], The Administration of the Post
Office, from the Introduction of Mr. Rowland Hill's Plan of
Penny Postage up to the Present Time, London : J. Hatchard
and Son, 1844, 218 + [1] p.; dated May 13, 1844, p. 218.
May 15 |
Franking Privilege and Rates of Postage, US
House of Representatives, May 15, 1844, 31 p. |
May 18 |
Institution, The Athenæum, May 18, 1844, p. 458 (link).
May 31 |
Messrs. Waghorn & Co.'s Overland Guide to
India: By Three Routes to Egypt, London : Smith, Elder and
Jun. 8 |
The Family Herald, Jun. 8, 1844, vol. 2, p.
75 (link).
Jun. 22 |
Post-Office Espionage, The Spectator, Jun.
22, 1844, p. 13 (link). |
Jun. 22 |
Post-Office Espionage, The Illustrated London
News, June 22, 1844, vol. 4, p. 393-394 (link). |
Jun. 22, 29 |
The General Post Office, The Illustrated
London News, June 22, 1844, vol. 4, p. 400-402 (link);
June 29, 1844, vol. 4, p. 409-410 (link).
June 30 |
Cl. Grasset, Réforme postale: Un Cri d'Alarme
sur l'Esclavage de la Pensée, Paris, 1844, 32 p.
July 6 | National Testimonial to Mr. Rowland Hill, The
Athenæum, July 6, 1844, p. 632 (link).
Aug. 5 |
Report from the Secret Committee on the
Post-Office, Together with the Appendix, London : House of
Commons, Aug. 1844, 116 p.
The People's Post-Box, containing a letter
for the country, giving a full disclosure of that
extraordinary and well executed plot (with the names,
residences, and description of the plotters) through the
means of which was discovered the atrocious system adopted
in the "secret or inner office" of the General Post Office,
of indiscriminately violating private letters without any
legal warrant for so doing ..., with other important
information ... in consequence of the gross attempts of the
guilty parties to frustrate the endeavours of ... Thomas S.
Duncombe ... in obtaining an open and impartial inquiry,
London : E. Hancock, 1844?, 12 p.
Aug. 10 |
The Letter-Opening at the Post-Office, The
Spectator, Aug. 10, 1844, p. 15 (link).
Aug. 24 |
More Letter-Opening at the Post-Office, The
Economist, Aug. 24, 1844, vol. 2, p. 1133 (link).
From The Times. |
Aug. 26 |
Report from the Parliamentary Committee of
the Loyal National Repeal Association of Ireland on the
Opening of Post-Office Letters, Dublin : J. Browne, 1844,
pp. 299-305.
Sep. |
Mazzini and the Ethics of Politicians, W.
[William Edward Hickson], The Westminster Review, Sep. 1844,
vol. 42, pp. 225-251 (link).
Sep. |
Letter-Opening at the Post-Office, the
article on this subject, from no. LXXXII of the Westminster
Review for September, 1844, entitled Mazzini and the Ethics
of Politicians, to which is added some account of the
brothers Bandiera, London : J. Watson, 1844, 31 p.
Sep. |
Retrospect of the Session, Tait's Edinburgh
Magazine, Sep. 1844, vol. 11, pp. 608-612 (link),
esp. p. 611. |
Nov. |
Post-Office Espionage, [Anthony Panizzi], The
North British Review, Nov. 1844, vol. 2, pp. 257-295 (link).
Nov. 25 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 25,
Dec. |
Convention de Poste entre Sa Majesté le Roi
des Français et Son Altesse Sérénissime le Prince de la Tour
et Taxis, Paris, Dec. 1844, 80 p. |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co., vol. 18,
1845, 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co.,
1845, 260 p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1845. (previous, next) | |
Post Office Edinburgh and Leith Directory,
Edinburgh : Ballantyne & Hughes. Published 1845 - 1908. |
Edward Tremayne, Tremayne's table of post
offices in the state of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia : Thomas,
Cowperthwait & Co., 1845, 26 p.
Picture of Washington and Its Vicinity for
1845: ... To which is added The Washington Guide, containing
a Congressional Directory, Residences of Public Officers,
and Other Useful Information, Washington : William Q. Force,
The Pictorial Gallery of Arts, Useful Arts,
London : Charles Knight, [1845], v + 390 p.
Jan. |
Amasa Walker, Cheap Postage and How to Get
it, Boston, 1845, 7 p.
Jan. |
Letters from Naples -- The Post Office and
Foreign Letters, Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, Jan. 1845, vol.
12, pp. 44-45 (link). |
Jan. 16 |
John Milton Niles, Speech on the post office
bill, delivered in the Senate ... January 16, 1845,
Washington, 1845, p.
Jan. 16 |
Report of the [US] Postmaster General,
communicating Information illustrative of the operation of
the British post office system, and the effect upon its
revenues of the reduced rates of postage, Jan. 16, 1845, 27
Jan. 27 |
William Duhurst Merrick, Speech of Mr.
Merrick of Maryland, on the bill to reduce the rates of
postage, and to regulate the use and correct the abuse of
the franking privilege; delivered in the Senate, January 27,
1845, Washington : Gales and Seaton, 1845.
Feb. |
Post Office Reform, American Review, Feb.
1845, vol. 1, pp. 199-214 (link). |
Feb. 6 |
Remarks of Mr. Simmons, of Rhode Island, in
support of his proposition to reduce postages to a uniform
rate of five cents for a single letter, for all distances.
Delivered in Senate of the United States, Thursday, February
6th, 1845. Washington, 1845, 13 p.
Mar. 1 |
Thomas J. Paterson, Speech on the post office
reform and the reduction of the rates of postage; in the
House, March 1, 1845, Washington, 1845, 14 p.
Apr. 12, etc. |
To Correspondents, The Family Herald, Apr.
12, 1845, vol. 2, p. 776 (link). The Family Herald, Jun. 7, 1845, vol. 3, p. 77 (link). Postage Stamps, The Family Herald, Aug. 9, 1845, vol. 3, p. 216 (link). Postage Stamps, The Family Herald, Aug. 16, 1845, vol. 3, p. 233 (link).
Apr. 21 |
prescribed by the Postmaster General, to exhibit and enforce
the provisions of the Act of Congress of March 3, 1845, 16
July 1 |
U.S. postage rates reduced, by Act
and Resolution
of Mar. 3, 1845. |
July 15 |
New York postmaster provisional postage
stamps issued |
Dec. 1 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 1, 1845. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the First Session of the Twenty-ninth Congress, Washington : Printed by Ritchie & Heiss, 1845. 29th Congress, 1st Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 470.
Fitzhugh Coyle, Letter to the President of
the United States, respecting certain debts due by the Post
Office Department, and the conduct of P.G. Washington,
auditor in relation thereto, [Washington? 1845?].
Photographic portraits |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co., vol. 19,
1846, 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight & Co.,
1846, 260 p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1846. (previous, next) | |
James Robert Pears, The Bath Post Office
considered with respect to the Lord's day, Bath, 1846. |
James Robert Pears, A reply to Dr. Vaughan's
"letter on the late post-office agitation", Bath, 1846. (The reference where this was found is probably wrong, since Vaughan's letter appeared in 1849.) |
Post Office Brighton Directory, London :
Kelly & Co., 1846, 190 p. (Norton 681). |
The June Edition of the Post Office London
Directory, 1846, London : W. Kelly & Co., 1846, 47th ed. At head of title: Under the immediate and special patronage of Her Majesty's Postmaster-General. Reprinted 1994, Michael Winton.
A. Hochsteyn, Dictionnaire-postal de la
Belgique, ou, Résumé alphabétique et chronologique des lois,
décrets, arrêtés, règlements et décisions en matière de
postes, depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1845, Brussels, 1846.
Edward Tremayne,
Table of Post-Offices, containing an alphabetical list of
post offices throughout the United States, with an appendix,
of the United States and British tariffs, Philadelphia :
Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1846, 321 + 37 p.
The United States Almanac, and Political
Manual, for the year 1846, New York : J. Disturnell, 60 p.
Mar. 25 |
Cl. Grasset, Réforme Postale, Appel à la
France et à la Belgique, Paris, 1846, 32 p. |
July |
The Two Graves, Fraser's Magazine for Town
and Country, London, July 1846, vol. 34, pp. 13-27 (link).
July 30 |
John Lorimer Graham, Appeal of John Lorimer
Graham, late Post-Master of New-York, to the Comptroller of
the Treasury, from decision of the auditor of the Post
Office Department, rejecting from his accounts the items of
expenditure for fitting up the new Post-Office buildings in
Nassau-street and Chatham-Square, dated 30th July, 1846,
New-York : Pudney & Russell, 1846, 107 p.
Oct. |
[Review of] J.R. M'Culloch's A Treatise on
the Principles and Practical Influence of Taxation and the
Funding System, The Westminster and Foreign Quarterly
Review, Oct. 1846, vol. 46, p. 1-28 (link).
Oct. |
Patronage of Commissions, The Westminster and
Foreign Quarterly Review, Oct. 1846, vol. 46, p. 222-245 (link).
Oct. 1 |
Table of Post
Offices in the United States on the first day of October,
1846, Washington : John T. Towers, 1846, xvi + 357 + [1] p.
Oct. 1 |
Postage Convention between the General Post
Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,
and the General Post Office of the Kingdom of Prussia,
Signed at London 1st October, 1846, London, 1847, 26 + 70 +
2 p. |
Nov. |
Rowland Hill appointed Secretary to the
Postmaster General. The official appointment date is 4
Dec. 1846 [image,
image]. Subsequent appointments included
Dec. 7 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 7, 1846. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Twenty-ninth Congress, Washington : Printed by Ritchie & Heiss, 1846. 29th Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 493.
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 20, 1847, 96
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1847, 260
Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session
1847. (previous,
next) |
Harris Brothers' Universal Post Office Guide,
London, 1847, 51 p. |
Wolverhampton Post Office Directory for 1847,
Wolverhampton : J. Bridgen, 4 + 146 p. (Norton 658). |
Hugh Tilsley, A Treatise on the Stamp Laws,
in Great Britain and Ireland: being an analytical digest of
the Statutes and Cases; with practical observations thereon,
London, 1847.
Das Preußische Postwesen, Elberfeld und
Iserlohn : Julius Bädeker, 1847, iv + [1] + 176 p.
G. F. [Gottlieb Friedrich] Hüttner, Beiträge
zur Kenntniß des [deutschen] Postwesens, Leipzig : Gustav
Laws and
Regulations for the Government of the Post Office
Department, with an appendix ; printed by order of the
Postmaster General, Washington : John T. Towers, 1847, xii +
99 + 70 + 24 + 36 p.
Richard Mayo, The Treasury Department and its
Various Fiscal Bureaus, Washington : Wm. Q. Force, 1847, xvi
+ 262 p.
Feb. |
The Post System, J.S. Duke, De Bow's Review,
Feb. 1847, vol. 3, pp. 149-160; Feb. 1848, vol. 5, pp.
152-163. |
Feb. 5 |
An Olive Leaf for the English People, Ocean
Penny Postage, Bury and Norwich Post, Feb. 3, 1847, p.
4. [BLN] Ocean Penny Postage, Liverpool Mercury, Feb. 5, 1847, p. 3. [BLN] [APN vol. 3, p. 401, note 45] An Ocean Penny Postage, Leicester Chronicle, Feb. 6, 1847, p. 4. [BLN] Ocean Penny Postage, Northern Star, Feb. 6, 1847, p. 3. [BLN] Ocean Penny Postage, Bradford Observer, Feb. 11, 1847, p. 8. [BLN] An Olive Leaf for the English People, Ocean Penny Postage, The Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, Glasgow, Feb. 20, 1847, vol. 2, 2nd series, p. 115 (link). An Olive Leaf for the English People, Ocean Penny Postage, Manchester Times, Feb. 27, 1847, p. 6. [BLN] etc.
Account of the Rise and Progress of the
Present System of Contracting for the Conveyance of the
Public Mails by Private Steam Vessels, 1847, 48 p.
The Post Office : Its Present State and
Capabilities, The Topic, London, Dec. 1846 - June 1847, vol.
3, p. 175-188 (link). |
May |
Léon Faucher, La réforme de la taxe des
lettres en France et en Angleterre, Revue des deux mondes,
Paris, May 1847, tome 18, p. 468-484.
Aug. 14 |
Ocean Penny Postage, Chambers's Edinburgh
Journal, Aug. 14, 1847, pp. 111-112 (link).
Aug. 21 |
Ocean Penny Postage - Will it Pay?, Elihu
Burritt, The Family Herald, Aug. 21, 1847, vol. 5, p.
254 (link).
Oct. |
[Review of] The Overland Mail and the
Austrian Lloyds, The Westminster and Foreign Quarterly
Review, Oct. 1847, vol. 48, p. 254 (link). |
Dec. 6 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 6, 1847.
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 21, 1848, 96
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1848, 264
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1847-48. (previous, next) | |
American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge, for the
Year 1848, Boston : James Munroe & Co., vol. 19, 1847;
preface dated Sep. 30, 1847.
The Small Edition of the Post Office London
Directory, 1848, London : W. Kelly & Co., 1848, 49th
ed., preface date Dec. 1847.
Post Office Directory of Derbyshire,
Leicestershire, Nottinghanshire and Rutlandshire, London :
Kelly & Co., 1848 |
William James, Suggestions for the General
Improvement of the Post Office, London : Hugh Hughes, 1848,
4 + 16 pp. + 2 plates.
Uppgifter om Postväsendet i England [Data on
Postal Services in England], Stockholm, 1848, 62 p.
G.F. [Gottlieb Friedrich] Hüttner, Die
Centralisation der deutschen Posten, Leipzig : Gustav
Brauns, 1848, 48 p.; preface date May 31, 1848. |
Alois Dessáry, Die österreichische
Post-Verfassung, Vienna, 1848, xxiv + 452 p.; preface date
1847. |
Jan. |
[Rev. Joshua Leavitt], Post-Office Reform,
The New Englander, New Haven, Jan. 1848, vol. 6, pp. 111-120
(link). |
Jan. |
The Post-Office, United States Magazine and
Democratic Review, Jan. 1848, vol. 22, pp. 18-26 (link). |
Mar. 29 |
Constitution of the Cheap Postage
Association, Organized at Boston, March 29th, 1848, Boston,
1848, 4 p.
Apr. |
The British System of Postage, The New
Englander, New Haven, Apr. 1848, vol. 6, pp. 153-165 (link). |
Apr. 26 |
Joshua Leavitt, Cheap Postage, Remarks and
Statistics on the Subject of Cheap Postage and Postal Reform
in Great Britain and the United States, Boston : For the
Cheap Postage Association by Otis Clapp, 1848, 72 p.;
preface date Apr. 26, 1848.
May 26 |
New York Cheap Postage Association,
organized, May 26, 1848 (ref). |
Barnabas Bates, A Brief Statement of the
Exertions of the Friends of Cheap Postage in the City of New
York, New York : Wm. C. Bryant & Co. Printers, for the
New York Cheap Postage Assosciation, 1848, 26 p.
June |
Ocean Penny Postage, Elihu Burritt, letter
dated London, May 6, 1847, with a poem in 12 stanzas, "Send
the Letters, Uncle John", by H.G.
[Henry Gardiner] Adams.
See also,
June |
Taxes on Knowledge and the Newspaper Press,
Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, June 1848, vol. 15, pp. 351-356 (link). |
July |
France -- The Press, Pamphlets, Books,
&c., Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, July 1848, vol. 15, pp.
465-469 (link). |
July |
[Joshua Leavitt], Our Post-Office, The New
Englander, New Haven, July 1848, vol. 6, pp. 393-404 (link). |
Aug. 26 |
Edwin Hill was appointed Supervisor of the
Stamping Department, at the Board of Inland Revenue in
Britain. He became Comptroller of the Stamping Dept.
on April 13, 1863, and retired May 7, 1872. His son
Ormond Hill, already his assistant since May 1841, became
Assistant Supervisor in Aug. 1854, Deputy Comptroller in
April 1863, then Comptroller on May 7, 1872, and retired
Mar. 10, 1876. |
Sep. |
Die Fürstlich Thurn- und Taxische
Postanstalt, Heinrich Meidinger, Zeitschrift des Vereins für
deutsche Statistik, Berlin, Sep. 1848, vol. 2, no. 9, p.
853-861 (link). |
Sep. 12 | The Swiss Federal Constitution takes effect,
uniting the 22 cantons through a central government, the
Swiss Confederation. A uniform postal service was
established in June 1849 (by legislation following Article
33, ref),
and a uniform currency in 1850 effective 1 Jan. 1852 (by
Article 36, ref).
There are now 26 cantons following changes in 1979 (Jura
from Bern) and 1999 (half-cantons promoted).
Oct. |
Cheap and Uniform Postage in India, The
Calcutta Review, Oct. 1848, vol. 10, pp. 521-566 (link). |
Nov. 23 |
Henry Archer's patent for "Improvements in
facilitating the division of sheets or pieces of paper,
parchment, or other similar substances", No. 12,340, issued
Nov. 23, 1848. (link,
See also,
Dec. |
Elihu Burritt, Ocean Penny Postage, Its
Necessity Shown and its Feasibility Demonstrated, London :
C. Gilpin, 1848/1849, 32 p.
Dec. 2 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 2, 1848. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Thirtieth Congress, Washington : Printed by Wendell and Van Benthuysen, 1848. Thirtieth Congress, Second Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 537.
Senate? House? (versions out of context cannot be distinguished)
Dec. 15 |
Postal Convention, U.S. and Great Britain,
December 15, 1848. |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 22, 1849, 96
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1849, 264
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1849. (previous, next) | |
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1849 [Netherlands Yearbook of the Post
Office], Tilburg, 1849, 1st vol., 216 p.
Salomo Gille Heringa, 1816-1895, was Director of the Post Office in Tilburg (1845), Vlissingen (1851), Schiedam (1855), and Utrecht (1864), then retired in 1872. See also, T. de Klaver, Uit de postgeschiedenis van Tilburg (2), S. Gille Heringa, postdirecteur in Tilburg (1849-1852). Gille Heringa's extensive book and manuscript collection was sold at auction in Dec. 1873 (link); there was a small stamp collection, lot 47 of "Diverse Voorwerpen", "Various Objects", the final item in the sale (link). The Yearbook is generally organized in five or more parts, which are paginated separately,
New York Cheap Postage Association, Cheap
postage : a dialogue on cheap postage, between Messrs. A.
and B. in Washington City, New York, 1849, 8 p.
Lysander Spooner,
Who Caused the Reduction of Postage in 1845?, Boston : A.J.
Wright, 1849.
Later editions, 1850, 1851. |
Edward Tremayne,
Tremayne’s table of post-offices : containing an
alphabetical list of post-offices throughout the United
States : distances from Washington, D.C., state and
territorial capitals respectively : also exhibiting the
post-offices in each state, as well as county, Philadelphia
: Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1849, 321 p.
Jan. |
The Post Office Official Monthly Director,
London : Letts, Son, and Steer, 1849.
Jan. |
The Post-Office Monopoly, The Monthly Law
Reporter, Boston, Jan. 1849, vol. 11 (vol. 1 new series),
no. 9, p. 385-399 (link).
Feb. |
Speech of Hon. W.L. [William Leftwich]
Goggin, of Virginia, in favor of Uniform Postal Charges, and
to restrain the Franking Privilege, delivered in the House
of Representatives, February 21, 1849, Washington, 1849, 11
p. |
The Duties on Paper, Advertisements, and
Newspapers, Speech of Mr. Edward Edwards (compositor),
delivered at a meeting of printers, held at the London
Mechanics' Institution, May 22, 1849, 2 p.
June 20 |
The Newspaper Stamp Abolition Committee, to
the Parliamentary and Financial Reformers of the United
Kingdom, London, June 20, 1849, 4 p. See also, a page from Oct. 1849, http://books.google.com/books?id=DTFcAAAAQAAJ
[Oxford] |
Oct. |
Joshua Leavitt, The Finance of Cheap Postage,
Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, Oct. 1849, vol. 21, pp. 410-414
(link). As a separate pamphlet, New York : George W. Wood, 1849, 7 p., |
G.F. [Gottlieb Friedrich] Hüttner, Die
Postverfassung des Königreichs Sachsen, Leipzig : Gustav
Brauns, 1849, xiv + 286 p.; preface date Oct. 31, 1849. |
Charles John Vaughan, D.D., A Letter on the
Late Post Office Agitation, London : John Murray, 1849, 15
Dec. |
Joshua Leavitt, The Moral and Social Benefits
of Cheap Postage, Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, New York, Dec.
1849, vol. 21, p. 601-610 (link).
Dec. 3 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 3, 1849. Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the First Session of the Thirty-first Congress, Washington, 1849. 31st Congress, 1st Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1, part 1. US Serial Set 549.
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 23, 1850, 96
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1850, 264
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1850. (previous, next) | |
Captain N. [Nathaniel Alexander] Staples,
Observations on the Indian Post Office, and Suggestions for
its Improvement, London : Smith, Elder, and Co., 1850, 79 p. |
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1850, Tilburg, 1850, 2nd vol., 339 p.
Post-Wet benevens eene duidelijke aanwijzing
van het vertrek en de aankomst der onderscheidene posten zoo
binnen- als buitenlandsch, van en aan het Postkantoor te
Utrecht, met bijvoeging der Portlijst van Utrecht, Utrecht :
Kemink & Zoon, 1850, 20 p.
Charles John Vaughan, D.D., A Letter on the
Late Post Office Agitation, London : J. Murray, second ed.,
1850, 35 pp.
Post Office Directory of Birmingham, with
Staffordshire and Worcestershire, London : W. Kelly &
Co., 1850, 698 p. |
Thom's Irish almanac and official directory,
with the Post Office Dublin City and County Directory, for
1850, Dublin : A. Thom, 1850, 7th ed., xlix + 1068 p.
A Post Office Directory for Nova Scotia,
London : J. Hartnell, 1850, 33 p. |
Lysander Spooner,
Who Caused the Reduction of Postage? Ought He to be Paid?,
Boston : Wright & Hasty's Press, 1850, 71 p.
Includes a discussion of Mr. Spooner's Private Mails (p. 24)
and Hale & Co's Letter Mail (p.
49-52). Spooner was seeking compensation, in
the manner of the National Testimonial funds raised for
Rowland Hill in 1844 (see above), and a similar campaign
for Barnabas Bates in 1848 (ref). Previous edition, 1849;
later edition, 1851 (Sabin
89621). |
C. [Charles] Gilpin, [Advertisement sheet
giving an illustration of the so-called "Peace envelopes"
and particulars of "Peace Lyrics" by H.G. Adams and "Peace
Reading-Book"], London, [1850], 1 p.
Tremayne's Table of
the Post Offices in the United States, New York : W.F.
Burgess, 1850. (previous, next) US-Post-Offices |
Jan. |
E. Loriston Pratt, The United States Post
Office directory : showing the name and location of all the
post towns, post offices, and post masters, in the United
States ; carefully revised and corrected from authentic
government records, New York : Stringer & Townsend,
1850. Pratt's United States Post Office Directory, 1850, reprint by Theron Wierenga, 1981, 109 p.
Jan. |
Joshua Leavitt, The Practical Working of
Cheap Postage, Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, Jan. 1850, vol.
22, pp. 44-53 (link). As a separate pamphlet, New York : G. W. Wood, 1850, 12 p.,
Joshua Leavitt, The Finance of Cheap Postage,
Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, Oct. 1849. Joshua Leavitt, The Moral and Social Benefits of Cheap Postage, Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, Dec. 1849. Joshua Leavitt, The Practical Working of Cheap Postage, Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, Jan. 1850. Separately published, bound together, |
Jan. 28 |
Rowland Hill, [about Sunday Post Office
opening], Parliamentary Return. Parliamentary Papers, 1850 (185) LIII.183. |
Feb. |
First Report of the Newspaper Stamp Abolition
Committee, London, Feb. 1, 1850.
Feb. |
The Post-Office, [Andrew Wynter], Fraser's
Magazine for Town and Country, London, Feb. 1850, vol. 41,
pp. 224-232 (link,
Feb. 7 |
New York Cheap Postage Association, An
Address of the Directors of the New York Cheap Postage
Association to the People of the United States, New York :
Wm. C. Bryant & Co., 1850, 16 pp.; dated Feb. 7, 1850.
Feb. 19 |
Report of the Committee on Literature of the
Senate of New York, on Postage Reform, Made to the Senate,
Feb. 19, 1850, Albany : Weed, Parsons & Co., 1850.
Mar. |
Copenhagen Post Office, Tait's Edinburgh
Magazine, March 1850, vol. 17, pp. 162-165 (link). |
Mar. |
There was a testimonial dinner for Robert
Mar. 30 |
Valentine's Day at the Post-Office, [Charles
Dickens and W.H. Wills], Household Words, Mar. 30, 1850,
vol. 1, pp. 6-12 (link).
Apr. |
Taxes on Knowledge, Tait's Edinburgh
Magazine, April 1850, vol. 17, pp. 234-239 (link). |
Apr. |
Wet op het Brievenport en regeling der
brieven-posterijen, met tarief der porto's, Amsterdam :
Weytingh & Van der Haart, April 1850, 48 p. [1855], 2nd printing, 16 p., http://books.google.com/books?id=txVjAAAAcAAJ [KBNL] [1855], 4th printing, 16 p., http://books.google.com/books?id=RB1jAAAAcAAJ [KBNL] |
Apr. 6 |
The Penny Illustrated News, London, April 6,
1850, p. 192 (link).
May 25 |
Old Postage Stamps, The Family Herald, May 25, 1850, vol. 8, p. 59 (link) [image]. |
Jun. |
Mechanism of the Post Office, [Sir Francis
Bond Head], The Quarterly Review, Jun. 1850, vol. 87, pp.
69-115 (link)
p. 115].
Jun. 1 |
What is a Million?, The Family Herald, Jun.
1, 1850, vol. 8, p. 79 (link)
[image]. |
June 13 |
Verordnung, die Posttaxordnung und den
Deutsch-Österreichischen Postverein vom 13. Juni 1850
betreffend, Dresden : G.G. Meinhold, 1850, ii + 51 p. |
June 22 |
Convenção postal entre sua magestade a rainha
de Portugal e dos Algarves e sua magestade a rainha de
Hespanha assignada em Madrid pelos respectivos
plenipotenciarios aos 22 de junho de 1850, Lisbon, 1850, 7
p. |
Jun. 22 |
The Sunday Screw, [Charles Dickens],
Household Words, Jun. 22, 1850, vol. 1, pp. 289-292 (link).
July |
James Gilbert, The Postal Changes, Viewed
with Reference to Additional Facilities for the Transit of
Letters and Newspapers, Especially on Saturday; the
Acceleration and Increase of Day-Mails, Etc, London, 1850,
16 p.
July |
Lord Ashley's Address to the Queen on Sunday
Post-Office Regulations, G.S. Venables, Tait's Edinburgh
Magazine, July 1850, vol. 17, pp. 447-448 (link). |
July |
The United States Postal Guide and Official
Advertiser, Washington, D.C., July 1850 - June 1852, vol. 1
- 2.
The United States Postal Guide and Official Advertiser,
1850-1852, reprint by Theron Wierenga, 1982, 2 vol.
See also, Diane DeBlois, Postal Guides, P.S., A Quarterly Journal of Postal History, 1986, vol. 8, no. 2, 3, whole no. 30, 31, p. 34-48, 73-78. |
July 13 |
Post Office Regulations, The Family Herald,
July 13, 1850, vol. 8, p. 175 (link)
[image]. |
Nov. |
The Comfortable Doctrine of Compensations,
Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country, London, Nov. 1850,
vol. 42, pp. 473-479 (link)
[image]. |
Nov. 30 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 30,
1850. Message from the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Thirty-first Congress, Washington : Printed for the Senate, 1850. 31st Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1, part 1. US Serial Set 587.
Dec. 14 |
Cheap postage. Proceedings of a public
meeting, held at the Merchants' Exchange in the City of New
York, December 14th, 1850, 1 p. broadside. |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 24, 1851, [8]
+ 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1851, 264
+ [16] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1851. (previous, next) | |
[Charles] Knight's Cyclopædia of London, "The
Post Office", London, 1851, p. 137-144 (link).
Report of the Commissioners for Post Office
Enquiry, Calcutta, 1851.
J.W. [John Weeds] Lettis, The Post Office
Guide, London : Longman, 1851, 130 p. + 13 p. (adverts);
latest internal date, Feb. 1851.
William Gaspey, Tallis's Illustrated London,
in Commemoration of the Great Exhibition of All Nations in
1851, Forming a Complete Guide to the British Metropolis and
its Environs, London : John Tallis, 1851.
Johann Herz, Die Post-Reform im
deutsch-österreichischen Post-Vereine, Vienna : Carl Gerold,
1851, xiv + 234 p.
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1851, Tilburg, 1851, 3rd vol., 341 p.
J.C.W. le Jeune, Het brieven-postwezen in de
Republiek der Vereenigde Nederlanden [The Letter Posts in
the Republic of the United Netherlands], Utrecht, 1851, 376
p. |
Eli Bowen, The United States Post-Office
Guide, New York : Appleton, 1851, 4 + 352 + 2 pp.
Eli Bowen, The United States quarterly
post-office guide, New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1851,
352 + 40 p.
Table of Post
Offices in the United States on the First Day of January
1851, Washington, 1851, with addenda to May 31, 1851, 4 +
311 + 151 p.
In the Great Exhibition of the Works of
Industry of All Nations, London, 1851, Class 22, Entry 269,
"T.H. Smith, 20 Brewer Street, Golden Square. Designer
and Manufacturer. Design for a centre ornament for a
ceiling, composed of 5,000 postage stamps." (ref).
The catalogue description in French has more detail about
the ceiling, the Star of the Order of the Garter - "Dessin
d'ornement central pour plafond, formant l'étoile de l'Ordre
de la Jarretière, composé de 5,000 timbres-poste." (ref).
Smith also exhibited a stove ornament, painted with flowers,
on wire (ref). |
Charles Knight, George Dodd, ed., Cyclopædia
of the Industry of All Nations, New York : George P. Putnam,
London : Charles Knight, 1851, xxiv p. + 1806 col. + 37
The Complete Post Office Manual, Ludlow
(Mass.) : Charles M. Willard. Reported, |
Mar. 8 |
Letters and Letter-Writers, Eliza Cook's
Journal, Mar. 8, 1851, vol. 4, pp. 302-303 (link). |
Mar. 22 |
Postage Stamps - To Collectors of the Used
Postage Stamps, The Family Herald, Mar. 22, 1851, vol. 8, p.
747 (link)
[image]. |
May 3 |
The Coming Fortunes of Snails, Eliza Cook's
Journal, May 3, 1851, vol 5, pp. 14-15 (link).
May 10 |
To Envelope Folders, The Family Herald, May
10, 1851, vol. 9, p. 27 (link)
[image]. |
June 5, etc. |
First Report from the Select Committee on
Steam Communications with India, &c.
July 5 |
Intended Compulsory Prepayment by Stamps, The
Family Herald, July 5, 1851, vol. 9, p. 158 (link)
[image]. |
Aug. 9 |
Ocean Penny Postage - Will It Pay?, Eliza
Cook's Journal, Aug. 9, 1851, vol. 5, pp. 234-235 (link). |
Sep. |
Notes on the Newspaper Stamp, Fraser's
Magazine for Town and Country, London, Sep. 1851, vol. 44,
pp. 339-354 (link). |
Sep. 20 |
Origin of the Penny Postage, Eliza Cook's
Journal, Sep. 20, 1851, vol. 5, p. 335 (link).
Sep. 27 |
The Birth and Parentage of Letters, [Henry
Morley], Household Words, Sep. 27, 1851, vol. 4, pp. 1-6 (link). |
Oct. 29 |
Death of William Wyon, R.A., engraver of
British medals and stamp dies. |
Nov. |
Robert W. Stuart Mackay, The Canada
Directory: containing the names of the professional and
business men of every description, in the cities, towns, and
principal villages of Canada: together with a complete post
office directory of the province ... brought down to
November, 1851, Montreal : John Lovell, 1851, 692 p.
Nov. |
Postal Reform - Cheap Postage, B.B. [Barnabas
Bates], Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Nov. 1851, vol. 3,
pp. 837-839 (link). |
Nov. |
Beknopte handleiding omtrent de bestemming en
het gebruik der Postzegels [Concise Guide regarding the
purpose and use of postage stamps], 's Gravenhage, 1851, 12
Nov. 1 |
The Collector, Eliza Cook's Journal, Nov. 1,
1851, pp. 9-10 (link).
Nov. 22 |
A Black Eagle in a Bad Way, [Grenville
Murray, Henry Morley, Charles Dickens], Household Words,
Nov. 22, 1851, vol. 4, pp. 193-195 (link).
Nov. 29 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, Nov. 29, 1851.
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 25, 1852,
[12] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1852, 260
+ [16] p.
Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session
1852. (previous,
next) |
The Small Edition of the Post Office London
Directory, London : W. Kelly & Co., 1852, 53rd ed.,
preface date Nov. 1851. http://specialcollections.le.ac.uk/cdm/ref/collection/p16445coll4/id/167103 [Leicester]
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1852, Middelburg (Netherlands), 1852, 4th
vol. |
Murray's Official Handbook of Church and
State, London, 1852, preface date Dec. 1851.
Regulations and Instructions for the
Government of the Post Office Department in Canada.
"One unusual document in the Crawford Library
is a painting by Adolph Reinheimer that shows the first
recorded public display of postage stamps. This took place
in 1852 when the Vandermaelen Museum in Brussels mounted
contemporary stamps from various countries in a picture
frame, and exhibited it amongst the other items within their
general collection of curiosities from around the world. It
is claimed that this particular exhibit fascinated the
famous Belgian collector, J.B. Moens so much that it may
have been the reason for his becoming a stamp dealer. Reinheimer had remembered seeing it as a schoolboy. He painted this stamp exhibit, in its museum surroundings, from memory in 1906 and showed it in the International Philatelic Exhibition in that year, in frame 254. After the exhibition closed he presented the painting to the Earl of Crawford who added it to his library." -- Ron Negus, London Philatelist, Dec. 2002, vol. 111, supplement, p. 15. [Reinheimer's painting, image] -- David Beech, London Philatelist, Mar. 2016, vol. 125, supplement, p. 26. |
Jan. 3 |
Ocean Penny Postage between Great Britain and
France, The Family Herald, Jan. 3, 1852, vol. 9, p. 575 (link)
[image]. |
Feb. 21 |
The Queen's Head, [James Hannay, W.H. Wills],
Household Words, Feb. 21, 1852, vol. 4, pp. 510-513 (link).
Feb. 21 |
Newspapers, Eliza Cook's Journal, Feb. 21,
1852, vol. 6, pp. 258-260 (link).
Mar. 8 |
Cheap Ocean Postage. Remarks of Hon.
Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, upon his Resolution in
relation to Cheap Ocean Postage, in the Senate of the United
States, March 8, 1852, Washington : Buell & Blanchard,
1852, 2 p. |
Mar. 20 |
Post-Office Money-Orders, [Charles Dickens,
W.H. Wills], Household Words, Mar. 20, 1852, vol. 5, pp. 1-5
Apr. 3 | Laws and
Regulations for the Government of the Post Office
Department, Washington : C. Alexander, 1852, viii + 114 + 94
+ 28 p.
Postal Laws and Regulations of the United States of
America, 1852, reprint by Theron Wierenga, 1980.
May 2 |
Convenção postal entre sua magestade a rainha
de Portugal e dos Algarves e sua magestade el-rei dos Belgas
assignada em Bruxellas pelos respectivos plenipotenciarios
em 2 de maio de 1852, Lisbon, 1853, 7 p. |
May 15 |
Great British Gum Secret, [... Sommerville], Household
Words, May 15, 1852, vol. 5, pp. 202-203 (link). |
May 21 |
Report from the Select Committee on Postage
Label Stamps; together with the proceedings of the
committee, minutes of evidence, and index. House of Commons, Session 1852, paper no. 386, 273 p. Parliamentary Papers 1852 (386) vol. XV.1 PDF [ProQuest] Spink, London, June 10, 1998, Sale 1178, lot 1126, realized £437 (link). |
Neues Post-Handbuch, Enthaltend, Das Gesetz
über das Postwesen vom 5 Juni 1852, Kreuznach, 1852, 88 p. |
Jun. 12 |
King Charles's Post-Bag, [William Blanchard
Jerrold], Household Words, Jun. 12, 1852, vol. 5, pp.
293-295 (link). |
July 24 |
Printed Forgeries, [Sidney Laman Blanchard],
Household Words, July 24, 1852, vol. 5, pp. 444-450 (link).
Hon. Abbott Lawrence's correspondence with
the Hon. Daniel Webster, On Cheap Ocean Postage, undated, 8
Sep. 20 |
Laws Relating to
the Service of the Post Office Department, passed by the 32d
Congress at its First Session: with Instructions to
Postmasters for Carrying them into Effect, Washington : C.
Alexander, 1852, 16 p. (previous, next) US-Postal-Laws |
Oct. 21 |
Curiosities of London Life: The Street
Stationer, The Leisure Hour, Oct. 21, 1852, vol. 1, pp.
682-683 (link). |
Nov. |
To All Postmasters in Canada, Quebec, Nov.
1852, Post Office Dept. Order No. 10, 1 p.
Nov. 26 |
Colonial Postage Association, Journal of the
Society of Arts, Nov. 26, 1852, vol. 1, pp. 2, 4-5 (link). |
Dec. 4 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 4, 1852.
Dec. 10 |
Official Returns of Foreign and Colonial
Postage, Journal of the Society of Arts, vol. 1, pp. 28-30 (link). |
Dec. 20 |
Papers Relating to the Postal Communication,
&c. in India. |
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 26, 1853,
[16] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1853, 272
+ [26] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1852-53. (previous, next) | |
Post Office Directory of Jersey, Guernsey, and Hampshire, London : Kelly & Co., 1853. | |
Post Office Directory of Cambridge, Norfolk,
and Suffolk, London : Kelly & Co., 1853. |
Great Britain, Board of Inland Revenue, One
Penny Stamps, A Popular Explanation of the Statute requiring
a stamp duty of one penny on receipts and orders for money,
and of some provisions of former acts bearing thereupon,
With a Schedule of Stamp Duties, London, 1853, 14 p. |
Markus Johann Heinzel, Oesterreichisches
Post-Handbuch, Olmütz, 1853, xvi + 300 + [1] p.; preface
date Dec. 1852.
Third ed., Vienna, 1856, http://books.google.com/books?id=WLfDTxMy3jUC
[ÖNB] |
Wilhelm Görges, Braunschweigisches Post- und
Eisenbahn-Taschenbuch für das Jahr ... |
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1853, Middelburg, 1853, 5th vol. |
H.J. Koenen, Over de adressen van brieven,
Nieuw Nederlandsch taalmagazijn, tijdschrift voor de
werkdadige beoefening, vergelijking en veredeling onzer
moedertaal, 's Gravenhage [The Hague], 1853, vol. 1, p.
139-142 (link).
Rode's United States Post Office Directory
and Postal Guide, New York : Charles R. Rode, 1853, 146 +
[4] p.
International Postage Association, Colonial
Penny Postage, London, 1853, 8 + 20 pp.
[non-philatelic] W.A.S. Westoby, The Laws of Belgium which affect British Subjects, Brussels, 1853. |
Proposals for Carrying the Mail in Maine, New
Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and
Connecticut, Washington, C. Alexander, printer, 1853, 166 p.
Jan. 8 |
Cuthbert Bede, A Perspective View of Twelve
Postage-Stamps, Notes and Queries, London, Jan. 8, 1853,
series 1, vol. 7, pp. 35-36 (link). About advertising swindles, paid in postage stamps, not about the stamps themselves. |
Jan. 14 |
Foreign Postage Reform, Journal of the
Society of Arts, Jan. 14, 1853, vol. 1, pp. 89-90 (link).
Jan. 28 |
Colonial Penny Postage, Journal of the
Society of Arts, Jan. 28, 1853, vol. 1, p. 112 (link). |
Feb. 5 |
Barryhooraghan Post-Office, [Mrs. Hoare],
Household Words, Feb. 5, 1853, vol. 6, pp. 503-504 (link). |
Feb. 11 |
Colonial Postage Association, Journal of the
Society of Arts, Feb. 11, 1853, vol. 1, pp. 133-136 (link). |
Feb. 18 |
Colonial and International Postage, Journal
of the Society of Arts, Feb. 18, 1853, vol. 1, pp. 147-148 (link). |
Mar. 4 |
The Post-Office in the United States, Journal
of the Society of Arts, Mar. 4, 1853, vol. 1, p. 178 (link). |
Mar. 11 |
Colonial Postage, Journal of the Society of
Arts, Mar. 11, 1853, vol. 1, pp. 186-187 (link). |
Mar. 25 |
Colonial Postage, Journal of the Society of
Arts, Mar. 25, 1853, vol. 1, pp. 206-207 (link). |
Apr. 1 |
Canadian Postal Reform, Journal of the
Society of Arts, Apr. 1, 1853, vol. 1, p. 220 (link). |
Apr. 8 |
Colonial Postage, Journal of the Society of
Arts, Apr. 8, 1853, vol. 1, pp. 231-232 (link). |
Apr. 15 |
Colonial Postage, Journal of the Society of
Arts, Apr. 15, 1853, vol. 1, p. 251 (link). |
Apr. 22 |
Colonial Postage, Journal of the Society of
Arts, Apr. 22, 1853, vol. 1, pp. 257-259 (link). |
May 27 |
Ocean Penny Postage, Journal of the Society
of Arts, May 27, 1853, vol. 1, p. 323 (link). |
June 1 |
John Warren Hunt, Wisconsin Gazetteer,
Containing the Names, Locations, and Advantages, of the
Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, Post Offices, and
Settlements, ... in the State of Wisconsin, Madison, 1853,
256 p; preface date June 1, 1853. |
July 4 |
The Times, London, July 4, 1853, about
perforated postage stamps. |
Aug. 11 | Newspaper Correspondence Across the Sea, The
Leisure Hour, Aug. 11, 1853, vol. 2, p. 528 (link). |
Oct. |
The Uniform Postal Stamp on Newspapers: its
cheapness, fairness, and beneficial working, Edinburgh
Review, Oct. 1853.
Accounts and Papers of the House of Commons,
Post Office and Mails, for the Session 4 Nov. 1852 to 20
Aug. 1853, vol. XCV. |
Dec. 1 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 1, 1853.
Dec. 1 |
Postage-stamped Letter-paper, The Leisure
Hour, Dec. 1, 1853, vol. 2, p. 784 (link)
[image]. |
Dec. 15 | The Mails to the Antipodes, The Leisure Hour,
Dec. 15, 1853, vol. 2, pp. 813-815 (link). |
Dec. 31 |
Iron Incidents, [John Capper], Household
Words, Dec. 31, 1853, vol. 8, pp. 412-415 (link).
British Almanac, London : Charles Knight, vol. 27, 1854, [4]
+ 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Charles Knight, 1854, 274
+ [14] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1854. (previous, next) | |
[non-philatelic] Decimal Coinage: what it ought and what it ought not to be, By One of the Million [Dr. John Edward Gray], London : James Ridgway, 1854, 47 p.
Post Office Directory of Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Staffordshire and Birmingham, London : Kelly & Co., 1854. | |
Post Office Directory of Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Huntingdonshire, with Berkshire, Northamptonshire, and Oxfordshire, London : Kelly & Co., 1854. | |
Post Office Directory of Berkshire,
Northamptonshire, and Oxfordshire, with Bedfordshire,
Buckinghamshire, and Huntingdonshire, London : Kelly &
Co., 1854, 2nd ed., preface date June 1854. |
Post Office Directory of Sheffield with the
Neighboring Towns and Villages, London : Kelly & Co.,
1854, 247 p.; preface date Aug. 1854. (Norton 860).
Gilmour's Winchester Almanac and Post-Office
Directory, Winchester : G.&H. Gilmour, 1854, "14th
annual issue", 60 p. (Norton 369, Shaw 517). |
F.W. Heidemann, G.F. [Gottlieb Friedrich]
Hüttner, Das Postwesen unserer Zeit, Leipzig : Carl Geibel.
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1854, Middelburg, 1854, 6th vol., 343 p. |
The United States Post Office Directory and
Postal Guide, New York : Charles R. Rode, 1854, 147 p.
(previous, next) US-Post-Offices |
Henry Derecourt, Colonial and International
Postage, Information on Postal Affairs, London, 1854, 62 p.
The First Newspaper Stamp, Charles Knight,
Once Upon a Time, London : John Murray, 1854, vol. 2, p. 1-5
(link). |
Seven Years in the Boston Post Office, By an
Ex-Clerk, [Boston, 1854?].
Jan. 1 |
Table of post offices in Canada and the names
of postmasters, Quebec, 1854, 75 p., preface date Jan. 1,
1854, hand-corrected to Aug. 1, 1854. |
Jan. 13 |
Colonial Postage, Journal of the Society of
Arts, Jan. 13, 1854, vol. 2, pp. 132, 151 (link). |
Feb. 2 |
Post-office Yarn, The Leisure Hour, Feb. 2,
1854, vol. 3, p. 80 (link)
[image]. |
Feb. 17 |
W.C. Aitken, Ancient and Modern
Metal-Working, Journal of the Society of Arts, Feb. 17,
1854, vol. 2, pp. 227-235, esp. pp. 234-235 (link). |
Feb. 22 |
Elihu Burritt, Ocean Penny Postage,
Washington : H. Polkinhorn, [1854], 4 p.
Feb. 24 |
Australian Postage Grievance, Journal of the
Society of Arts, Feb. 24, 1854, vol. 2, pp. 260-261 (link). |
Mar. 30 |
Indian Tappal Runners, The Leisure Hour, Mar.
30, 1854, vol. 3, pp. 199-201 (link). |
Apr. |
Rowland Hill was appointed Secretary to the
General Post Office, replacing Lt. Col. W.L. Maberly, who
had opposed most of Hill's suggestions for post office
reform. William Leader Maberly, 1798-1885, had been Secretary to the Post Office since 1836, while Hill had been Secretary to the Postmaster-General since 1846; the two positions were simply merged. |
Apr. |
Our National Post-Office, The New-York
Quarterly, Apr. 1854, vol. 3, pp. 1-19 (link). |
Apr. 21 |
Postal Anomalies, Journal of the Society of
Arts, Apr. 21, 1854, vol. 2, pp. 393, 400-401 (link). |
May 25 |
The Foot-Post, The Leisure Hour, May 25,
1854, vol. 3, pp. 326-327 (link). |
Jun. 9 |
The Newspaper Stamp, Journal of the Society
of Arts, Jun. 9, 1854, vol. 2, pp. 499-500 (link). |
July 1 |
The Incomplete Letter-Writer, [Dudley
Costello], Household Words, July 1, 1854, vol. 9, pp.
474-476 (link). |
Aug. |
The Yearly Journal of Trade, London : Charles
Pope, 1854-55, 24th ed., preface date Aug. 9, 1854.
Aug. 25 |
de Ysasi, ![]() |
Aug. 25 |
Postage Reductions - France and Sardinia,
Journal of the Society of Arts, Aug. 25, 1854, vol. 2, pp.
686-687 (link). |
Oct. |
Gov't. of India, The New Postage Act.
Oct. 20 |
Reduction of Postage to New South Wales,
Victoria, and South Australia, Journal of the Society of
Arts, Oct. 20, 1854, vol. 2, p. 801 (link). |
Oct. 28 |
How to Get Paper, [Harriet Martineau],
Household Words, Oct. 28, 1854, vol. 10, pp. 241-245 (link). |
Nov. 17 |
[review of activities], Journal of the
Society of Arts, Nov. 17, 1854, vol. 3, p. 7 (link). |
Nov. 25 |
Down Stairs in Somerset House, Chambers's
Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Arts, Edinburgh,
Nov. 25, 1854, vol. 2, p. 337-340 (link). |
Dec. 4 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 4, 1854. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Thirty-third Congress, Washington : Beverley Tucker, Senate Printer, 1854. 33d Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1, Part I. US Serial Set 746.
Dec. 8 |
Perforating Postage, Receipt, and Other
Stamps, Journal of the Society of Arts, Dec. 8, 1854, vol.
3, p. 62 (link). |
Dec. 9 |
The Great Red Book, [George A. Sala],
Household Words, Dec. 9, 1854, vol. 10, pp. 404-408 (link).
Dec. 29 |
Reduction of French Postage, Journal of the
Society of Arts, Dec. 29, 1854, vol. 3, p. 101 (link). |
English Cyclopædia, A New Dictionary of Universal Knowledge,
London : Bradbury and Evans, 1854-1862, 23 vol. with index.
The same, reissued, with supplements
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 28, 1855,
96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1855,
268 + [24] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1854-55. (previous, next) | |
Macdonald's Commercial Pocket Book for 1855,
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1855, Middelburg, 1855, 7th vol., 400 p. |
Wet op de Brievenposterij, Wet van den 12den
April 1850 (Staatsblad no. 15) tot vaststelling van het
briefport en tot regeling der aangelegenheden van de
brievenposterij, 's Gravenhage, 1855, 31 p.
Pliny Miles, Postal Reform, Its Urgent
Necessity and Practicability, New York : Stringer &
Townsend, 1855, 12 + 112 pp.
J. Holbrook, Ten Years Among the Mail Bags,
or, Notes from the Diary of a Special Agent of the
Post-Office Department.
Jan. 26 |
[resolutions], Journal of the Society of
Arts, Jan. 26, 1855, vol. 3, p. 151 (link). |
Jan. 31 |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1855, 101 p.
Feb. 1 |
Ramsey & Carmick contract : Letter from
the Postmaster General, transmitting Copy of a conditional
mail contract; also copies of correspondence relative to the
same, Washington, Feb. 1, 1855, 29 p.
Apr. |
Post-Office Improvements, The New-York
Quarterly, Apr. 1855, vol. 4, pp. 21-53 (link). |
Apr. 14 |
The Chinese Postman, [William Charles Milne],
Household Words, Apr. 14, 1855, vol. 11, pp. 259-261 (link).
Jun. 23 |
Curiosities of London, [George A. Sala],
Household Words, Jun. 23, 1855, vol. 11, pp. 495-502 (link).
July 1 |
List of Post Offices in the United
States with the Names of Postmasters, on the 1st of July
1855, also, the Principal Regulations of the Post Office
Department, Washington : George S. Gideon, 1855, 145 + 48 +
4 p.
List of Post Offices in the United States, with the Names
of Postmasters, on the 1st of July 1855, also, the
Principal Regulations of the Post Office Department,
Washington : J. [Joe] Shillington, 1855, 145 + 48 + 4 p.
(previous, next) US-Post-Offices |
Aug. |
Lord Dalhousie, Fraser's Magazine for Town
and Country, London, Aug. 1855, vol. 52, pp. 123-135 (link).
Sep. |
Bulletin mensuel de l'Administration des
postes [de France], Paris : Imprimerie Nationale,
1855-1878. (Nougaret 1883)
Sep. 29 |
Model Officials, [Edmund Saul Dixon],
Household Words, Sep. 29, 1855, vol. 12, pp. 204-209 (link). |
Oct. |
The General Post Office, The London Quarterly
Review, Oct. 1855, vol. 5, pp. 158-179 (link).
Oct. 6 |
The Caitiff Postman, [Henry Morley, ...
Evans], Household Words, Oct. 6, 1855, vol. 12, pp. 237-238
Nov. 8 |
Haste! Post Haste!! For Thy Life!!!, The
Leisure Hour, Nov. 8, 1855, vol. 4, pp. 711-715 (link) |
Nov. 30 |
Concession granted to Ferdinand de Lesseps
for the Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de
Suez. Construction on the Suez Canal began in April
1859, and the canal opened Nov. 17, 1869.
Dec. 3 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 3, 1855. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the First Session of the Thirty-fourth Congress, Washington : Beverley Tucker [Printer], 1855. 34th Congress, 1st Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1, Part I. US Serial Set 810.
Britain, repeal of the Newspaper Stamp Act |
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 29, 1856,
96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1856,
268 + [20] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1856. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1856, 84 p.
Postal Guide, London.
Rules for Sub-Postmasters in the United
Kingdom, London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1856, 26 p.
There was a corresponding publication, "Rules for Head
Postmasters", 1858, 1862, and probably in other years. |
Peter Cunningham, London in 1856, London :
John Murray, 4th ed., 1856, lii + 316 p.; preface date May
13, 1856. |
T.B. [Thomas Barnford] Lang, An Historical
Summary of the Post Office in Scotland, compiled from
Authentic Records and Documents, "for private circulation",
Edinburgh : W.H. Lizars, 1856, 16 + [2] p.; dated Dec. 28,
Volksalmanak voor het Schrikkeljaar 1856,
Amsterdam : P.C.L. van Staden, 1856.
D.D.T. Leech, Post Office Directory;
or, Business Man's Guide to the Post Offices in the United
States, ..., Containing also a Comprehensive Codification of
the Existing Postal Laws, New York : J.H. Colton, 1856, 202
+ 37 p.
(previous, next) US-Post-Offices |
Jan. 26 |
Small Change, [Edmund Saul Dixon], Household
Words, Jan. 26, 1856, vol. 13, pp. 35-37 (link).
Feb. 7 |
An Ocean Post-Office, The Leisure Hour, Feb.
7, 1856, vol. 5, pp. 85-86 (link). |
Mar. 24 |
New York Postal Reform Committee, Postal
Reform, Proceedings of a Public Meeting held in the City of
New York, March 24th, 1856, New York, 1856, 32 p.
May 3 |
Invention of Postage Stamps, W.W., Notes and
Queries, London, May 3, 1856, series 2, vol. 1, p. 351 (link).
May 31 |
The Official Black Swan, [Henry Morley],
Household Words, May 31, 1856, vol. 13, pp. 470-472 (link).
Dec. |
Principal Streets and Places in London and
its Environs, as Divided into Postal Districts, London :
Eyre and Spottiswoode, Dec. 1856, 31 pp.
Later editions,
Dec. 1 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 1, 1856. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Third Session of the Thirty-fourth Congress, Washington : A.O.P. Nicholson, Printer, 1856. 34th Congress, 3d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 5. US Serial Set 875.
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 30, 1857,
96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1857,
248 + [16] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1857. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1857, vi + 3-64 p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
Deane's Illustrated Almanack for the Year
1857, London, 1857, 13th ed.; preface dated Oct. 7, 1856.
The Ladies' Illustrated Universal Pocket
Diary and Almanack for 1857, London.
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1856/57, Middelburg, 1857, 8th vol., 476 p. |
Dictionnaire géographique des postes aux
lettres du royaume de Belgique, Brussels, 1857, viii + 399
"Applications de la Galvanoplastie", Les
applications nouvelles de la science à l'industrie et aux
arts en 1855, Louis Figuier, pp. 261-292 (link).
Pliny Miles, The Advantages of Ocean Steam
Navigation, Foreign and Coastwise, to the Commerce of
Boston, and the Manufactures of New England, Boston : Emery
N. Moore & Co., 1857, xii + 96 p.; preface dated Jan. 8,
Dictionnaire général de biographie et
d'histoire, 1857, 1st ed., Paris : Dezobry,
later editions, 1880 (8), 1883 (9), 1889 (10), 1895 (11), 1901 (12) |
Jan. |
Annuaire des postes de l'empire français, ou
manuel du service de la poste aux lettres, Paris, Jan. 1857,
[4] + 284 p. |
Jan. 1 |
Advertisement of January 1, 1857, inviting
proposals for Carrying the Mails of the United States in the
states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, and Connecticut, from July 1, 1857, to June
30, 1861, inclusive, Washington : A.O.P. Nicholson, printer,
1857, 118 p.
Feb. 26 |
Arrival and Departure of the Indian Mail, The
Leisure Hour, Feb. 26, 1857, vol. 6, pp. 136-139 (link). |
Feb. 28 |
A Journey Due North, [George A. Sala],
Household Words, Feb. 28, 1857, vol. 15, pp. 198-203 (link).
Mar. 21 |
Rowland Hill, Illustrated Times, London, Mar.
1, 1857, vol. 4, no. 100, p. 181 |
May |
A Reading from the Blue Books: Reports of the
Postmaster-General on the Post Office, The Monthly Christian
Spectator, London, May, 1857, vol. 7, p. 288-295 (link).
July 13 |
D.D.T. Leech, List of Post Offices
in the United States, with the Names of Postmasters, on the
13th of July, 1857, also, the Regulations and Laws of the
Post Office Department, Washington : John C. Rives, 1857,
159 + [1] + 93 + [1] + 10 p.
List of Post Offices and Postal Laws and Regulations of
the United States of America 1857, reprint by Theron
Wierenga, 1980.
(previous, next) US-Post-Offices |
Aug. 1 |
Curious Misprint in the Edinburgh Review,
[Charles Dickens], Household Words, Aug. 1, 1857, vol. 16,
pp. 97-100 (link).
Aug. 20 |
Post-Office Statistics, The Leisure Hour,
Aug. 20, 1857, vol. 6, p. 544 (link). |
Oct. 24 |
Calcutta, [John Capper], Household Words,
Oct. 24, 1857, vol. 16, pp. 393-397 (link).
Oct. 24 |
Collecting Postage Stamps, A.B.M., Notes and
Queries, London, Oct. 24, 1857, series 2, vol 4, p. 329.
Nov. |
Pliny Miles, History of the Post Office, The
Bankers' Magazine, Nov. 1857, vol. 12, vol. 7 new series,
no. 5, p. 337-365 (link);
Dec. 1857, no. 6, p. 433-448 (link).
Dec. |
India in Mourning, Fraser's Magazine for Town
and Country, London, Dec. 1857, vol. 56, pp. 737-750 (link).
Dec. 1 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 1, 1857. Message of the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the First Session of the Thirty-fifth Congress, Washington : William A. Harris, Printer, 1858. 35th Congress, 1st Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 11, Volume I. US Serial Set 919.
Report of the Postmaster General, 1857, 1858, reprint by Theron Wierenga, 1977.
Dec. 19 |
Collecting Postage Stamps, A.A., Notes and
Queries, London, Dec. 19, 1857, series 2, vol. 4, p. 500.
Dec. 24 |
Secrets in Ciphers, The Leisure Hour, Dec.
24, 1857, vol. 6, pp. 821-824 (link). |
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 31, 1858,
96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1858,
256 + [20] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1857-58. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1858, 84 p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
Post Office Directory of Lancashire,
Liverpool and Manchester, London : Kelly & Co. Published 1858 - 1892. |
Post Office Bath Directory 1858-9, Bath : Wm
Lewis, 1858, 1st ed. J. Prior and W. Wooster, eds. Published annually. |
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1858, Middelburg, 1858, 9th vol., 322 p. |
Thomas Rainey, Ocean Steam Navigation and the
Ocean Post, New York : Appleton, 1858, 224 p.; preface dated
9 Dec. 1857.
Reprinted, New Haven [CT] : Eastern Press, 1977.
A.L. [Alexander Lovett] Stimson, History of
the Express Companies and the Origins of American Railroads,
together with some reminiscences of the latter days of the
mail coach and baggage wagon business in the United States,
New York, 1858, p. 89-136; incomplete? 1858, second edition
Feb. 4 |
Rowland Hill joined The Political Economy
Club, which had been founded in April 1821 by James Mill and
others. Hill had been a visitor to the monthly
meetings on four previous occasions. He remained an
active member until Dec. 1872.
Combined Letter Box and Lamp Post. Patented
March 9, 1858, by Albert Potts, Philadelphia. |
Mar. |
J.C. Wood, Report to Hon. A. V. Brown,
postmaster-general, on the opening and present condition of
the United States overland mail route between San Antonio,
Texas, and San Diego, California, Washington, 1858, 43 p. There is a corresponding letter of the Postmaster General
to the chairman of the Post Office Committee of the House
of Representatives, 1858. |
Apr. 19 |
Nahum Capen, Correspondence Respecting Postal
Improvements, and the Removal of the Boston Post Office,
Boston, 1858.
Aug. 14 |
George Augustus Sala,
Twice Around the Clock: Or, The Hours of the Day and Night
in London, 1858.
Oct. |
Proposal to establish a Post Office Library
and Literary Association, London, 1858.
Oct. |
J.M. Johnson, Jr., Regulations &
Instructions for the Post Office in New Brunswick,
Fredericton, 1858, 35 p. |
Oct. 30 |
A Sabbath Hour, [James Payn], Household
Words, Oct. 30, 1858, vol. 18, pp. 470-472 (link).
Dec. 4 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 4, 1858. Message of the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the Second Session of the Thirty-fifth Congress, Washington : William A. Harris, Printer, 1858. 35th Congress, 2d Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 974.
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 32, 1859,
96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1859,
268 + [20] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1859. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1859, 50 p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
Reports of Committees of Inquiry into Public
Offices, London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1859.
Harrison, Harrod, and Co.'s Bristol
Post-Office Directory and Gazetteer, with the Counties of
Gloucester and Somersetshire, London : Harrison &
Harrod, 1859. (Shaw & Tipper 117). |
Joseph Charles Parkinson, “Under Government:”
An Official Key to the Civil Service of the Crown, and Guide
for Candidates Seeking Appointments, London : Bell and
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1859, Middelburg, 1859, 10th vol., 332 p. |
Édouard Fournier, le Vieux-neuf, histoire
ancienne des inventions et découvertes modernes, Paris,
1859, vol. 2, pp. 117-125 (link).
Edward Edwards, "Post-Office", The
Encyclopædia Britannica, Edinburgh, 1859, 8th ed., vol. 18,
pp. 402-427 (link). |
Pliny Miles, The Social, Political, and
Commercial Advantages of Direct Steam Communication and
Rapid Postal Intercourse Between Europe and America, via
Galway, Ireland, London : Trübner, 1859, 2 + 108 p.
Charles Lanman, Dictionary of the United
States Congress,
The Stamp which led to the American
Revolution, Norton's Literary Letter. New York : Charles B.
Norton, no. 3, 1859, p. 3 (link);
illustrated. |
Is there a proper historical reference for
the claim that Charles Dickens had his own postbox?"Dickens was a prolific and verbose letter writer, so much so that in 1859, he lobbied for the Royal Mail to install a postbox not only in his town—the closest at the time was over a mile walk away—but at his very house. (He succeeded.)" |
Jan. 28 |
Peter Graham, On a Small Parcels Post,
Journal of the Society of Arts, Jan. 28, 1859, vol. 7, pp.
144-156 (link). |
Mar. |
Scenes from the Drama of Life, Tait's
Edinburgh Magazine, March 1859, vol. 26, pp. 162-168 (link).
Mar. 26 |
The Parcels-Post, [John Rose Cormack],
Household Words, Mar. 26, 1859, vol. 19, pp. 393-394 (link). |
Apr. 1 |
British Post Office, The Postal Official
Circular and Daily Packet List, daily and weekly (Saturday)
editions, starting April 1, 1859.
Apr. 30 | "Sure to be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise", All
the Year Round, Apr. 30, 1859, vol. 1, p. 5-10 (link).
May |
J. D. Westcott, Exposition of the Facts and
Law, in the Case of G. G. Westcott, Esq., Postmaster at
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, May 1859.
May 15 | D.D.T. Leech, List of Post Offices
in the United States, with the Names of Postmasters, on the
1st of April, 1859, also the Laws and Regulations of the
Post Office Department, Washington : John C. Rives, 1859,
172 + 131 + 115 + 12 p.; preface date, May 15, 1859.
(previous, next) US-Post-Offices |
May 20 |
Convenção postal entre sua magestade el-rei
de Portugal e dos Algarves e sua magestade a rainha do Reino
Unido da Gran-Bretanha e Irlanda: assignada em Lisboa pelos
respectivos plenipotenciarios aos 28 de maio de 1859,
Lisbon, 1859, 15 p. |
June 2 |
The Political Economy Club met in London,
June 2, 1859, and discussed the question, led by Rowland
Hill, "Is the distribution of Newspapers and Books by the
Post Office, at Variance with the principles of Political
Economy, and, if not, would it be any Violation of those
principles to employ the mechanism of the Department, as
proposed by the Society of Arts, in the distribution of
small parcels generally?". (link).
Frederic Hill attended as a visitor (link). |
June 18 |
Right Through the Post, [John Hollingshead],
All the Year Round, June 18, 1859, vol. 1, p. 190-192 (link).
July 7 |
Inside the Post Office, The Leisure Hour,
July 7, 1859, vol. 8, pp. 429-431 (link).
Mail Contract Committee, Saturday Review,
July 16, 1859; July 23, 1859 |
July 23 |
In Charge, All the Year Round, July 23, 1859,
vol. 1, p. 300-305, 327-334 (link).
Aug. 4 |
Something About Postage Stamps, The Leisure
Hour, Aug. 4, 1859, vol. 8, no. 397, pp. 489-492 (link).
Postal Subsidies, The Times, London, Aug. 10,
1859, p. 10 |
Aug. 25 |
Gt. Britain, General Post Office, Evening
Delivery of Letters in the Suburbs of London, Aug. 25, 1859,
4 p.
Sep. |
C.W. [Charles William] Sikes, Post Office
Savings' Banks, A Letter to the Right Honourable W.E.
Gladstone, London : Groombridge, 1859, 18 p.
Sep. 3 |
All the Year Round at the Post Office, All
the Year Round, Sep. 3, 1859, vol. 1, p. 442 (link). |
Oct. 15 |
Mysterious origin of Galvanoplastic, The
Photographic Journal, Oct. 15, 1859, vol. 6, p. 64 (link). |
Nov. 5 |
The Postmaster's Daughter, All the Year
Round, Nov. 5, 1859, vol. 2, p. 37-44 (link). |
Dec. 3 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 3, 1859.
Dec. 29 |
Post-Office Savings Banks, The Leisure Hour,
Dec. 29, 1859, vol. 8, pp. 826-827 (link).
Post Office Savings Banks, The Spectator,
1859, p. 1001 |
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 33, 1860,
[4] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1860,
264 + [20] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1860. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1860, 84 p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
Parliamentary Papers
Feb. |
Rowland Hill, knighted, now Sir Rowland Hill,
K.C.B. (Knight Commander of the Bath, Civil Division). |
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1860, Middelburg, 1860, 11th vol., 291 p.
George Elgar Hicks,
The General Post Office, One Minute to Six, a painting shown
at the Royal Academy Exhibition, 1860; now at the Museum of
London (link).
Henry Bradbury, Specimens of Bank Note
Engraving, London, 1860, printed for private circulation.
Jan. |
Government Contracts, The Westminster and
Foreign Quarterly Review, Jan. 1860, vol. 17 (n.s.), p. 1-30
Jan. 21, etc. | An advertisement, query and note on
accumulations of postage stamps. [images]
Jan. 26, etc. |
Five small notes on accumulations of postage
stamps. [images]
Feb. 11 |
Report of the [US] Postmaster General
inclosing In compliance with a resolution of the Senate of
January 27, 1859, a statement of the amount of postage
received in each State and Territory annually since 1840,
&c., 61 p.
Post Office Report, The Times, London, April 16, 1860 | |
Dover Mails, The Times, London, Mar. 29,
1860, leading article Post Office Management, Mar. 29, p. 5; Mar. 30, p. 5 and leading article |
Dover Mail Contract, Saturday Review, 1860, p. 402 | |
Newspaper Stamps Suggestions, The Critic,
1860, p. 249, 410 |
Newspaper Postage Return, The Times, London,
May 14, 1860, leading article |
Post Office History, The Builder, 1860, p.
273 |
Post Office Mismanagement, The Times, London,
Apr. 3, 9, 21, May 21, 30, 1860 |
Post Office Packet Service Estimate, The
Times, London, June 15, 1860 |
Jun. 7 |
Postal Accuracy, The Leisure Hour, Jun. 7,
1860, vol. 9, p. 368 (link)
[image]. |
Jun. 23 |
Postage Stamps, S.F. Creswell, Notes and
Queries, London, Jun. 23, 1860, Second Series, vol. 9, pp.
482-483 (link).
July |
The Post-Office Monopoly, The Westminster
Review, July 1860, vol. 18 (n.s.), pp. 50-84 (link).
Sep. 13 |
A New Scene in the Stamp Act, Boston Daily
Advertiser, Sep. 13, 1860 (link).
Sep. 14 |
Postage Stamps, Boston Daily Advertiser, Sep.
14, 1860, p. 2 (link).
Oct. |
United States Mail and Post Office Assistant,
New York, 1860-1876 (and later?); James Holbrook, ed. (to
1864); J. Gayler, ed. (1864-1872 and later?). Reprinted, Oct. 1860 - Sep. 1872, Collectors Club of Chicago, 2 vol., 1975.
Oct. 27 |
Collecting Postage Stamps, The Living Age,
Boston, Oct. 27, 1860, vol. 67, p. 237, quoting The Boston
Daily Advertiser (link).
Nov. 24 |
Our Roman Day, All the Year Round, Nov. 24,
1860, vol. 4, p. 152-155 (link).
Dec. 1 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 1, 1860.
Report of the Postmaster General, 1859, 1860, reprint by Theron Wierenga, 1977.
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 34, 1861,
[4] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1861,
264 + [20] + 32 p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1861. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1861, 52 p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
Parliamentary Papers
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1861, Middelburg, 1861, 12th vol., 26 + 504
[British] Post Office Savings Banks, Forms
and Directions, Edinburgh, 1861, 16 p.
Kelly, The Post Office Directory Atlas of
England and Wales, 1861. 40 county maps. |
Jan. 31 |
A Century Ago, The Leisure Hour, Jan. 31,
1861, vol. 10, p. 78-79 (link).
concerning 1766] |
Mar. 17 |
The Kingdom of Sardinia became the Kingdom of
Italy. Prior to this, Sardinia had absorbed the other
Italian states, Modena (18 Mar. 1860), Parma (18 Mar. 1860),
Tuscany (22 Mar. 1860), Romagna (25 Mar. 1860), Naples and
Sicily (7 Nov. 1860). In Oct. 1870, the Papal States,
except Vatican City, were annexed to Italy. |
Jun. 1 |
The Confederate States of America Post Office
Department officially begins operations. |
Jun. - Dec. |
Advertisements and small notes, in [Beeton's]
The Boy's Own Magazine, continuing into 1862.
Jun. 4 |
l'Étoile Belge, advertisement by J.-B. Moens
for his catalogue, which did not appear until Jan. 1862.
July |
Education through the Senses, John Brown, The
Museum, July 1861, pp. 209-215 (link).
July |
Savings Banks in Connexion with the Post
Office, Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country, London, July
1861, vol. 64, pp. 88-98 (link).
July 13 |
Hear the Postman!, All the Year Round, July
13, 1861, vol. 5, p. 366-368 (link). |
before Sep. |
Oscar Berger-Levrault, Strassbourg,
privately-circulated lists of postage stamps, three
manuscript versions |
Sep. |
H. Riseborough Sharman, A Handy Book on Post
Office Savings Banks, London : G.J. Stevenson, preface date
Sep. 1861.
Sep. 1 |
l'Angleterre et la vie anglaise, la Poste de
Londres, Alphonse Esquiros, Revue des Deux Mondes, Paris,
Sep. 1, 1861, pp. 178-187 (link).
Sep. 6 |
[non-philatelic] Catalogue d'une belle collection de livres anciens et modernes illustrés et autres, en tous genres, d'histoire, de littérature, d'ouvrages à gravures... provenant de plusieurs amateurs, dont la vente aura lieu le vendredi 6 septembre 1861... à Bruxelles / Jean-Baptiste Moens, libraire; 16 pp.
Sep. 17 |
François George Oscar Berger-Levrault,
without title, privately-circulated lists of postage stamps,
Strasbourg, printed by autographic lithography. Sep. 1861, 12 p. The first line on p. 1 reads: "France. République 1849: 20c 40c 1 fr. brun 1 fr. brun pâle." [NPM] Dec. 1861, 12 p. National Postal Museum - Sep. British Library, Crawford Library - Sep., Dec. For the editions printed from type, see Jun. 1862. |
Post Office Savings Banks, The Examiner, Sep. 28, 1861. | |
Nov. 7 |
Post-Office Savings Banks, The Leisure Hour,
Nov. 7, 1861, vol. 10, pp. 709-712 (link). |
Facts from the Post Office, The Times,
London, Nov. 22, 1861 |
Nov. 25 |
Convention de poste conclue, le 25 novembre
1861, entre la France et l'Office des Postes Féodales
d'Allemagne [Tour et Taxis], 27 p. Règlement de détail et d'ordre arrêté entre l'administration des postes de France et l'administration des postes de la Tour et Taxis pour l'ecécution de la Convention du 25 Novembre 1861, 38 p. |
Dec. |
Edwin Chadwick, Post Office Savings' Banks,
Journal of the Statistical Society of London, Dec. 1861,
vol. 24, p. 519-522 (link). |
Dec. 2 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 2, 1861.
Message of the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the First Session of the Thirty-seventh Congress, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1861. 37th Congress, 1st Session, Senate, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 1112.
Dec. 11 |
Postal Convention between the United States
of America and the Republic of Mexico; December 11, 1861. |
Dec. 21 |
Alfred P. [Alfred Potiquet], Catalogue des
timbres-poste Créés dans les divers États du globe, Paris,
1st ed., 1862, pub. Eugène Lacroix and E. de Laplante, 43 p.
Lacroix had a well-established series, Publications
scientifiques-industrielles, among others. The
business was advertised as Librairie
scientifique-industrielle et agricole. This explains
the heading Librairie Industrielle on the cover.
Potiquet would have known of Lacroix from his work as a
civil engineer, but it isn't clear why Lacroix would have
taken on this publication. Lacroix later published
another of Potiquet's works, Note
sur l'organisation du corps des conducteurs des Ponts et
Chaussées, in 1864. Potiquet's collection of autographed letters was sold at
auction in 1886 (link,
Place Potiquet, in the town of Magny-en-Vexin, France, is
named for him. |
Dec. 21 |
Hurrah for the Road!, All the Year Round,
Dec. 21, 1861, vol. 6, p. 300-304 (link).
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 35, 1862,
[8] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1862,
288 + [32] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1862. (previous, next) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1862, 74 p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
The Post Office London Directory for 1862,
London : Kelly.
Kelly's Post Office Guide to London in 1862,
Visitor's Handbook to the Metropolis, and Companion to the
Directory, London, 1862, 472 + 175 p.; preface date May 1,
Harrison, Harrod and Co.'s Postal Directory
and Gazetteer of Devonshire and Cornwall, London, 1862, viii
+ 1,008 p. (Shaw & Tipper 120). |
Contract for the Conveyance of the Mails ...
Official Information Respecting the French
Transatlantic Postal Lines, London, 1862. |
Rev. E.G. Griffith, Post-Office Savings Banks
: who originated the scheme, and when?, London, 1862. |
The Gentleman's Pocket Daily Companion,
containing an almanack ... for 1862, London, 1862.
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1862, Middelburg, 1862, 13th vol.
August Frederik Soldan, Förslag till
Inrätande af Stadsposten i Helsingors [Suggestions on
Establishing a City Post in Helsinki], 1862, 22 p.
International Exhibition, 1862, Official
Catalogue of the Industrial Department, London, 1862.
The Confederate States Almanac, and
Repository of Useful Knowledge, for 1862, Vicksburg : H.C.
Clarke, 1862.
Jan. |
J.-B. Moens, Manuel du collectionneur de
timbres-poste, ou Nomenclature générale de tous les timbres
adoptés dans les divers pays de l'univers, Brussels, Jan.
1862, 1st ed., 72 p.; preface date
![]() |
? |
Baillieu, le Manuel du collectioneur de
? |
Edard de Laplante, Timbres-poste, Paris, 4+97
Jan. 1 |
Alphabetical List of Postmasters in Canada,
on the 1st of January, 1862, Quebec, 1862, 26 p.
Jan. 9 |
The Post Office Report, The Leisure Hour,
Jan. 9, 1862, vol. 11, pp. 21-22 (link). |
Feb. |
Our Postal System, Its Advantages,
Requirements and Short-comings, Pliny Miles, The Bankers'
Magazine (New York), Feb. 1862, vol. 16, pp. 577-588 (link). |
Feb. 5 |
Letter from
Pearson Hill (Rowland Hill's son and Secretary) to M. Piron
of the French Post Office, Feb. 5, 1862, requesting French
postage stamps for Rowland Hill's collection.
Feb. 22 - Jun. 14 |
Notes and Queries, London, Feb. 22 - Jun. 14,
1862 (link). |
Mar. |
Alfred Potiquet, Catalogue des timbres-poste
Créés dans les divers États du globe, Dressé par Alfred
Potiquet, Paris, 2nd ed., pub. E. Lacroix, 48 p.
Mar. |
F'ois V*** [François Vallète], Petit manuel
de l'amateur des timbres-poste créés chez les différents
peuples de la terre, ..., Paris, 1862, 60 p.; 4 plates, but
no stamps are illustrated.
Mar. 8 |
Postage Stamps, Notes and Queries, London, Mar. 8, 1862, series 3, vol. 1, pp. 195. [images] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mar. 15 |
Des timbres-poste, J.T., Chronique du Journal
Général de l'Imprimerie et de la Librairie, Paris, 15 Mars
1862, p. 83 (link)
[image]. |
Mar. 22 |
City Letter Delivery, The Present System
Probable Change, New York Times, March 22, 1862 (link). |
Apr. | "A Stamp Collector" [Frederick William
Booty], Aids to Stamp Collectors, Brighton, 1st ed., 32 + 2
Apr. |
Mrs. Delany, or, A Lady of Quality in the
Last Century, Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country,
London, April 1862, vol. 65, pp. 448-457 (link).
Apr. 5 |
Postage Stamps, Notes and Queries, London,
Apr. 5, 1862, series 3, vol. 1, pp. 277-278. [images] |
Apr. 8 |
Convenção postal entre sua magestade el-rei
de Portugal e dos Algarves e sua magestade catholica
assignada em Madrid pelos respectivos plenipotenciarios aos
8 de abril de 1862, Lisbon, 1862, 9 p. |
Apr. 12 |
Royal Institution, The London Review, Apr.
12, 1862, p. 359-360 (link).
Apr. 30 |
A New Postage-Stamp, The Bookseller, Apr. 30, 1862, p. 247 (link) [image]. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
May |
Mount Brown,
Catalogue of British, Colonial, and Foreign Postage Stamps,
London : F. Passmore, 1862, 1st ed., 79 pp.; preface date
May, 1862.
May 3 |
Postage Stamps, Notes and Queries, London,
May 3, 1862, series 3, vol. 1, p. 357. [images] |
May 17 |
Postage Stamps, Notes and Queries, London,
May 17, 1862, series 3, vol. 1, pp. 393-394. [images] |
May 20 |
Postage Stamps, Sheffield and Rotherham
Independent, May 20, 1862.
Jun. 14 |
Postage Stamps, Notes and Queries, London,
Jun. 14, 1862, series 3, vol. 1, p. 474. [images] |
Jun. 16 |
Mount Brown,
Catalogue of British, Colonial, and Foreign Postage Stamps,
London : F. Passmore, 1862, 2nd ed., vii + [1] + 72 pp.;
preface date June 16, 1862.
Jun. |
Berger-Levrault, printed version (ten
editions through 1864)
Jun. | le Magasin Pittoresque, Natalis Rondot series
begins June 1862, to Dec. 1866 illustrated This was the first serious work on philately directed to the general public. Magasin Pittoresque was nominally a weekly publication, but actually monthly due to the French tax and postage laws. summary - http://docs.philateliques.free.fr/magasin/magasin.htm summary - http://docs.philateliques.free.fr/magasin/magasin.php review and index - http://memoires.timbrologie.online.fr/Projet_Natalis_Rondot/th_Rondot_Intro.html biography - http://memoires.timbrologie.online.fr/Portraits/Natalis_Rondot.html -- Crawford Catalogue, col. 620; British Library shelfmark Crawford 2215. A more extensive and more detailed listing is in preparation. Any assertions that Natalis Rondot was the pseudonym of a person named Armand Martin, or Arman Martin, from France or Spain, are totally incorrect. |
July 19 |
My Nephew's Collection, All the Year Round,
July 19, 1862, vol. 7, pp. 445-448 (link).
The weekly All The Year Round was edited by Charles Dickens.
Jun. - Oct. |
Dr. John
Edward Gray, The Postage-Stamps of the World, Young England,
London, Jun. - Oct. 1862, vol. 1, no. 6-10, pp. 91-93,
102-103, 117-118, 135, 149-150.
J. Arnold, Polka des timbres-poste, sheet
music with stamp illustrations
Jun. |
J.-B. Moens, Manuel du collectioneur de
timbres-poste, Brussels, 2nd ed., 90 p.
July | J.-B. Moens, De la falsification des
timbres-poste, Brussels, 34 p., intro date July 1862.
July |
Justin Lallier, Album-timbres-poste, orné de
cartes, 1st ed., preface date June 1862. pub. A. Lenègre, Paris.
Justin Lallier, Postage Stamp Album,
illustrated with maps, 1st ed.
July |
Safe Bind, Safe Find, [George Chetwynd],
Temple Bar, July 1862, vol. 5, pp. 453-463 (link).
July |
The Dead Letter Office, Harper’s New Monthly
Magazine, July 1862, vol. 25, p. 256-262. |
July 1 |
List of Post Offices in the United
States, with the names of postmasters annexed [except at
suspended offices] with an Appendix, Washington : Government
Printing Office, 1862, xiv + [2] + 293 p.
(previous, next) US-Post-Offices |
July 16 |
Post-Office Report for 1861, The Leisure
Hour, July 16, 1862, vol. 11, pp. 468-469 (link). |
July 26 |
Penny Post, Notes and Queries, London, July 26, 1862, series 3, vol. 2, p. 68. [images] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
July 26 |
Cassell's Illustrated Family Paper, "Postage
July 31 |
Postage-Stamp Album, The Bookseller, July 31,
1862, p. 468 (link)
Aug./Sep. | Frederick Booty, The Stamp Collector's Guide,
Brighton, 98 p.
Aug. 16 |
Postage Stamps, Grime, Notes and Queries,
London, Aug. 16, 1862, series 3, vol. 2, p. 125. [images]
Sep. |
The Post-Office, [Matthew Davenport Hill],
Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country, London, Sep. 1862,
vol. 66, pp. 319-336 (link).
Sep. |
The Monthly Intelligencer, Birmingham, UK :
William Macmillan, monthly, Sep. 1862 through July 1863, 10
Sep. 20 |
The Leisure Hour, Sep. 20, 1862, vol. 11, p.
608 (link)
Oct. |
James Steadman, Regulations &
Instructions for the Post Office in New Brunswick,
Fredericton, 1862, 30 p. |
Oct. |
Dean & Son, "The Postage Stamp Album,
ruled for forming collections of foreign and other
stamps." "Just ready, tastefully bound".
Oct. 1 |
Rowland Hill of the Post-Office, Young
England, Oct. 1, 1862, vol. 1, p. 145-147.
Oct. 4 |
Foreign Postage Stamps for Sale, Notes and
Queries, Oct. 4, 1862, advertisement. [image] |
Oct. 8 |
Beschreibung aller Briefmarken der Erde, Der
Bazar, Illustrirte Damen-Zeitung, Berlin, Oct. 8, 1862, to
Mar. 23, 1864.
This series is derived from the Magasin Pittoresque series, but with far less detail. |
Oct. 15 |
Miscellanea, The Photographic Journal, Oct.
15, 1862, vol. 8, p. 157 (link). |
Nov. 1 |
Men of Mark, Sir Rowland Hill, The London
Review, Nov. 1, 1862, vol. 5, p. 391-393 (link).
Nov./Dec. |
Moens, Illustrations du manuel du
collectionneur de timbres-poste.
? |
Album pour timbres-poste, Paris and Brussels
Nov./Dec. |
The Postage Stamp Collector's Pocket Album,
pub. Johnson & Rowe.
Nov. |
Edward Gray, Ph.D., A Hand Catalogue of Postage Stamps for
the Use of Collectors, London : Robert Hardwicke, 1862, 1st
ed., xvi + 54 p.
Dec. 1 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 1, 1862.
Dec. 6 |
Postage-Stamp Books, The Bookseller, Dec. 6,
1862, p. 790 (link)
Dec. 6 |
Die Briefmarken-Sammlungen, Illustrirte
Zeitung, Leipzig, Dec. 6, 1862. vol. 39, no. 1014, p.
407-410 (link). |
Dec. 10 |
Mount Brown,
Catalogue of British, Colonial, and Foreign Postage Stamps,
London : F. Passmore, 1862, 3rd ed., preface date Dec. 10,
Dec. 10 |
Convenção postal entre Portugal e a Italia
assignada em Lisboa pelos respectivos plenipotenciarios em
10 de dezembro de 1862, 10 p. |
Dec. 15 |
The Monthly Advertiser (Dec. 15, 1862), then
The Stamp Collectors' Monthly Advertiser (Jan. 15, 1863), then The Stamp-Collectors' Review and Monthly Advertiser (Feb. 15, 1863 to Jun. 15, 1864), Liverpool, UK : Edward Moore & Co., through May 1864, then Liverpool : Alexander Perris, for June 1864.
Noted for reference as SCR in this document. |
Dec. 18 |
The Gentleman's Magazine, Feb. 1863, p. 193 (link).
Dec. 18 | Rowland Hill, Memorandum on the Net Revenue
of the Post Office, 7 p.; dated Dec. 18, 1862.
Dec. |
A.C. Kline, The Stamp Collector's Manual,
Philadelphia, 1st ed., 48 p., preface dated Dec. 1862
? |
Booty, Aids to Stamp Collectors, 2nd ed., 32
+ 6 + 2 p. Outwardly the same as the first ed., "by a stamp collector".
? |
Doble, On the Falsification of Postage
Stamps, translation of Moens by E. Doble, Falmouth Advertised by Doble and Edw. Moore, Monthly Advertiser 15 Dec. 1862 (the first issue). Reviewed SCR 15 Mar. 1863 ("useless", "worthless", "with these remarks we consign his book to oblivion"). http://collections.si.edu/search/results.htm?q=record_ID:siris_sil_282890 Reprinted in The Early Philatelic Forgeries of All Countries, ed. Lowell Ragatz, 1953. |
? |
Wuttig, album, 1st ed. |
dealer price lists advertised in The Monthly
Advertiser 15 Dec. 1862 (the first issue) H. Stafford Smith, Bath, "new and revised edition", "illustrated with facsimile engravings of rare stamps" Edward Pemberton, Birmingham etc. |
? |
Hippolyte Boyer, Histoire du timbre-poste et
en particulier du timbre-poste français, Marennes, 1862, 8
? |
Handbuch für Briefmarken-Sammler, Leipzig :
Verlag der Dürr'schen Buchhandlung, 56 p. Mentioned by Dr. Gray, 1st ed., as 1863. Noted (as 1863) in Verzeichniß der Bücher, Landkarten etc., welche vom Juli bis zum December 1862 neu erschienen oder neu aufgelegt worden sind, ..., p. 103. http://books.google.com/books?id=2LFFAAAAcAAJ |
? |
Album für Briefmarken, Leipzig. Mentioned by Dr. Gray, 1st ed., as 1863, 110 p. Dürr was advertising stamp albums in Sep. 1862, and perhaps earlier; see Illustrirte Zeitung, Sep. 6, 1862, p. 183. http://books.google.com/books?id=JMJLAAAAcAAJ |
? |
E.L. Pemberton, List of a collection of
postage stamps, containing 850 specimens. http://www.worldcat.org/title/list-of-a-collection-of-postage-stamps-containing-850-specimens/oclc/875641061 |
? |
E.L. Akehurst, Price List of Foreign and
American Postage Stamps, For Sale by E.L. Akehurst, 12 Pearl
Street, Utica, N.Y., [1862], 2 p.
The Brattleboro stamp is listed here simply as "Brattleboro, Vt. P.O.", but the stamp was not reported elsewhere until Kline's Nov. 1863 catalogue (2nd ed.). So, the [1862] date is probably too early. |
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 36, 1863,
[8] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac : Knight & Co., London, 1863,
280 + [24] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1863. (previous, next) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1863, 50 p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
J.G. Harrod & Co.'s Postal and Commercial
Directory of Norfolk and Norwich, including Lowestoft, in
the County of Suffolk, London : J.G. Harrod, 1863, xvi + 696
+ 54 p. (Shaw & Tipper 1045).
J.G. Harrod & Co.'s Royal County Directory of Norfolk including Lowestoft in the County of Suffolk, London and Norwich : J.G. Harrod, 1877. |
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1863, Middelburg, 1863, 14th vol.
Nederlandsche Post-Gids, 's Gravenhage : M.J.
Visser, 1863, 8 + 96 pp.
directory for 1863: Alphabetical list of post-offices in
U.S., with names of post-masters (except at suspended
offices); also, names of post offices, arranged by States
and counties, as published by Post-Office Department; with
latest post-office laws; and list of post-offices in Canada,
by county, with Canadian postal laws and regulations; postal
rates; and transatlantic mail steamers, xxiv + 352 p.
Directory for 1863. Alphabetical List of Post-Offices in the
United States, with the Names of Post-Masters, (Except at
Suspended Offices), Also, Names of Post-Offices, Arranged by
States and Counties, as Published by the Post-Office
Department; With an Appendix, Containing the Rates of
Domestic and Foreign Postage, the New Post-Office Bill, and
other Important Postal Information. Revised and Corrected by J. Disturnell, To April 1, 1863. New York : J.H. Colton, 1863, xxii + 296 p.
Appleton's United
States Postal Guide, containing the Chief Regulations of the
Post Office, and a Complete List of Post Offices throughout
the United States, with other information for the People,
New York : Appleton's, 1863. Published quarterly.
The American Stamp Polka, Maria Seguin, New
York : Pond & Co., 1863.
The Confederate States Almanac and Repository
of Useful Knowledge for 1863, Vicksburg : H.C. Clarke, 1863.
Jan. 3 |
Caisses d'épargne des bureaux de poste [Post
Office Savings Banks], l'Économiste belge, Brussels, Jan. 3,
1863, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 5-6 (link). |
Jan. |
John Dewé, Canadian Postal Guide, Toronto,
1863, 1st ed., 84 p.
Jan. |
Frederick Booty, Aids to Stamp Collectors,
3rd ed., 38 p.
Jan. |
Edward A. Oppen, Postage Stamp Album and
Catalogue of British and Foreign Postage Stamps, London :
Benjamin Blake, 1863, 1st ed., xiv + [1] + 168 + 62 p.;
preface date January, 1863.
Jan. 17 |
Notabilla, The Reader, Jan. 17, 1863, vol. 1,
p. 70 (link).
Jan. 17 |
Timbres-poste de 5 centimes, l'Économiste belge, Brussels, Jan. 17, 1863, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 24 (link). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jan. |
A. Baillieu, Guide de l'amateur de
timbres-poste, Paris, 1st ed., 4+88 p., cover date 1863.
Jan. |
Edward Gray, Ph.D., A Hand Catalogue of Postage Stamps for
the Use of Collectors, London : Robert Hardwicke, 1863, 2nd
ed., xiv + 58 p.
Jan. 31 |
Postage Stamps, The Leisure Hour, Jan. 31,
1863, vol. 12, p. 70-74; illustrated.
Jan. 31 |
A Postal Romance, The Athenæum, Jan. 31,
1863, p. 153 (link). |
Feb. 1 |
The Stamp Collector's
Magazine, Bath, UK, monthly, Feb. 1, 1863, through Dec.
Published on the first of the month, 16 pages per issue, 192 pages per volume. In 1863, the May and December numbers each had 20 pages. |
Feb. 15 |
Le Timbre-Poste, journal de collectionneur,
J.B. Moens, Brussels, monthly, Feb. 15, 1863, through Dec.
The reprint of Volume 1 was reprinted by G. Bolaffi,
1970; there are two versions of the cover. See also, le Timbre Fiscal, Jan. 1874. |
Feb. 15 |
A Review of Our Postal Literature, SCR, p.
18-20. Mentions Booty, Brown (3 eds.), Gray, Booty (Guide), Oppen, Leisure Hour. |
Feb. |
The Stamp Collector, Manchester, C. Gloyn,
sole issue |
Stamp Galop, Arthur O'Leary (sheet music with
stamp illustrations)
Mar. |
Hippolyte Boyer, Notice historique sur le
timbre-poste et en particulier sur le timbre-poste français,
Rennes : Oberthur, 1863, 24 p. + (2) (fold-out table).
Mar. 3 |
An Act to Amend the
Laws Relating to the Post Office Department, Approved March
3, 1863, together with the Instructions Predicated Thereon
by the Postmaster General for the Government of Postmasters,
Washington, 1863, 16 p. (previous, next) US-Postal-Laws |
Mar. 3 |
Has the Postmaster General the power to
exclude newspapers from the mails? Speech of George H.
Pendleton, of Ohio, in the [US] House of Representatives,
March 3, 1863, 7 p.
Mar. 21 |
Softening of the Brain, The Saturday Review
of Politics, Literature, Science and Art, London, Mar. 21,
1863, vol. 15, no. 386, p. 364-365 (link).
The Postage-Stamp Collector's Pocket Album,
pub. Johnson & Rowe, 2nd ed.
Mar./Apr. |
Thornton Lewes and Edward Pemberton, Forged
Stamps: How to Detect Them, Edinburgh : Colston & Son,
1863, 36 p.
Thornton's mother, born Agnes Jervis, was the daughter of Swynfen Jervis, M.P., who was surely an acquaintance of Matthew Davenport Hill, and most likely of Rowland Hill. Thornton's older brother, Charles Lee Lewes, 1842-1891, was hired by the Post Office as a Supplementary Clerk in 1861 [image], with some assistance from Anthony Trollope; he retired in Oct. 1886 (ref). Thornton's biological father was Thornton Leigh Hunt, who edited The Leader with G.H. Lewes; it was complicated, as they say. [more details] |
Apr. 1 |
On Postage-Stamp Catalogues, Dr. J.E. Gray,
SCM, Apr. 1, 1863, vol. 1, pp. 41-43 (link).
Apr. |
Oppen, Postage Stamp Album and Catalogue,
London : B. Blake, 2nd ed.
Apr. 18 |
Turkish Postage Stamps, The Leisure Hour,
Apr. 18, 1863, vol. 12, p. 256 (link)
[image]. |
Apr. 18 |
The French Post-Office, The Athenaeum, Apr.
18, 1863, p. 530 (link). |
May |
The Post Office and the Railway, The British
American Magazine, Toronto, May 1863, vol. 1, p. 64-82 (link).
May 21 |
Mount Brown,
Catalogue of British, Colonial, and Foreign Postage Stamps,
London : F. Passmore, 4th ed., 1863, xi + [1] + 86 pp.;
preface date May 21, 1863.
May 1 |
The Liverpool Stamp Advertiser (May to July
1863), then The Liverpool and Newport Stamp Advertiser (Aug.
1863 to Jun. 1864), monthly, through Jun. 1864 reviewed, The National Postage Stamp Express, Jun. 15, 1864, p. 37 |
May 1 |
Magazin für Briefmarken-Sammler, Zschiesche
und Köder, Leipzig, through 1 Apr. 1867. This company was primarily engaged in numismatics and antiquities. Locations: NPM See also, http://www.fipliterature.org/translations/pt434.PDF |
May ? |
"A Collector", A Catalogue of British,
Colonial, & Foreign Postage Stamps, Gloucester, 1863,
viii + 71 + [3] p.
May |
Dr. J.E. Gray, New and Complete Set of
Postage-Stamp Album Titles. Noted in The Reader, May 16, 1863, Publications of the Week. http://books.google.com/books?id=fX1NAAAAYAAJ |
May 11 |
Commission internationale des postes, Paris :
Imprimerie Impériale, 1863, 147 p.
Jun. 1 | The United Kingdom Postage Stamp Advertiser,
Tavistock, UK, monthly, through July 1863 |
June |
[George Dexter], Catalogue of Postage Stamps,
American and Foreign, and U.S. Revenue Stamps, Cambridge,
Mass. : Sever and Francis, [June] 1863, 78 p.
June 6 |
The Stamp Mania, Chambers's Journal of
Popular Literature, Science and Arts, June 6, 1863, vol. 19,
p. 353-356 (link). |
June 20 |
Letter-Opening at the General Post-Office,
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Arts,
June 20, 1863, vol. 19, p. 395-397 (link). |
The Postage-Stamp Mania, Edwin Utley, City
Sketches, London, 1863, p. 15-16 (link).
July |
The London and Provyncial Stamp Advertiser,
London, sole issue |
July 1 |
The Stamp Collector's Journal, Hartlepool,
UK, sole issue |
July 7 |
Death of William Mulready, 1786-1863,
designer of the first postal stationery. See, J.C. Wilson, William Mulready, R.A., SCM, Aug. 1, 1869, p. 122-123 (link). |
Aug. |
M'Culloch on Taxation, Fraser's Magazine for
Town and Country, London, Aug. 1863, pp. 135-150 (link).
Aug. 1 |
The Weymouth Stamp and Crest Advertiser,
Weymouth, UK, monthly, through Jan. 1864 (first series),
then Feb. through May 1864 (second series). New series, reviewed, National Postage Stamp Express, Mar. 15, 1864, p. 13. |
Aug. 1 |
The International Postage Stamp Review,
London, biweekly, through Sep. 1863 (first series), then
Sep. through Dec. 1863 (second series) See also, National Postage Stamp Express, Apr. 15, 1864, p. 26. Mentioned in Lallier's Postage Stamp Album, Aug. 1864, p. 274. |
Aug. 1 |
Rare and Curious Postage Stamps, The Leisure
Hour, vol. 12, pp. 486-489; illustrated.
Aug. 8 |
Timbromanie, Once a Week, Aug. 8, 1863, vol.
9, pp. 193-195 (link). Mentions SCM, Dr. Gray, O'Leary's Stamp Galop. |
Aug. 22 |
Letters by Post, The Leisure Hour, Aug. 22,
1863, vol. 12, p. 544 (link).
Sep. |
Once a Month or, the Stamp Collector's
Advertiser, Manchester, monthly, through Jan. 1864. C. Gloyn, C. & H. Gloyn New series, Mar. 15, 1864 - Dec. 20, 1864, http://books.google.com/books?id=66IEAAAAQAAJ [Oxford] Advertised, National Postage Stamp Express, Mar. 15, 1864, p. 17; reviewed, Apr. 15, 1864, p. 22; reviewed, Jun. 15, 1864, p. 37. At first, published on the 15th, later on the 1st. http://www.worldcat.org/title/once-a-month-or-the-stamp-collectors-advertiser/oclc/771812524 Mentioned in Lallier's Postage Stamp Album, Aug. 1864, p. 274. |
Sep. |
The Monthly Circular, London, monthly,
through Nov. 1863 |
Sep. |
Priebatsch, Breslau, catalogue (Oscar Jann?) |
Sep. 30 |
The Stamp Mania, The Bookseller, Sep. 30,
1863, p. 539 (link).
Oct. |
Frank Ives Scudamore, Post Office Savings
Banks, Their Progress and Advantages, London : W.P.
Griffith, Oct. 1863, 13 + [7] p.
Oct. |
The General Post Office, The London Quarterly
Review, Oct. 1863, vol. 21, pp. 209-238 (link). |
Oct. 1 |
The Continental and Colonial Stamp
Advertiser, Eccles, UK, sole issue, adverts only |
Oct. 31 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Oct. 31,
Dec. 19 |
Our Mail-Packet Service, Past and Present,
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Arts,
Dec. 19, 1863, vol. 20, p. 387-389 (link). |
Dec. |
Oppen, Postage Stamp Album and Catalogue, 3rd
ed., by Henry Whymper Noted in The Bookseller, Dec. 31, 1863, p. 963. http://books.google.com/books?id=i8NSAAAAcAAJ Reviewed, SCR 15 Feb. 1864. Mentioned, National Postage Stamp Express, Mar. 15, 1864, p. 13, but as Oppen's Album, second ed. http://books.google.com/books?id=PNoEAAAAQAAJ -- NPM, http://siris-libraries.si.edu/ipac20/ipac.jsp?uri=full=3100001~!275175!0 Henry Josiah Whymper, 1845 (Lambeth, Surrey) - 1893 (Bombay, India), son of Josiah Wood Whymper, younger brother of Frederick and Edward, all of whom were engravers. Obituary. Brief bio. Brief bio and picture. |
? |
Kline, Manual, 2nd ed., 67 p. http://www.worldcat.org/title/stamp-collectors-manual-being-a-guide-to-the-collectors-of-american-and-foreign-postage-and-despatch-stamps/oclc/36112634 Mentioned in Lallier's Postage Stamp Album, Aug. 1864, p. 274. |
? |
Lallier, album, French, 2nd ed. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lallier, album, Spanish, Album de Sellos de
Correo, 168p. |
? |
Lallier, The Postage-Stamp Album, English,
2nd ed., "just published". |
? |
P. Mahé, Guide-manuel du collectionneur de
timbres-poste, Paris, 1st ed., 18 p. Noted in Bibliographie de la France, Journal Général de l'Imprimerie et de la Librairie, Paris, 1 Aug. 1863, p. 360 (link). http://books.google.ie/books?id=xxcDAAAAYAAJ Reviewed, SCM, Dec. 1, 1863, vol. 1, p. 177 (link). Mentioned in Lallier's Postage Stamp Album, Aug. 1864, p. 274. -- NPM |
? |
Moens, supplement to Manuel, 2nd ed., 16 p. The third ed. is the second ed. plus this supplement. |
? |
Moens, Album de timbres-poste, French, 1st
ed., 134 sheets Reviewed, SCM, Dec. 1, 1863, vol. 1, p. 176-177. http://books.google.com/books?id=6awEAAAAQAAJ |
? |
Beyfuss, Neuestes Verzeichniss aller bis
jetzt ausgegebenen in- und auslandischen Briefmarken,
Hannover, 7 + 68 p. |
? |
G. Wuttig, Katalog über die von 1840 bis
August 1863 ausgegebene Frankomarken, Leipzig |
Aug. 23-29 |
Zschiesche & Köder, Katalog über die
seit 1840 bis Juli 1863 ausgegebenen Briefmarken aller
Länder, Leipzig, 1st ed., 80 p. Advertised, Illustrirte Zeitung, 1 Aug. 1863. Publication noted, 5 Sep. 1863. http://books.google.com/books?id=08FLAAAAcAAJ Locations: NPM (2) |
? |
Zschiesche & Koder, catalogue, 2nd ed. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
? |
Handbuch für Briefmarken Sammler, Dürr,
Leipzig, 2nd ed., 64 p.
? |
W.F. Dannenfelser, Vade-mecum voor
verzamelaars van postzegels, Utrecht, 114 p., "Naar het
Fransch." from Moens 2nd ed. ? Noted in Nederlandsche Bibliographie, 24 Nov. 1862. http://books.google.com/books?id=1vBTAAAAcAAJ Dannenfelser was the publisher. Locations: NPM, British Library |
? |
Appleton, Album for Postage and other Stamps,
American and Foreign, New York
Nederlandsch Magazijn, De postzegels van alle
rijken en staten.
? |
P.H. [Pieter Harmen] Witkamp, De postzegels
van alle rijken en staten.
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 37, 1864,
[12] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1864,
284 + [24] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1864. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1864, 40 p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
Post Office Bath Directory, William Wooster,
ed. 1858-59, Bath : W. Lewis, 1858. 1864-65, Bath : Willliam Lewis, 1864, 4th ed., iv + 548 + 149 p., preface date Dec. 23, 1863. http://specialcollections.le.ac.uk/cdm/ref/collection/p16445coll4/id/64208 [Leicester] |
Post-Office Directory for Norfolk and Suffolk
shewing from what Post Town each place is served, Norwich,
1864. Post-Office Directory for Norfolk and Suffolk... and by what Mail Letters are Forwarded from Norwich, Matchett and Stevenson, 1865, 16 p. |
J.G. Harrod and Co.'s Postal & Commercial
Directory of Suffolk, London J.G. Harrod, 1864, xvi + 491
p. (Shaw & Tipper 1262). -- WorldCat,
WorldCat 1873. 1877. |
Deane's Illustrated Family Almanack, London,
1864, 20th ed.; preface dated Dec. 1, 1863.
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1864, Middelburg, 1864, 15th vol. |
Vivier, Projet de Réorganisation des Postes,
1464-1864, Nantes, 1865, 19 p.
Routledge's Every Boy's Annual, London :
Routledge, 1864. Henry Whymper, Postage Stamps, pp. 426-432. |
Every Little Boy's Book, London : Routledge,
1864. [Henry Whymper], Postage Stamps, pp. 288-298. |
The Post Office Store, a co-operative for
employees, opened in London, 1864.
Jan. |
The London and New York Stamp Collectors'
Review, London, monthly, through Feb. 1864.
Jan. 15 |
The National Postage Stamp Express, London,
monthly, through July 1864.
Jan. 1 |
The Newcastle and Gateshead Stamp Advertiser
and Review, Newcastle-on-Tyne, UK, monthly, through Mar.
Jan. |
The International Stamp Advertiser, London,
sole issue |
Jan. 1 |
Börsenblatt für den Briefmarken-Handel,
Kaufbeuren, biweekly, through 15 Jun. 1864
Jan. 2 |
Mutilated U.S. Currency, The Leisure Hour,
vol. 13, p. 16 (link).
Feb. 4 |
H. [Henry] Wells, Sketch of the Rise,
Progress, and Present Condition of the Express System, a
paper read before the American Geographical and Statistical
Society, Feb. 4, 1864, Albany, 1864, 23 p.
Feb. 15 |
The Stamp Collector's Record, S. Allan
Taylor, Montreal, Albany, Boston. Feb. 15 - Mar. 15, 1864, Montreal. Dec. 15, 1864 - Oct. 1876, Albany, later Boston.
Feb. 15 |
The Northumberland and Durham Stamp
Advertiser, Newcastle-on-Tyne, UK, monthly, through Dec.
Feb. 27 |
The Sydney Postage Stamp, Fentonia [Adelaide
Fenton], Notes and Queries, London, Feb. 27, 1864, series 3,
vol. 5, p. 184.
Feb. |
Rowland Hill resigned from the British Post
Office. He wrote a brief memoir, "Results of Postal
Reform", which is reprinted in his autobiography, vol. 2, p.
380 (link),
and by Smyth, pp. 306-310 (link).
See also, a more extensive review with a similar title, in
The Edinburgh Review, July 1864, by Alfred Hill, Rowland's
nephew. |
[Henry John]
Bellars & [John Hunter] Davie, The Standard Guide to
Postage Stamp Collecting, London : John Camden Hotten, 1864,
1st ed.
It is almost surely irrelevant, but one of Hotten's prior books was A Dictionary of Modern Slang, Cant, and Vulgar Words, Used at the Present Time in the Streets of London, etc. (1859). http://books.google.com/books?id=Zhk9h-w1negC Later editions, 2nd, 3rd. |
Mar. 15 |
J.-B. Moens, Les Timbres-poste illustrés, 148
p., plus 54 plates, preface date Mar. 15, 1864. Illustrations by P. Schmitz and F. Deraedemaeker. Compare to Moens, Illustrations du manuel.
Mar. |
Mount Brown,
Catalogue of British, Colonial, and Foreign Postage Stamps,
London : F. Passmore, 1864, 5th ed., [3] + vi + 96 + [2] p.;
preface date Mar. 1864.
Mar. 12 |
Postage Stamps, The Boy's Miscellany, London,
Mar. 12, 1864, vol. 3, no. 54, p. 24; Mar. 19, 1864, no. 55,
p. 40; April 2, 1864, no. 57, p. 72. continued. |
Apr. 16 |
William Lewins, Her Majesty's Mails, London :
Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 1864, preface date Apr. 16,
Apr. 26 |
Convenção postal entre sua magestade el-rei
de Portugal e dos Algarves e sua magestade el-rei de Prussia
assignada em Lisboa pelos respectivos plenipotenciarios aos
26 de abril de 1864, Lisbon, 1864, 9 p. |
May 1 |
The British & Foreign Stamp and Coin
Advertiser, Manchester, UK, monthly, through Dec. 1864. reviewed, National Postage Stamp Express, May 15, 1864, p. 31; Jun. 15, p. 37. |
May 21 |
Foreign Postage Stamps, Stempel, Notes and
Queries, London, May 21, 1864, series 3, vol. 5, p. 418. An offer to exchange. |
May |
Mme. Nicolas, catalogue, by E. Regnard (see 1865) |
[Henry John]
Bellars & [John Hunter] Davie, The Standard Guide to
Postage Stamp Collecting, Giving the Values and Degrees of
Rarity, London : John Camden Hotten, 1864, 2nd ed., 130 p.
(xiii + [1] + pp. 15-130)
Oscar Berger-Levrault, Beschreibung der bis
jetzt bekannten Briefmarken, Strassburg, 14+103 p. Reviewed, SCR 15 Jun. 1864, pp. 88-90; high praise from Edward Pemberton. Noted in Bibliographie de la France, Journal Général de l'Imprimerie et de la Librairie, Paris, 2 July 1864. http://books.google.com/books?id=HRgDAAAAYAAJ |
Oppen, Postage Stamp Album and Catalogue,
London : William Stevens, 1864, 4th ed., 80 p. Revised
and corrected by Henry Whymper.
Stamp Collector's Journal, Liverpool noted, "to appear on June 25th", The National Postage Stamp Express, Jun. 15, 1864, p. 37 |
Jun. 22 |
"Timbromanie, by P.S.", in the Springfield
Republican, Springfield, Mass., June 22, 1864, and the
Springfield Weekly Republican, June 25, 1864 [image]. Reprinted in the United States Mail and Post Office Assistant, Sep. 1864, and reprinted from there in The Chronicle of the U.S. Classic Postal Issues, 1974, vol. 26, no. 3, whole no. 83, p. 134-137. http://chronicle.uspcs.org/PDF/Chronicle_83/18563.pdf The author was Lyman Hotchkiss Bagg, 1846-1911, who went on to be a frequent contributor to the Stamp Collector's Magazine. A hand-written version of the article (draft? original? copy?) is in Bagg's memorabilia at Yale University. [excerpts] |
July |
Results of Post Office Reform, [Alfred Hill],
The Edinburgh Review, July 1864, vol. 120, pp. 58-93 (link).
July |
The North of England Stamp Review and
Advertiser, Barnard Castle, UK, monthly, through Aug. 1864. The North of England Stamp Review, monthly, Sep. 1864 through Nov. 1864. Thomas Dalston & Co. |
July |
Oppen, Postage Stamp Album and Catalogue, 5th
ed. Revised and corrected by Henry Whymper.
July |
The Stamp Collector's Miscellany, Weymouth,
UK, monthly, through May 1865. |
July |
The Postage Stamp Mania, The Dollar Monthly
Magazine, Boston, July 1864, vol. 20, p. 77. http://books.google.com/books?id=8aLQAAAAMAAJ |
July 1 |
Allgemeine Deutsche Briefmarken Zeitung,
Coburg, through Dec. 1864 "Postage Stamp Literature", Oct. - Dec. 1864, http://www.fipliterature.org/translations/pt506.PDF |
July 15 |
Le Collectionneur de Timbres-Poste, Maury,
Paris, monthly, July 1864 to 1968.
July 16 |
Edgar Hepp, Acte public pour le Doctorat
présenté a la Faculté de Droit de Strasbourg, Droit
français, De la correspondance privée, postale ou
télégraphique, dans ses rapports avec le droit civil, le
droit commercial, le droit administratif et le droit pénal,
Strasbourg : Imprimerie de Veuve Berger-Levrault, 1864, 143
p. |
Sep. |
San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, Report of
the Committee Appointed by the Chamber of Commerce of San
Francisco, 'To Report on the Condition of Our Postal Affairs
and to Consider the Feasibility of Improvements and
Reforms', San Francisco : Water Brothers & Co., Sep.
1864, 23 p.
Sep. 15 |
The Universal Stamp Gazette, London, sole
issue reviewed, SCM, Nov. 1, 1864, p. 173 |
Oct. 1 |
List of Offices designated by the [US]
Postmaster General as Money-Order Post Offices.
Additional List of Money-Order Offices of the United
States. List of British International Money-Order Offices of the
United States. |
Oct. |
Oppen, Postage Stamp Album and Catalogue, 6th
ed. Revised and corrected by Henry Whymper.
Oct. 22 |
Post Office Savings Banks, The Leisure Hour,
vol. 13, p. 688 (link). |
Nov. |
Briefmarkensammler, Nürnberg, sole issue |
Nov. 2 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 2, 1864. Message of the President of the United States, and Accompanying Documents, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Thirty-eighth Congress, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1864. 38th Congress, 2d Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. No. 1, Part I. US Serial Set 1216.
The Annual Report of the Postmaster General of the United
States for the fiscal year 1864, Washington : Government
Printing Office, 1864, 125 p.; report dated Nov. 2, 1864.
Nov. 15 |
Le Timbrophile, Pierre Mahé, Paris, monthly,
Nov. 1864 to Dec. 1871.
Nov. 15 |
Advertisement of November 15, 1864, inviting
proposals for Carrying the Mails of the United States in the
States of Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and
Connecticut, from July 1, 1865, to June 30, 1869,
Washington, 1864, 67 p.
Nov. 20 | Der Deutsche Briefmarken-Sammler, Spiro,
Hamburg, through Feb. 1865 |
Nov. 26 |
Report to the Secretary of the Treasury from
the First Division National Currency Bureau showing its
origin, growth and present condition, [Washington], Nov.
1864, 165 p.
? |
D. J.M.V. de C., Manual del Coleccionista de
Sellos de Correo, Barcelona : Narciso Ramírez, 1864, 132 p.
? |
Appleton album, dated 1864, perhaps issued
1863 |
? |
The Boston Album, modeled after Appleton |
Jun. 15 |
Lallier, Album-timbres-poste, French, 3rd
ed., 1863, preface date summary - http://docs.philateliques.free.fr/lallier/index.htm |
Aug. |
Justin Lallier, The Postage Stamp Album,
English, 3rd ed.
? |
Lallier, album, French, 4th ed. |
? |
Lallier, album, English, 4th ed. |
? |
W.S. Lincoln, Price Catalogue advertised, Illustrated London News, Jun. 1864 |
? |
Moens, Postage Stamps Illustrated, translated
by Dr. C.W. Viner, with some additions, 148 p. Published in London, printed in Brussels |
May |
J.B. Moens, Postage Stamp Album, London :
Grumel & Michel, 1st ed., preface date May 1864.
Feb. |
Moens, album, French, 2nd ed. Album de timbres-poste |
Sep. | Moens, album, French, 3rd ed. |
Dec. |
Moens, album, French, 4th ed., 138 sheets |
? |
A. Baillieu, Guide de l'amateur de
timbres-poste, Paris, 2nd ed., 8+132 p.
? |
Elb, catalog |
? |
Georg, Katalog uber alle seit 1840 bis 1864
erscheinen Briefmarken |
? |
Maury, Nomenclature et prix-courant des
timbres-poste, Paris. Mentioned in Lallier's Postage Stamp Album, Aug. 1864, p. 274. |
? |
Literarische Museum, Leipzig, catalog;
Bauschke 3rd ed. ? |
? |
Mann, Leipzig, catalogue |
? |
Zschiesche & Koder, Katalog über die
seit 1840 bis Ende März 1864 ausgegebenen Briefmarken aller
Länder, 3rd ed., 80 p. Locations: NPM |
after Jun. |
Brecker, Guida, Florence |
The London stationer Parkins & Gotto sold
albums for postage stamps in 1864. |
Stafford Smith & Smith, A Descriptive
Price Catalogue, 4th ed. Advertised in The Bookseller, Sep. 30, 1864. reviewed, SCM, Nov. 1, 1864, p. 172-173 |
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 38, 1865,
[8] + 96.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1865,
288 + [26] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1865. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1865, iv + 20 p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
The Post Office Directory of Norfolk &
Suffolk, London : Kelly & Co., 1865, 4th ed., preface
date Sep. 1865. |
J.G. Harrod & Co.'s Postal and Commercial
Directory of Dorsetshire, London, 1865, 249 p. (Shaw
& Tipper 386). Also, Dorset and Wiltshire in one volume. |
J.G. Harrod & Co.'s Postal and Commercial
Directory of Hampshire with the Isle of Wight, London, 1865,
612 p. (xviii, 565-1176). (Shaw & Tipper 508). http://specialcollections.le.ac.uk/cdm/ref/collection/p16445coll4/id/112367 [Leicester] |
J.G. Harrod & Co.'s Postal and
Commercial Directory of Wiltshire, London : J.G. Harrod,
1865. (Shaw & Tipper 1483). p. iii-ix, 9-10, xiii-xv, 251-563. |
Webster & Co.'s Postal and Commercial
Directory of the City of Bristol and the Counties of
Glamorgan and Monmouth, London, 1865, 886 p. (Shaw
& Tipper 44). http://cdm16445.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p16445coll4/id/64237 [Leicester] |
Deane's Illustrated Family Almanack, London,
1865, 21st ed.; preface dated Dec. 1864.
Percy Cruikshank's Comic Almanac for 1865,
London : Read & Co., 56 p. (unnumbered). |
The Ledger
of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, Postmaster General, 1776, a
Fac-simile of the Original Manuscript Now on file on the
Records of the Post Office Department of the United States,
Washington : W.W. Cox, 1865, [129] p.
Report of the Railway Postal Service
Commissioners, Quebec, 1865, 48 + 96 + 151 p. |
J.A. Campbell, United States and Foreign
Postage Directory, containing the Laws, Rules and
Regulations of the Post Office Department, Philadelphia,
Jan. |
Railway Reform, The Westminster Review, Jan.
1865, vol. 27 (n.s.), p. 218-256 (link).
Jan. |
Société Philatélique, Paris (Herpin, Legrand,
Donatis, etc.), existed only a few months |
Jan. |
The Collector's Herald, Hull, UK, monthly,
through May 1866.
Jan. |
A Hint to Postage-Stamp Collectors,
Blackwood's Magazine, Jan. 1865, no. DCXI 191 |
Jan. 20 |
Cancelling and marking stamp : letter from
the Postmaster General, Washington, 1865, 15 p.
Mar. 8 |
Rowland Hill resigned as Secretary to the
British Post Office, due to ill health. |
Apr. 1 |
The Liverpool Stamp Collector's Journal,
monthly, through Jun. 1865.
Apr. |
The Stamp Collector's Pocket Companion,
Manchester, UK, sole issue.
Apr. |
Dr. John
Edward Gray, The Illustrated Catalogue of Postage Stamps for
the Use of Collectors, London : E. Marlborough & Co.,
Bath : Stafford Smith & Smith, 1865, 3rd ed., xvi + 96 +
xxiv p.
Apr. 1 |
Post-Office Progress, The Leisure Hour, vol.
14, p. 197-199 (link). |
Apr. 1 |
Postage Stamps, Q., Notes and Queries, Apr.
1, 1865, series 3, vol. 7, p. 257.
May 2 |
William Lewins, Her Majesty's Mails, London :
Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 1865, 2nd ed., preface date
May 2, 1865.
May |
Thomas Dalston, How to Detect Forged Stamps,
Gateshead : Chambers, 1865, iv + 40 p.
May 1 |
The Stamp Collector's Examiner, Leamington
(UK) : A. Parsons, May 1, 1865, sole issue. |
May |
Coin and Stamp Journal, Chicago, monthly,
through Apr. 1866 |
May |
The Star of Panama, a supposed stamp magazine
of May 1865, which it was not. [images and
notes] |
Jun. 1 |
The Stamp Collector's Monthly Gazette, St.
John, New Brunswick, monthly, June 1, 1865 to May 1867;
supplement, Jun. 1867.
Jun. 1 |
The Bath Stamp and Coin Gazette and
Advertiser, Bath, UK, monthly, through July 1865. |
July 15 |
The Stamp Argus, St. John, New Brunswick,
monthly, July 15, 1865 to Dec. 15, 1865.
July |
The Stamp Collector's Examiner, Leamington
(UK) : A. Parsons, new series, July 1865 through Aug. 1865,
two issues only.
July |
Curiosity Shop, Chicago, monthly, though Dec.
1865 |
Aug. 5 |
Sydney Postage Stamps, J. M'C. B., Notes and
Queries, Aug. 5, 1865, series 3, vol. 8, p. 119.
Sep. |
Alfred Hill, Statistics of the Post-Office
Savings' Banks, Report of the Thirty-Fifth Meeting of the
British Association for the Advancement of Science, Sep.
1865, London, 1866, p. 152-153 (link).
Sep. |
W.D. Atlee's Stamp Circular, London, monthly,
through May 1866. |
J.M. Stourton, Postage Stamp Forgeries,
London : Trübner & Co., 1865, viii + 66 + [2] p.
Sep. |
A. Baillieu, Guide de l'amateur de
timbres-poste, 3rd ed., 8 + 136 p.
Oct. |
British, Continental, and American Stamp,
Coin, Crest, Autograph, and General Curiosity Collector's
Magazine, and Journal of the Bridlington Amateur
Association, Preston, UK, Oct. 1865. The Curiosity Collectors’ Magazine and Journal of the Bridlington Amateur Association, Preston, UK, Nov. 1865.
Nov. |
E. Stanley Gibbons, Price List &
Catalogue; reproduced in Centenary Exhibition Programme,
1965 |
Nov. |
G.W. Winterburn & Co.'s Stamp Circular,
Cincinnati, also Apr. 1866 |
Nov. |
Moens, album, French, 5th ed., 148 sheets |
Nov. 4 |
Sir Rowland Hill, The Leisure Hour, vol. 14,
p. 696-700 (link). |
Nov. 15 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 15,
1865. Message of the President of the United States, and Accompanying Documents, to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the First Session of the Thirty-ninth Congress, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1866. 39th Congress, 1st Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. No. 1, Part I. US Serial Set 1244.
Message of the President of the United States, and
Accompanying Documents, to the two Houses of Congress, at
the commencement of the First Session of the Thirty-ninth
Congress, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1865.
Nov. 18 |
Post-office Money-orders, The Leisure Hour,
vol. 14, p. 720 (link). |
Dec. 6 |
The Collector's Circular, Industria &
Co., Preston, UK, monthly, through Nov. 1866. |
Dec. |
The New Curiosity Times, Bath, UK, sole issue |
Dec. |
The Stamp-Dealer's Business, Routledge's
Every Boy's Annual, 1866, pp. 722-724 (link).
? |
A.C. Kline, The Stamp Collector's Manual,
Philadelphia, 3rd ed., 85 p. |
? |
A.C. Kline, A New and Revised Descriptive
Price Catalogue of American and Foreign Postage Stamps, on
sale at Kline's Emporium, Philadelphia : J.H. Johnson, no
date, 16 p.
? |
[Henry John]
Bellars & [John Hunter] Davie, The Standard Guide to
Postage Stamp Collecting, Giving the Values and Degrees of
Rarity, London : John Camden Hotten, 1865, 3rd ed. Previous editions, 1st, 2nd. |
? |
P. Mahé, Guide-manuel du collectionneur de
timbres-poste, 3rd ed. P. Mahé, Nouveau Guide-manuel du collectionneur de timbres-poste, 4th ed. P. Mahé, Supplemént au Guide-Manuel |
? |
A. Maury, Catalogue complet des
timbres-poste, Paris, 1st ed., 46 p. |
? |
E. Régnard, Catalogue de l'amateur de
timbres-poste, Paris : E. Nicolas, 1865, 72 p.
? |
Bauschke, catalog |
? |
Zschiesche & Koder, catalogue, 4th ed. |
? |
Lallier, Album, 5th ed. [after Sep.;
see Baillieu, above] |
? |
Moens, Album de timbres-poste, 1st ed.; 2nd
ed. |
? |
Guide manuel du collectionneur de
timbres-poste. Catalogue de timbres avec les prix auxquels
on peut se les procurer chez J. Chapalay Fils et Cie.,
Geneva. |
? |
Oscar Berger-Levrault, Timbres-poste,
deuxieme partie, Essais et imbres proposes, Strasbourg,
1865. |
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 39, 1866,
[8] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1866,
288 + [28] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1866. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1866, iv + 60 p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
J.G. Harrod & Co.'s Post-Office
Directory of Glamorganshire [Wales], London, 1866, 628 p. +
adverts. http://specialcollections.le.ac.uk/cdm/ref/collection/p16445coll4/id/339922 [Leicester] |
J.G. Harrod & Co.'s Post-Office Directory
of Bristol, Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire, London,
1866. (Shaw & Tipper 45). |
Deane's Illustrated Family Almanack, London,
1866, 22nd ed.; preface dated Dec. 1865.
J. [John]
Disturnell, Post-Office Directory for 1866, Alphabetical
List of Post-Offices in the United States, New York :
American News Co., 1866, 238 p.
James Rees, Foot-Prints of a Letter-Carrier,
or, A History of the World's Correspondence, Containing
Biographies, Tales, Sketches, Incidents, and Statistics
Connected with Postal History, Philadelphia : J.B.
Lippincott, 1866, 422 p.
Jan. |
The Amateur, Bridlington, UK, sole issue successor to The Curiosity Collectors’ Magazine ... |
Jan. |
Briefmarken-Sammler, Leipzig, through Mar.
1871 |
Feb. |
Saint Valentine and Saint Martin, The
Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, Feb. 1866, new series,
vol. 1, no. 2, p. 54-57. Some light humor involving Valentine's Day letters and postage. |
Feb. |
The Englishwoman's Conversazione [answers to
questions from readers], The Englishwoman's Domestic
Magazine, Feb. 1866, new series, vol. 1, no. 2, p. 64. "Alice D., on the subject of postage-stamps, should look into the advertising pages of the "Boy's Own Magazine," where she will find that the youth of England have converted what appeared at the first to be a mere passing hobby into a regular branch of trade." |
Mar. |
The Boys' Agency Circular, Horsham, UK,
monthly, through July 1866. |
Mar. 1 |
[US] Post Office
Department, The Postal Laws and Regulations, Washington :
Government Printing Office, 1866, 114 + 89 p.
May |
The Collector's Guide, Newport, RI, US,
monthly, May 1866 to Dec. 1866. |
May 1 |
The Postman's Knock, St. John, New Brunswick,
monthly, May 1, 1866 to Mar. 1870.
May 15 |
A Word for the Stuarts, Robert Bell, The
Fortnightly Review, May 15, 1866, vol. 5, pp. 200-211 (link).
Jun. 20 |
Der Briefmarken-Anzeiger, Triest (Austria),
sole issue, June 20, 1866.
Jun. 30 |
[L.H. Bagg], Philately, The Round Table, New
York, June 30, 1866, vol. 3, no. 43, p. 408-409.
July |
The Stamp Collector's Review, F.H. King,
Boston, one page introductory issue; Oct. 1866, sole issue |
July |
Stamp Dealer's Advertiser, Liverpool,
monthly, through Aug. 1866. |
Sep. 1 |
Philately, [L.H. Bagg], The Round Table, New
York, Sep. 1, 1866, vol. 4, no. 52, p. 70. http://books.google.com/books?id=Jn05AQAAMAAJ |
Sep. 1 |
Post-Office Annual Report, The Leisure Hour,
vol. 15, pp. 559-560. http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015010946476 |
Sep. |
The Boy's Telegram, London, UK, sole issue. |
Oct. |
Stamp Courier and Curiosity Advertiser,
Dewsbury, UK, monthly, through Nov. 1866 |
Nov. 5 |
[non-philatelic] Catalogue d'une très-belle
collection de livres anciens et modernes ... provenant de
feu M. Emmanuel Trumper, et de plusieurs autres amateurs,
[auctioned by] J.B. Moens, Brussels, Nov. 5-12, 1866, 90 pp.
Nov. 26 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 26,
1866. Message of the President of the United States and Accompanying Documents, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the Second Session of the Thirty-ninth Congress, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1867. 39th Congress, 2d Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. No. 1, Part I. US Serial Set 1281.
The Annual Report of the Postmaster General of the United
States for the fiscal year 1866, Washington : Government
Printing Office, 1866, vi + 117 p.; report dated Nov. 26,
Report of the Postmaster General, 1865, 1866, reprint by Theron Wierenga, 1977.
Dec. 1 |
The Philatelist, London : Hall & Co.,
Brighton : Stafford Smith & Co., monthly, though Dec.
2nd half |
August Lauber, Katalog aller bekannten seit
1830 bis Mitte 1866 ausgegebenen Briefmarken, Stuttgart :
Emil Ebner, 1866, iv + 83 + [1] p.; second printing.
Prices by Hermann Goez; Lauber was one of his employees.
Thirifocq | |
Edw. A. Oppen, Postage Stamp Album, by Dr.
Viner, 13th ed.
Edw. A. Oppen, Postage Stamp Catalogue |
Edw. A. Oppen, Postage Stamp Album and Catalogue, by Dr. Viner, 13th ed. | |
Dr. Charles W. Viner, Oppen's Postage Stamp
Catalogue and Collector's Guide, London : William Stevens,
8th ed., 1866.
Dr. John
Edward Gray, The Illustrated Catalogue of Postage Stamps for
the Use of Collectors, London : E. Marlborough & Co.,
Bath : Alfred Smith & Co., 1866, 4th ed., xvi + 180 +
xii p. 12 pages of stamp dealers' advertisements at the end.
Anon, Catalogue descriptif de tous les
timbres-poste créés de 1840 à 1866 |
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 40, 1867,
[8] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1867,
288 + [28] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1867. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1867, i + 6 p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
The Post Office Directory of Birmingham,
London : Kelly & Co., 1867, 591 p. http://specialcollections.le.ac.uk/cdm/ref/collection/p16445coll4/id/218301 [Leicester] |
J.G. Harrod & Co.'s Postal and Commercial
Directory of Kent and Sussex, London, 1867, xiii + 969
p. (Shaw & Tipper 125). |
J.G. Harrod & Co.'s Postal and Commercial Directory of Sussex, London, 1867. (Shaw & Tipper 1353). | |
Littlebury's Postal and Commercial Directory
and Gazetteer of the County of Hereford, London : John
Littlebury, 1867. (Shaw & Tipper 561, 562). |
Nederlandsche Post-Gids, 1867, 82 pp. http://books.google.com/books?id=M5NdAAAAcAAJ |
The Official Post Office Directory of New
South Wales (Bailliere's), Sydney and Melbourne : F.F.
Balliere, 1867. http://books.google.com/books?id=Wt4NAAAAQAAJ [Oxford] |
Jan. |
John Dewé, Canadian postal guide : containing
calendars for 1867 and 1868, an abstract of the census taken
in January 1862, an exchange table, a description of the
practical working of the Canadian postal system, the laws
and regulations of the post office, the rates of postage,
every information in regard to bill stamps and money orders
: a complete list of all the post offices in Canada
distinguishing the money order offices, telegraph stations
and railway stations : together with tables of all the
railways in Canada and the distances between each station,
and a map of the railway systems in Canada West, Montreal,
1867, second ed., 140 p.
Jan. |
Paper Coins and Medals, Messrs. Young and
Stockall, The Boys' Journal, London, 1867, vol. 8, Jan., pp.
55-58, Feb., pp. 87-90. http://books.google.com/books?id=suEsAAAAYAAJ |
Jan. 28 |
Agreement (Vertrag) to sell the Thurn und Taxis postal service to Prussia, effective 1 July 1867. |
Feb. 2 |
A Post-Office in Mid-Ocean, The Leisure Hour,
Feb. 2, 1867, vol. 16, pp. 70-71. http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015018039647 |
Mar. 1 |
Edwin Chadwick, On the Economy of Telegraphy
as Part of a Public System of Postal Communication, Journal
of the Society of the Arts, Mar. 1, 1867, p. 222. |
Mar. 23 |
The Oldest German Newspaper, The Leisure
Hour, Mar. 23, 1867, vol. 16, p. 191 (link) [image]. http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015018039647 |
Apr. |
The Post Office and the Electric Telegraph,
The British Quarterly Review, Apr. 1867, vol. 45, pp.
442-477 (link).
Apr. |
Stamp and Curiosity Circular and Collector's
Vade Mecum, Dewsbury, UK, sole issue. |
Apr. |
Mason's Coin and Stamp Collectors' Magazine,
Philadelphia. Reprinted, 1996, edition of 215, by Charles E. Davis, Wenham, Mass.
Apr. |
Dr. Magnus [J.A. Legrand], Essai sur les
filigranes et les papiers employés à la fabrication des
timbres-poste, Paris : P. Mahé, 2nd ed., preface date.
Apr. |
Journal kept by
Hugh Finlay, Surveyor of the Post Roads on the Continent of
North America, during his Survey of the Post Offices between
Falmouth and Casco Bay in the Province of Massachusetts, and
Savannah in Georgia : begun the 13th Septr. 1773 and ended
26th June 1774, Brooklyn : Frank H. Norton, 1867, xxv + 94
p. + 2 maps.
May, Jun. |
Oscar Berger-Levrault, Les timbres-poste:
catalogue méthodique et descriptif de tous les timbres-poste
connus, 147 p., preface date. "Première partie, timbres-poste proprement dits." No further part was published.
Charles M. Seltz, The Postage-Stamp
Collectors' Hand-book, Boston, 20 p. NPM: http://collections.si.edu/search/record/siris_sil_281370 |
Pierre Zaccone, La Poste anecdotique et
pittoresque, Paris, 1867, 2nd ed., 307 pp.
May 1 |
American Philatelic Literature, L.H.B. [Lyman
Hotchkiss Bagg], The Philatelist, May 1, 1867, vol. 1, no.
6. |
May, June |
English and Continental Philatelic
Literature, W.D. Atlee, The Stamp Collector's Monthly
Gazette, St. John. New Brunswick, May, 1867, vol. 2, no. 24,
and supplement, June 1867. See also, The Philatelist, July, Oct., Nov., 1867, vol. 1, no. 8, 11, 12. See also, The Philatelist, 1869, 1872. |
Jun. |
Curiosities of the French Postal Service,
Bentley's Miscellany, Jun. 1867, vol. 61, pp. 592-601 (link).
A review of Zaccone, above. |
Jun. |
Postage Stamp Collectors' Monitor, Boston,
sole issue |
July 1 |
Dominion of Canada, consisting of the
provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova
Scotia. Later joined by Manitoba (15 July 1870),
British Columbia (20 July 1871), Prince Edward Island (1
July 1873). Ontario and Quebec were formerly Canada
West and Canada East in the Province of Canada.
Manitoba and the Northwest Territories were acquired from
the Hudson's Bay Company, 15 July 1870. For earlier history and later changes, see Wikipedia, Canadian Confederation. |
July 1 |
Catalogue of the Extraordinary Library,
unique of its kind, formed by the late Rev. F.J. Stainforth,
consisting entirely of Works of British & American
Poetesses, ... ; London : Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge,
July 1-5, 1867.
Moens, album, French, 6th ed., 138 sheets | |
Aug. |
Nordisk Frimaerketidende, Copenhagen
(Denmark), monthly, Aug. 1867 to Jun. 1868
Aug. |
Kelsey's Postage Stamp Reporter, Meriden,
Conn., sole issue |
Aug. |
Stamp Journal, Middletown, Conn., through
Oct. 1867 |
H. Stafford Smith, album and catalogue,
Brighton, 1867, 184 + [8] p.
Oct. |
J. Ashcroft Noble, Collecting Manias, The
Victoria Magazine, Oct. 1867, vol. 9, p. 481-487 (link);
postage stamps. p. 484-486. |
Oct. 25 |
The American Stamp Mercury, F. Trifet,
Boston, through Mar. 1871. |
Nov. 26 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 26,
1867. Message of the President of the United States and Accompanying Documents, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the Second Session of the Fortieth Congress, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1868. 40th Congress, 2d Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 1322.
Dec. 21 |
Canada, An Act for the regulation of the
Postal Service, 31 Victoria c. 10. |
Dec. |
Francisco López Fabra, Los Sellos para el
franqueo de la correspondencia, in Revista de Correos, the
official bulletin of the Spanish Post Office, Dec. 1867, no.
14. |
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 41, 1868,
[8] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1868,
288 + [12] + [24] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1867-68. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1868, 32 + [2] p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
C. Buchanan & Co.'s Postal and Commercial
Directory of Coventry, Leamington, Warwick, Kenilworth,
Nuneaton and District, Portsmouth : C. Buchanan & Co.,
1868. (Shaw & Tipper 1439). |
Dietrichsen and Hannay's Royal Almanack,
Liste alphabétique des rues, places,
impasses, etc. de Bruxelles et de la banlieue, avec
indication du bureau des postes qui les dessert, Brussels :
Guyot, 1868, ii + 98 p.
Annales des travaux publics de Belgique,
Brussels, 1868, vol. 26.
The Official Post Office Directory of
Victoria, Melbourne : F.F. Bailliere.
Moens, Catalogue prix-courant de
timbres-poste, 97 p. Later editions in 1869, 1871,
1872, 1877, 1883, 1892-93 |
G. Bauschke, Illustrated Postage Stamp Album
and Catalogue, 14th ed. |
Moens, album, French, 7th ed., 332 p., completely revised | |
List of Post Offices
and Postmasters in the United States, Washington :
Government Printing Office, 1868, xxiv + 293 p.
Jan. 1 |
The North German Confederation, and the
associated North German Postal District (Norddeutscher
Postbezirk), is formed from Bremen, Brunswick, Hamburg,
Lübeck, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz,
Oldenburg, Prussia, and Saxony. Hamburg had previously
absorbed Bergedorf, 8 Aug. 1867. Prussia had
previously annexed Schleswig-Holstein (from Denmark, 1864)
and Hanover (on the losing side in the war between Prussia
and Austria, 1 Oct. 1866), and purchased the Thurn and Taxis
postal service (by a forced sale, 1 July 1867).
Jan. |
Sir Cusack P. Roney, Rambles on Railways,
London, 1868; preface date Jan. 1868.
Jan. |
Stamp-Collector's Budget, Glasgow, through
Feb. 1868. |
Jan. |
Coin and Stamp Journal, Meriden, Conn.,
through Mar. 1868. |
Jan. |
Stamp Buyer, Middletown, Conn., through Mar.
1868. |
Jan. 1 |
Leicester Postal Handbook. Published
quarterly; issues 1 - 7, Jan. 1, 1868 to July 1, 1869. http://books.google.com/books?id=IPINAAAAQAAJ [Oxford] |
Jan. 4 |
Her Majesty's Mail in the Far-West, J.K.
Lord, The Leisure Hour, vol. 17, pp. 8-11. http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015068400491 |
Mar. |
City Postal Service in the United States,
Rev. L.W. Bacon, Putnam's Magazine, New York, Mar. 1868,
vol. 1, p. 348-354. http://books.google.com/books?id=p4M7AQAAMAAJ |
Mar. |
West of Scotland Foreign Stamp and Packet
Circular, Glasgow, through Oct. 1868 |
Mar. 1 |
The American Journal of Philately, monthly,
through Dec. 1878. Published by J.W. Scott, at first for the New York Philatelic Society, then on Scott's own account. The first number was reprinted. Continued as American Journal of Philately and Coin Advertiser, 1879 - 1886, vol. 13 - 20. Continued as American Journal of Philately, Second Series, 1888-1906, vol. 1 - 19. http://library.si.edu/digital-library/author/national-philatelic-society-new-york Noted in SCM, June 1, 1868 (link). |
May |
The International Stamp Recorder and
Curiosity Magazine, Dewsbury, UK, sole issue. Noted in SCM, June 1, 1868 (link). |
May 16 |
The Post Office, The Leisure Hour, vol. 17,
pp. 309-312 (link). |
June |
Two Great Cities, "An American", The Cornhill
Magazine, vol. 17, June 1868, pp. 493-512 (link).
June |
Oliver Wood, Eleven Months as Special Agent
in the Postoffice Department, Baltimore, June 1868, 18 p.
First Edition and Addition of Eleven Months as Special Agent in the Postoffice Department, Baltimore, June [blank], 18 p.
July 11 |
Post-Office Revenue, The Leisure Hour, vol.
17, p. 448 (link). |
July 25 |
The Electric Telegraphs Bill, The London
Review, July 25, 1868, vol. 18, p. 98. |
Accounts and Papers of the House of Commons,
Post Office, etc., for the Session 19 Nov. 1867 to 31 July
1868. http://books.google.com/books?id=AypcAAAAQAAJ |
Sep. |
J.W. Scott & Co., Descriptive Catalogue,
24 p. reprinted 1971 |
Sep. 5 |
Curiosities of the Post Office, Chambers’s
Journal, Edinburgh, Sep. 5, 1868, vol. 45, no. 245, p.
574-576 (link). |
Sep. 19 |
Country Letter-Carriers, The Leisure Hour,
vol. 17, p. 603-607 (link). |
Dec. 3 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Dec. 3, 1868. Message of the President of the United States, and Accompanying Documents, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the Third Session of the Fortieth Congress, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1869. 40th Congress, 3d Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 1364.
Cartilla Postal de España, with free postage
for the pamphlet's author Diego Castell Fernandez.![]()
British Almanac, London : Knight & Co., vol. 42, 1869,
[8] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : Knight & Co., 1869,
288 + [24] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1868-69. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1869, 20 p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
The Post Office Directory of
Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire, Bedfordshire,
Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, and Oxfordshire, London : Kelly
& Co., 1869, 4th ed., preface date Apr. 1869. |
Bristol and Clifton Postal Directory, Bristol
: Bristol Printing Co., 1869, 132 p. (Shaw &
Tipper 471). |
Postage-Stamps Collecting, or Philately, [Dr.
Viner], Every Boy's Book, London : Routledge, 1869, pp.
752-767; preface date Christmas, 1868 (link). |
Lost in the Post-Office, Hesba Stretton,
Routledge's Christmas Annual for 1869, London, vol. 4, pp.
57-69 (link).
Dr. Magnus (J.A. Legrand), Timbres de
Moldavie et de Roumanie, 2nd ed., Brussels : J.B. Moens,
1869, 65 p.
The Statutes
Relating to the Postal Service, as revised, simplified,
arranged, and consolidated, by the Commission appointed for
that purpose, from the various acts and resolutions now in
force, in whole or in part, Washington : Government Printing
Office, 1869, 6 + 76 p.
Jan. |
The New England Journal of Philately, Boston,
through March 1869. |
Jan. |
[Arthur Hill], Government Telegraphs, The
Edinburgh Review, Jan. 1869, vol. 129, pp. 154-169 (link).
Feb. 15 |
The Continental Philatelic Magazine, Cornelis
van Rinsum, Amsterdam, through Jan. 1870. |
Apr. 10 |
First meeting of The Philatelic Society,
London, held Apr. 10, 1869. The Royal
Philatelic Society London is now the oldest philatelic
society in the world.
The second meeting was held Oct. 2, 1869, as reported in
The Philatelist, Nov. 1, 1869, p. 121-122. |
June |
Our Monthly Gossip, Lippincott's Magazine of
Literature, Science and Education, June 1869, vol. 3, p. 681
[image]. |
July |
Timbrophilist, Amsterdam, through Mar. 1870. |
July 1 |
Bazar für Briefmarkensammler, Heidelberg,
through May 1870.
July 1 |
Government Offices: the Customs, Inland
Revenue, and Post Office, The Leisure Hour, vol. 18, pp.
430-432 (link). |
Sep. |
Philatelic Literature, W.D. Atlee, The
Philatelist, Sep., Nov., 1869, vol. 3, no. 9, 11; continued
in Jan. 1872, vol. 6, no. 1. |
Sep. |
Timbrophilist, Boston, through Sep. 1874. |
Oct. 1 |
Postal cards introduced in Austria and
Hungary. |
Nov. 15 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 15,
1869. Message of the President of the United States, with the reports of the Postmaster General and of the Secretary of the Navy, communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the Second Session of the Forty-first Congress, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1869. 41st Congress, 2d Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. 1, pt. 1. US Serial Set 1411.
Report of the Postmaster General, Nov. 15, 1869, 132 p., but without the title page. Message from the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress, at the commencement of the Second Session of the Forty-first Congress, with the Reports of the Heads of Departments, and Selections from Accompanying Documents, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1870. Ben: Perley Poore, ed.
Dec. |
Youth's Gazette and Advertiser, London,
through Jan. 1870. |
? |
Der Deutsche Briefmarken-Sammler, G.
Bauschke, Aussig (Austria), three numbers, 1869, months not
By 1869, these postage stamp catalogues were
in the Library of Congress: Bellars and Davie (1864,
2nd), Dexter (1863), Gray (1865, 3rd), Oppen (1864, 4th),
Oppen (1864, 6th). |
British Almanac, London : The Company of Stationers, vol.
43, 1870, [8] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : The Company of
Stationers, 1870, 288 + [16] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1870. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1870, 25 + [1] p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
Dr. J.E.
Gray, Overy Taylor, The Illustrated Catalogue of Postage
Stamps, Bath : Alfred Smith & Co., 1870, 5th ed., xvi +
210 p. Previous editions, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th; later edition, 6th. Dr. Gray had suffered a stroke in May 1869, which was not his first, but more severe than before. So, George Overy Taylor took over the catalogue. Review, comments, and response, by |
Ernest Delamont, Notice historique sur la
poste aux lettres dans l'antiquité et en France, Bordeaux :
A. Perey, 1870, 148 + [2] p.
J. Disturnell, List
of Post-Offices and Postmasters in the United States, with
an Appendix of Names of Post-Offices by States and Counties,
and Table of Distances from Washington, D.C., New York :
Disturnell & Statia, 1870, 321 p.
Post Office Gazette, Washington, 1870.
Published monthly, vol. 1-10.
Feb. 5 |
The British Post Office completed purchase of
the telegraph companies. The price paid was too high,
the projections of debt were too low, and the projections of
income were too high. There was a uniform 1 shilling
rate, and usage increased, but not the profits.
Parliament conducted a financial review in 1875-76. |
Mar. 30 |
Report of the Committee Appointed by the
Postmaster General to Examine and Revise the Postal Code,
Washington, 1870, 32 p. |
Apr. |
[Mariano Pardo de Figueroa, as Dr.
Thebussem], Kpankla, Carta dirigida al Sr. D. Eduardo de
Mariátegui, ingeniero militar, etc., etc., por su amigo el
Doctor Thebussem, Madrid, 1870, 24 p. Edition of 150.
This is often claimed to be the first book on philately published in Spain, but that neglects the 1864 catalogue by José María Vergés de Cardona. |
June 10 |
One Cent Postage, Abolition of
Franking. Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of
Massachusetts, in the Senate of the United States, June 10,
1870, Washington, 16 p.
July 1 |
List of Post Offices in Canada, with the
Names of the Postmasters, on the 1st July, 1870, Ottawa,
1870, 139 p.
July 15 |
El Indicador de los Sellos, edited by Eduardo
Gilabert, the first stamp journal published in Spain.
One number only, 4 pages. |
Franco-Prussian War, 19 July 1870 to 28 Jan.
1871. Wikipedia, Franco-Prussian War. |
Sep. |
J.G. Harrod & Co.'s Postal and Commercial
Directory of Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Rutland and
Staffordshire, London, 1870, 2nd ed., viii + 1151 + 49 p.,
preface date Sep. 1870.
Sep. 1 |
Post Office
Directory, List of Post Offices in the United States,
Washington : Government Printing Office, Sep. 1, 1870, vi +
393 p.
Oct. 1 |
Postal cards introduced in Britain, Switzerland. |
E.S. Gibbons, The V.R. Illustrated Postage
Stamp Album and Catalogue, Plymouth : Stanley, Gibbons &
Co., [1870], 304 + [8] p. The British issues of Oct. 1, 1870 are listed. |
List of Post
Offices in the United States, Washington : Wm. H. Boyd,
1870, [2] + 964 + vi p.
Nov. 15 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 15,
1870. Message of the President of the United States and Accompanying Documents to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the Third Session of the Forty-first Congress, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1870. 41st Congress, 3d Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. 1, Part 1. US Serial Set 1445.
Report of the Postmaster General, Nov. 15, 1870, 188 p., but without the title page. Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances for the year 1870, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1870. 41st Congress, 3d Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. No. 2. US Serial Set 1451.
British Almanac, London : The Company of Stationers, vol.
44, 1871, [8] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : The Company of
Stationers, 1871, 288 + [24] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1871. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1871, 66 p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
Reports, Minutes, and Memoranda Explanatory
of the Origin and Progress of the System of Post Office
Savings Banks, London, 1871. |
S. Gille Heringa, Nederlandsch jaarboekje der
posterijen voor 1871/72, als aansluiting op dat van 1864
[continuing from that of 1864], Middelburg, 1871, 16th-23rd
vol., 480 + 463 p.
[Mariano Pardo de Figueroa, as Dr.
Thebussem], (Segunda edicion de) Kpankla (y primera de)
Klentrron, Cartas Philatélicas del Doctor Thebussem y de Don
Eduardo de Mariátegui, Madrid, 1871, 64 p. Edition of
El Averiguador, correspondencia entre
curiosos, literatos, anticuarios, etc., etc., Madrid.
Edited by Eduardo de Mariátegui.
Rowland Hill, History of Penny Postage with a
prefatory memoir, London, 1871.
Dr. Viner, [Oppen's] Postage Stamp Catalogue
and Collector's Guide, London : William Stevens, 1871, 14th
ed., viii + 72 + [2] p.
J.K. Tiffany, A Reference List of
Publications relating to Postage Stamps and their
Collection, St. Louis, 1871.
Feb. 15 |
El Coleccionista de Sellos, edited by Balbino
Cotter Cortes, the second stamp journal published in Spain. |
April |
Nov. 18 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 18,
1871. Message of the President of the United States, together with the Reports of the Heads of Departments, to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the Second Session of the Forty-second Congress. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1871. 42d Congress, 2d Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. No. 1. US Serial Set 1502.
Annual Report of the Postmaster General on the Operations of the Department for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1871, xxxviii + 158 p.; report dated Nov. 18, 1871.
Alfred Smith & Co.'s Descriptive Price Catalogue of the Postage Stamps of All Nations, Bath : Alfred Smith & Co., 1871, 14th ed. | |
British Almanac, London : The Company of Stationers, vol.
45, 1872, [8] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : The Company of
Stationers, 1872, 288 + [24] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1872. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1872, 46 + [1] p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
Emanuel Herrmann, ![]()
List of Post Offices in the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland, Washington : Government Printing
Office, 1872, 194 p.
Neuestes Post-Handbuch, Ein praktischer
Rathgeber auf dem gesammten Gebiete des
österreichisch-ungarischen Postwesens, Prague : Limenkogel
& Funk, 1872. |
Dr. Viner, [Oppen's] Postage Stamp Catalogue
and Collector's Guide, London : William Stevens, 1872, 16th
ed., 74 p.
Arthur de Rothschild, Notice sur l'origine du
prix uniforme de la taxe des lettres et sur la création des
timbres-poste en Angleterre, Paris : Librairie Nouvelle,
1872, 83 p.
Arthur de Rothschild, La Poste à un penny,
Brussels, 1872, 48 p.
Jan. |
Canadian Philatelist, Quebec, Jan. 1872 to
April 1872. Same title, Sep. 1872 to Jan. 1873.
Jan. 1 |
The postal service of the German Empire
succeeds those of the North German Confederation, and
Baden. It was later joined by Heligoland (1890),
Württemberg (1902 and 1920), and Bavaria (1920). |
Jan. 9 |
The Postal Act of Fiji, The Sydney Morning
Herald, Jan. 9, 1872, p. 5 (link).
Mar. 18 |
Catalogue of An exceedingly Choice and Select
Collection of Postage Stamps, comprising a fine selection
from the celebrated collection of Mr. J.W. Scott, to be sold
at auction, by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge,
Auctioneers of Literary Property, & Works illustrative
of the Fine Arts, at their house, No. 13, Wellington Street,
Strand, W.C., on Monday, March 18th, 1872, at one o'clock
precisely. London, 1872, 11 p.
June |
William White, Post Office Gazetteer of the
Dominion of Canada, Montreal, 1872, 174 p.
July |
The Post Office, The London Quarterly Review,
July 1872, vol. 38, p. 265-300 (link). |
July 15 |
Gazette des Timbres, Paris, Pierre Mahé, 15
July 1872 to Dec. 1876, published monthly with gaps.
July 15 |
Dr. Thebussem, Filatelia, Borron Philatelico,
El Averiguador, July 15, 1872, p. 200-207 (link). |
July 28 |
Philatelistische Berichte, Rudolfsheim/Vienna
(Austria), 28 July 1872 to 31 Dec. 1877. |
Nov. |
The Stamp Collector's Chronicle, St. John,
New Brunswick, Nov. 1872 to Jan. 1873. New Series, Mar. 1873 to Dec. 1873.
Nov. 15 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 15,
1872. Papers relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, transmitted to Congress with the Annual Message of the President, December 2, 1872, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1873. 42d Congress, 3d Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. 1, Part 1. US Serial Set 1552.
Dec. |
F. Raymond and Co.'s Monthly Circular and
"General Advertiser", London, Ontario, Dec. 1872.
British Almanac, London : The Company of Stationers, vol.
46, 1873, [8] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : The Company of
Stationers, 1873, 288 + [24] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1873. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1873, 41 + [1] p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
Government Telegraphs, London Quarterly
Review, 1873, vol. 39, p. 293. |
N.M. Keukenmeester en B.J.R. Engelbregt,
Handleiding voor Postambtenaren: verzameling der van kracht
zijnde Wetten, Besluiten, Reglementen, Voorschriften, enz.,
die de dienst der Posterijen Regelen, Maasluis (Netherlands)
: J. van der Endt, 1873, [12] + 349 + [6] p.
[US] Post-Office
Department, The Postal Laws and Regulations, Washington :
Government Printing Office, 1873, 434 p.
Arthur de Rothschild, Histoire de la poste
aux lettres, depuis ses origines les plus anciennes jusqu'a
nos jours, Paris : Librairie Nouvelle, 1873, [4] + 335 p.
Justin Lallier, Album, Timbres-poste, Paris :
A. Lenègre, 12th ed., 1873.
Post Office
Directory. List of Post Offices in the United States
and Canada, Arranged Alphabetically and Giving the Salaries
of the Postmasters, Washington : William H. Boyd, 1873.
John G. Judd, The Postmaster's Guide and
Handy Index to the New Postal Law, Washington : Judd &
Detweiler, 1873.
May |
The International Advertiser, Quebec, May
July 1 |
The Stamp, H. Werninck & Co., London and
Leipzig, July 1, 1873 to Sep. 1, 1873, published twice
Aug. 16 |
Post-Office Department, Tables of Distances
for the Regulation and Adjustment of Telegraphic Rates for
Government Messages, compiled by the Topographer of the
Post-Office Department, Washington, 1873, 148 p.
Oct. |
Arthur de Rothschild, Histoire de la poste
aux lettres, depuis ses origines les plus anciennes jusqu'a
nos jours, Paris : Librairie Hachette, 2nd ed., 1873, [4] +
394 p.; preface dated Oct. 1873.
Oct. 1 |
Advertisement of October 1, 1873, inviting
proposals for Carrying the Mails of the United States in the
states of Oregon, Nevada, and California, and territories of
Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah,
Idaho, and Washington, from July 1, 1874, to June 30, 1878,
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1873, 96 p.
Nov. 14 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 14,
1873. Message of the President of the United States, with the Accompanying Documents, transmitted to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the First Session of the Forty-third Congress, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1873. 43d Congress, 1st Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. 1, Part 1. US Serial Set 1594.
British Almanac, London : The Company of Stationers, vol.
47, 1874, [8] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : The Company of
Stationers, 1874, 288 + [24] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1874. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1874, 46 + [1] p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
E.S. Gibbons, The Imperial Postage Stamp
Album and Catalogue, Plymouth : Stanley, Gibbons & Co.,
1874. |
Dr. Charles W. Viner, Oppen's Postage Stamp
Catalogue and Collector's Guide, London : William Stevens,
18th ed., 1874.
Justin-H. Lallier, Album timbres-poste
élémentaire, de 1840 a 1874, Paris : A. Lenègre, 248 p. |
A New Railway Postal Directory, arranged
expressly for the Use of Railway Post-Office Clerks, Route
Agents, Mail Route Messengers, Postmasters, and all
Post-Office Officials, Compiled from Official Records to
October 1, 1874, Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott and Co.,
1874 (or 1875?).
Jan. |
l'Ami des Timbres, Paris, Ch. Roussin, Jan.
1874 to July 1902.
Jan. 1 |
le Timbre Fiscal, J.-B. Moens, Brussels, Jan.
1, 1874 to Dec. 1, 1896.
Jan. 1 |
Edward L. Pemberton, The Philatelical
Catalogue, being a complete catalogue of Postage Stamps and
Postal Envelopes and Cards, Dawlish : James R. Grant &
Co., 1874, 52 p. + 3 plates.
Mar. |
Edward L. Pemberton, The Stamp Collector's
Handbook, Dawlish : James R. Grant & Co., 1874, 202 p.
Apr. |
Papers Relating to Postal Railway-Car
Service, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1874, 255
July 1 |
John Kerr Tiffany, The Philatelical Library,
A Catalogue of Stamp Publications, St. Louis : privately
printed, 1874, x + 110 + [2] p.
Aug. |
La Revista Philatélica, Buenos Aires,
Argentina, Aug. 1874 to Sep. 1874.
Oct. |
States Official Postal Guide, New York : Hurd and Houghton,
Cambridge (Mass.) : Riverside Press, published quarterly.
Oct. 9 |
Treaty establishing the Universal Postal
Union, signed in Bern, Switzerland. Treaty Concerning the Formation of a General Postal Union, Washington, 1875, 58 p.
Documents du Congrès Postal International, réuni à Berne du 15 septembre au 9 Octobre 1874, Berne, 1875, 159 p.
Congrès International des Postes, Procès-verbaux des
séances du Congrès tenu á Berne, Archives diplomatiques,
1875, vol. 4, p. 143-270 (link). Treaty Concerning the Formation of a General Postal
Union, London, House of Commons, Parliamentary Papers,
1875, vol. 82, Treaty, [C. 1231], p. 529-540 (link);
Regulations, [C. 1232], p. 541-568 (link). |
Nov. 14 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 14,
1874. Papers relating to the Foreign Relations of The United States, transmitted to Congress, with the Annual Message of the President, December 7, 1874, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1874. 43d Congress, 2d Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. 1, Part 1. US Serial Set 1634.
Dec. |
The Progress of Despotism! The Rights of
the Press Invaded!! Where is the Next Victim?, Henry
B. Dawson, The Historical Magazine, and Notes and Queries
Concerning the Antiquities, History and Biography of
America, New York, Dec. 1874, third series, vol. 3, extra
no. 2, p. 397-407 (link).
British Almanac, London : The Company of Stationers, vol.
48, 1875, [8] + 96 p.
Companion to the Almanac, London : The Company of
Stationers, 1875, 288 + [24] p.
Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1875. (previous, next) | |
Report of The Postmaster General, on the Post Office,
London, 1875, 41 + [1] p.
Postal Guide, London, published quarterly.
P. [Pieter] Keg, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1873/75, Middelburg, 24th-26th vol. |
States Official Postal Guide, Boston : H.O. Houghton and
Co., New York : Hurd and Houghton, Cambridge (Mass.) :
Riverside Press, published quarterly.
Dr. J.E.
Gray, Overy Taylor, The Illustrated Catalogue of Postage
Stamps, Bath : Alfred Smith & Co., 1875, 6th ed., xvi +
523 + [1] p.
Part 1, 64 p., was reviewed in The Stamp-Collector's Magazine, Mar. 1874 (link). Parts 1 to 4, 256 p., were reviewed in Aug. 1874 (link). In Oct. 1874, "Dr. Gray's Illustrated Catalogue of Postage Stamps will shortly be issued as a complete volume." (link). |
Société française de timbrologie, [Circular
on the formation of the Society with a list of the
founders], Paris, [1875], 2 p.
J.W. Scott & Co., The Postage Stamp
Catalogue, New York : J.W. Scott & Co..
Jan. |
Gardiner G. Hubbard, Our Post-Office, The
Atlantic Monthly, Jan. 1875.
Feb. |
The Stamp Advocate, Toronto, Feb. 1875 to
June 1875.
Mar. 7 |
Death of Dr. John Edward Gray, Mar. 7, 1875.
Mar. 23 |
Corriere dei Francobolli, Trieste (Austria),
Mar. 23, 1875 to Apr. 8, 1879.
July 1 |
Universal Postal Union, treaty takes effect.
Oct. |
l'Union Postale, journal publié par le Bureau
International de l'Union Générale des Postes, Berne, Oct.
1875 - present; parallel French, German and English, with
other languages added later.
Oct. |
Bulletin de la Société française de
Timbrologie, Paris, Oct. 1875 to July 1896.
Nov. 15 |
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 15,
1875. Papers relating to the Foreign Relations of The United States, transmitted to Congress, with the Annual Message of the President, December 6, 1875, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1875. 44th Congress, 1st Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. 1, Part 1. US Serial Set 1672.
Dec. 15 |
Letter from the Postmaster General,
transmitting A statement of the expenditures made from the
contingent fund of his Department for the fiscal year ended
June 30, 1875. House Ex. Doc. 20, 44th Congress, 1st
In 1875, the following works were offered for
sale by E. Marlborough & Co., London (ref).
British Almanac, London, (previous,
1875), 1876,
etc. |
The Companion to the Almanac, London, (previous, 1875), 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, etc. | |
Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office, Session 1876, etc.
(previous, 1875), 1876,
and later |
Post Office, Reports of the Postmaster General.
Postal Guide, (previous,
Report of
the [US] Postmaster General, Washington, dated Nov. 27,
1876. Papers relating to the Foreign Relations of The United States, transmitted to Congress, with the Annual Message of the President, December 4, 1876, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1876. 44th Congress, 2d Session, House of Representatives, Ex. Doc. 1, Part 1. US Serial Set 1741.
For further years, see,
States Official Postal Guide, quarterly, (previous, 1875).
U.S. Postal Laws
and Regulations, a short selection of links
1876 |
Arthur Hill, Post Office Telegraphs, The Edinburgh Review, Jan. 1876, p. 184. |
1876 |
Actes de la Conférence Postale de Berne,
Janvier 1876, Berne, 1876, 56 p. |
1876 | Wiener Illustrirte Briefmarken-Zeitung,
Vienna, Sigmund Friedl, monthly, Jan. 15, 1876 to Dec. 15,
1876 | Il Timbrofilo, Trieste (Austria), May 12,
1876 to Aug. 1, 1877.
1876 | Catalogue of the Library of the late Miss
Agnes Strickland [and others], Sotheby, Wilkinson &
Hodge, London, 19 May 1876, 144 p.
1876 | [Mariano Pardo de Figueroa, as Dr.
Thebussem], Literatura Philatélica en España, Apuntes para
la redaccion de un Catalogo por el Doctor Thebussem,
Sevilla, 1876, xiv + 34 p.; preface dated 29 Sep. 1876.
1876 | Skandinavisk Frimaerketidende, Copenhagen
(Denmark), Oct. 15, 1876 to Dec. 1877.
1876 | Skandinavisk Frimaerke-Journal, Copenhagen
(Denmark), Oct. 20, 1876 to May 1877.
1877 |
P. [Pieter] Keg, Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der
Posterijen voor 1876/78, aansluitende aan dat van 1873/75,
Middelburg, 1877, 27th-29th volumes, 14 + 480 p.
1877 |
The Philatelic News, Toronto, (Canada) Jan.
1877 |
The Toronto Philatelist, Toronto (Canada),
March 1877 to May 1877.
1878 |
Guia del Coleccionista de Sellos de Correos,
Valparaiso (Chile), Jan. 1, 1878 to Dec. 1881.
1878 |
Nordisk Frimaerkeverden, Copenhagen
(Denmark), Jan. - Apr. 1878.
1878 |
Montreal Philatelist, Montreal (Canada), Feb.
1877 to Mar. 1877.
1878 |
UPU Congress, Paris, May 2 - June 4, 1878. |
1878 |
[Dec. 7] Seventh Report of the Postmaster
General of Japan, for the fiscal year ended June 30th,
Eleventh Year of Meiji, 1878, Yokohama, 1878, 33 p. |
1878 |
[Dec. 12] Deaths. On the 12th inst. [=
12 Dec. 1878], of typhoid fever, at his residence, Portswood
Park, Southampton, Edward Loines Pemberton, aged 34, deeply
1879 |
In January 1879, Rowland Hill was awarded the Freedom of the City by London (link). The presentation was made in June 1879, but Hill was too ill to attend; he died Aug. 27, 1879. |
1880 |
Mar. 4, 1880, First issue of the US Postal
Bulletin [Daily Bulletin of Orders affecting the Postal
Service]. |
1881 |
List of Post Offices
in the United States, Arranged Alphabetically, Washington :
Government Printing Office, 1881, 420 p.
1882 |
List of Post Offices
in the United States, Arranged Alphabetically, [etc.],
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1882, 838 p.
1883 |
Oppen's Album and Catalogue, 1883,
1886 (APRL), 1889 (APRL). |
1883 |
E.S. Gibbons, Imperial Postage Stamp Album, 1883,
1885. |
1887 |
The British colonies and the Postal
Union. A brief account of the formation of the
Universal Postal Union, its gradual extension to the various
parts of the British Empire, and the reasons which have
hitherto deterred the Australasian and South African
colonies from joining the union.
British journals to search
-- postage OR postal OR "post office" OR
"post-office" OR postmaster OR "post-master" OR mail OR mails OR
stamp OR stamps OR collecting OR collection OR collector
Who Was Who in Philately. http://www.abps.org.uk/Home/Who_Was_Who/index.xalter
Ken Lawrence, The origin of stamp collecting in America, Part 1:
How stamp collecting came to the United States, Linn's Stamp News,
Oct. 17, 2014. http://www.linns.com/en/marketplace/stamp-market-insights/2014/10/the-origin-of-stamp-collecting-in-america-part-1-h.html
Ken Lawrence, How our hobby began: The origins of stamp
collecting., Scott Stamp Monthly, August 2009, Volume 27, Issue 8,
pp.18-20 & 22-23.
Ken Lawrence, Before the Penny Black, 1995-96, http://norbyhus.dk/btpb.html
Publications of the US Post Office Department