Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office

Session 1847, 19 January - 23 July

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Introductory Notes

Session 1847, 70 volumes

Bills, Public 4 vol.
I - IV
Reports from Committees 10 vol.
Reports from Commissioners 19 vol.
Accounts and Papers 37 vol.
List of Bills, Reports, Estimates, Accounts and Papers, Session 1847 (with General Alphabetical Index).
List of sessional papers, and general index: sess. 1847.
1847 (---) LXX.103, iv (arrangement) + lxxx (list) + 153 (index) p.
PDF [ProQuest]  [Oxford]  [Harvard]

14th Parliament of the UK, 7th Session, 10 & 11 Victoria


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Bills and Acts

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1847 (554) III.289, Postage

1847 (452) IV.79, Transfers of Duties from Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes, to Commissioners of Excise

Bill, intituled, Act for extending provisions of Law respecting Threatening Letters, and accusing Parties to extort Money.
Threatening letters, &c. A bill intituled, an act for extending the provisions of the law respecting threatening letters, and accusing parties with a view to extort money.
1847 (480) IV.167, 2 p.; PDF [ProQuest]

Reports and Papers

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1847 (533)

1847, Lords (225) XXV, Receipts and charges

1847 (117) XXXVI.189, P. and O. Steam Packet Co., contracts

1847 (582) LXII.1, Post Office Revenue

1847 (585) LXII.7, Revenue of Post Office, 1846

1847 (586) LXII.17, Chargeable Letters, London Post Office, 1839-46

1847 (713) LXII.25, Money letters

1847 (281) LXII.61, Post Office Surveyors

1847 (382) LXII.89, Money Orders for Ireland at Liverpool Post Office

Command Papers

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1847 [773] LXII.91, France, Postal Convention, Additional Articles
1847 [772] LXII.95, Postal Convention with Prussia, Oct. 1846
1847 [776] LXII.121, Postal Convention with Prussia, additional articles
Hertslet, vol. 8, 1851,

Last changed 25 October 2017

Timeline of Philatelic Literature, 1830-1875

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