Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office

Session 1831-32, 6 December 1831 - 16 August 1832

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Introductory Notes

Indexes to Parliamentary Reports and Papers relating to the Post Office and Postage: 1735-1839.
1840 (10) XLII.1.

Session 1831-32, 48 volumes

Bills, Public 4 vol.
I - IV
Reports from Committees 18 vol.
Reports from Commissioners 3 vol.
Finance and Revenue
1 vol. XXVI
Estimates and Accounts
1 vol. XXVII
Accounts and Papers 18 vol.
2 vol. XLVI - XLVII
State Papers
1 vol. XLVIII
List of Bills, Reports, Estimates, Accounts and Papers, Session 1831-32 (with General Alphabetical Index).
List of Sessional Papers, and General Index: Sess. 1831-2.
1831-32 (Sess. 1831-32) XLVIII.409, xxxv + 60 p.
PDF [ProQuest]  [Oxford]  [Harvard]

10th Parliament of the UK, 2nd Session, 2 & 3 William IV


<work in progress>

Bills and Acts

<work in progress>

1831-32 (548) II.75, Forgery
1831-31 (630) II.77, Forgery

Bill to regulate Mode of sending Parliamentary Papers Post free, and extend Power of Franking to Officers of House of Lords.
3 Will. IV.--Sess. 1831-2. A bill to regulate the mode of sending parliamentary papers postage free, and to extend the power of franking to certain officers of the House of Lords.
1831-32 (655) II.79, 6 p.; PDF [ProQuest]

Bill to regulate Mode of sending Parliamentary Papers Post free, and extend Power of Franking to Officers of House of Lords (as amended by Committee).
3 Will. IV.--Sess. 1831-2. A bill [as amended by the committee] to regulate the mode of sending parliamentary papers postage free, and to extend the power of franking to certain officers of the House of Lords.
1831-32 (680) II.85, 6 p.; PDF [ProQuest]

Stamp Duties on admission to Freedom of Corporate Towns in Ireland
1831-32 (637) II.97, 4 p.

Bill to enable Postmaster General to extend Accommodation by Post, and regulate Franking in Ireland.
2 Will. IV.--Sess. 1831-2. (Ireland.) A bill to enable His Majesty's Postmaster General to extend the accommodation by post, and to regulate the privilege of franking in Ireland, and for other purposes relating to the Post Office.
1831-32 (119) II.719, 14 p.; PDF [ProQuest]

Bill to amend Act relating to Post Roads in Ireland.
3 Will. IV. Sess. 1831-2. (Ireland.) A bill to amend an act of the forty-fifth year of His Majesty King George the Third relating to post roads in Ireland.
1831-32 (604) II.733, 4 p.; PDF [ProQuest]

1831-32 (525) IV.359, Duties on stage coaches, etc.
1831-32 (602) IV.421, Duties on stage coaches, etc.

Reports and Papers

<work in progress>

1831-32 (188)
1831-32 (368)
1831-32 (496)
1831-32 (427)

Select Committee on Post Office Communication with Ireland. Report, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix
Report from the Select Committee on Post Communication with Ireland: with the minutes of evidence, and appendix.
1831-32 (716) XVII.1, 401 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Summary, 1834 index (link)
See also, 1841 Session 1 (399) IX.609; 1842 (373) IX.343.

Report of Vice-Admiral Malcolm on Packet Service at Falmouth.
Falmouth packet establishment. Report from Vice-Admiral Sir Pulteney Malcolm, K.C.B. to the Admiralty, respecting the packet service at Falmouth; dated 16 January 1832.
1831-32 (257) XXVII.595, 14 p.; PDF [ProQuest]

1831-32 (513) XXXIV.101, Stamp Duty  [Harvard]

Return of Number of Persons committed in Metropolis for Sale of Unstamped Publications, 1831.
Stamp prosecutions. Return of the number of persons who have been committed by the magistrates of the metropolis, within the last year, for selling unstamped publications; stating the name of the persons committed; the magistrates by whom committed; and the periods for which committed; also, the number now actually in prison for such offence.
1831-32 (40) XXXIV.103, 4 p.; PDF [ProQuest]  [Harvard]

Return of Number of Persons committed for selling Unstamped Publications, 1831-32.
Unstamped publications. Return of the number of persons who have been committed for selling unstamped publications, since 10th December 1831.
1831-32 (711) XXXIV.107, 6 p.; PDF [ProQuest]  [Harvard]

1831-32 (133) XXXIV.113, Stamp Duty  [Harvard]

1831-32 (427) XXXIV.115, Duty on Playing Cards  [Harvard]

1831-32 (188) XXXIV.117, London Newspapers in 1831  [Harvard]

1831-32 (290) XXXIV.119, Stamp Duty on Newspapers, 1831  [Harvard]

1831-32 (465) XXXIV.121, Stamp Duty on Newspapers  [Harvard]

1831-32 (242) XXXIV.123, Stamp Duty on Newspapers  [Harvard]

1831-32 (30) XXXIV.127, Stamp Duty on Newspapers, 1821-30  [Harvard]
Reprinted in <IUP-Newspapers-2>, p. 95-98.

1831-32 (146) XXXIV.131, Newspapers transmitted by Post, 1830  [Harvard]

Return of Tonnage Duties paid at Calais on Voyages by Post Office Steam Packets from Dover.
Calais and Dovor packet duties. A return of the amount of tonnage duties, and the rate per ton, paid at Calais and Dovor, on each voyage, by the Post-Office steam packets.
1831-32 (147) XXXIV.245, 2 p.; PDF [ProQuest]  [Oxford]  [Harvard]

Return of Number of Post Office Steam Packets on Irish Stations.
Post-Office steam-packets, Ireland. Returns relating to the Post-Office steam-packets on the Irish stations.
1831-32 (302) XXXIV.247, 6 p.; PDF [ProQuest]  [Oxford]

Letters from Mr. Spring Rice respecting Salary of Office of Postmaster General.
Postmaster General. Copies of letters from Mr. Spring Rice, by order of the Lords of the Treasury, of the 20th April 1831 and 19th June 1832, addressed to the Postmaster General; and a copy of the reply of the Postmaster General, of the 23d June 1832.
1831-32 (691) XLV.115, 8 p.; PDF [ProQuest]

Return of Clerks of Road and Express Newspapers in Post Office of Ireland.
Post-Office, Ireland. Return of the names of the clerks of roads and clerks of express newspapers in Ireland; and copies of correspondence between the Post-Office and Messrs. Johnston of Dublin.
1831-32 (392) XLV.123, 10 p.; PDF [ProQuest]

Command Papers


Last changed 16 August 2017

Timeline of Philatelic Literature, 1830-1875

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