Britain, Parliamentary Papers on the Post Office
Sessions 1877 and later, selected items
(previous, next)
Introductory Notes
<work in progress>
Bills and Acts
<work in progress>
1877 (212) V.53, Money Orders
1880 (62) V.651, Money Orders
1880 (172) V.659, Money Orders
1880 (172a) V.667, Money Orders, Draft Regulations
1880 (309) V.673, Post Office Savings Banks
1880 (90) VI.313, London, SW District Post Office
1880 (227) VI.321, London, SW District Post Office
1880 (262) VI.333, London, SW District Post Office
1881 (154) IV.219, Transmission of Newspapers
1881 (150) IV.621, Post Office, land acquisition
1882 (254) V.1, Conveyance of Parcels
1882 (74) V.505, Reply Post Cards
1883 (263) VIII.619, Money Orders
1883 (266) VIII.629, Post Office, Offences
1883 (298) VIII.641, Post Office, Offences
1884 (161) VI.211, Post Office, Offences
1884 (297) VI.225, Post Office, Offences
1884-85 (72) IV.621, Post Offices, land acquisition
1884-85 (193) IV.627, Post Offices, land acquisition
1886 (168) II.317, Money Payments, free of postage
1886 (148) V.91, Post Office, Birmingham
1886 (229) V.99, Post Office, Birmingham
1887 (86) II.361, Money Payments, free of postage
1887 (344) V.357, Post Office Savings Banks
1888 (51) III.125, Money Payments, free of postage
1889 (244) VI.463, Post Office, land transfers
1889 (377) VI.477, Post Office, land transfers
1890-91 (366) VII.667, Service of Post Office
1890-91 (405) VII.675, Service of Post Office
1892 (378) V.519, Post Office Act, 1891, amendments
1893-94 (263) II.93, Conveyance of Mails
1893-94 (156) VII.67, Post Office, land transfers
1893-94 (256) VII.75, Post Office, land transfers
1895 (191) VI.31, Post Office Act, 1891, amendments
1896 (150) III.243, Money Payments, free of postage
1896 (284) VI.163, Post Office Act
1897 (211) VI.193, Post Office Act
1897 (251) VI.241, Post Office, land transfers
1897 (328) VI.267, Post Office, land transfers
1900 (228) IV.175, Post Office, land transfers
1900 (274) IV.183, Post Office, land transfers
Bill, intituled, Act to amend Telegraph and Post Office Acts in
relation to Channel Islands.
Telegraph (channel islands). [H.L.] A bill intituled an act to amend
the Telegraph Acts, 1863 to 1897, and the Post Office Acts in
relation to the Channel Islands.
1899 (123) VII.243, 8 p.
Reports and Papers
<work in progress>
Committee of Inquiry into Money-Order System of Post Office,
proposed Scheme of Post Office Notes and Postal Drafts payable to
Order. Report, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, Index.
Post Office (money order system). Return to an order of the
honourable the House of Commons, dated 25 June 1877;--for, report of
the Committee of Inquiry into the money order system of the Post
Office, into the proposed scheme of Post Office notes, and as to
postal drafts payable to order; together with minutes of evidence,
appendix, and index.
1877 (289) XXVII.261, 98 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Reprinted in <IUP-Posts-and-Telegraphs-4>
1877 (264) XLIX.333, Compulsory prepayment to Australian Colonies
1877 (184) XLIX.337, Post Office Savings Banks (annual reports,
1877 (284) LXVIII.519, Indecent or Obscene Publications
1878 (92) XLVI.255, Conveyance of Mails to US, 1868-77
1878-79 (285) XLII.699, Post Office Savings Banks
1878-79 (30) XLII,
Reprinted in <IUP-China-42>
1878-79 (103) XLII,
Reprinted in <IUP-China-42>
1880 (80) XL.329, Life Insurance though the Post Office
1880 (90) XL.401, Post Office Money Orders, draft regulations
1880 (345) XL.417, Post Office Savings Banks
1881 (410)
1882 (138) XII.383, Post Office, annuities
1883 (133) XXXVIII.413
1883 (287) XLIII.793, Parcel Post
1884-85 (208) X.543, Post Office Sites
Correspondence between Postmaster General and Steam-Ship Companies,
in reference to Conveyance of Mails to New York.
Post Office (conveyance of mails to New York): copy of the whole
correspondence between the Postmaster General and the various steam
ship companies in reference to the conveyance of Her Majesty's mails
to New York, together with the memorials relative thereto.
1884-85 (99) XLV.339, 54 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Reprinted in <IUP-USA-49>, p. 651-706.
1884-85 (87) XLV.411, Acceleration of Scotch Postal Mail Service
1887 (274) XII.819, Sunday Postal Labour
1887 (34) XLIX.351, Imperial Penny Postage
1887 (122) XLIX.367, Imperial Penny Postage
Contracts, May 1887, with Cunard Steamship Company and Oceanic Steam
Navigation Company for Conveyance of American Mails.
Post Office mail contract (America). Copies of two contracts, dated
3 May 1887, with the Cunard Steamship Company, Limited, and with the
Oceanic Steam Navigation Company, Limited, for the conveyance of the
American mails, together with a copy of the minute of the Treasury
with regard thereto.
1887 (165) XLIX.379, 14 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Reprinted in <IUP-USA-49>, p. 707-720.
1887 (87) XLIX,
Reprinted in <IUP-China-42>
1888 (277) LXV.307, Post Office Savings Banks, draft regulations
1888 (419) LXXXI.519, Contract for Stamps and Postcards, De La Rue
1888 (104) LXXXI.523, Contract for Manufacture of Stamps and Stamped
Paper, 1880
1889 (323) XI.359, Post Office Sites
1889 (263) XLVII.317, Conveyance of Mails between Halifax or Quebec
and Hong Kong
Reprinted in <IUP-China-42>
Contract with British India Steam Navigation Company for Conveyance
of Mails between London and E. Coast of Africa (Zanzibar).
Mail contract (London and east coast of Africa) (Zanzibar). Copy of
contract with the British India Steam Navigation Company, dated 5
February 1890, for the conveyance of mails between London and east
coast of Africa (Zanzibar), together with a copy of the Treasury
minute relating thereto.
1890 (122) XLI.369, 16 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Reprinted in <IUP-Africa-66>
1890-91 (163) VI.573, Packet service
1890-91 (116) LXIII.117, Mail steamships between Queenstown,
Southampton and New York
1892 (152) LXIII.501
1893-94 (170) LXXI.429
1894 (72) LXVIII.603
1895 (184) LXXIX.347
1896 (103) LXVIII.1
1897 (185) LXXII.345
1898 (169) LXXII.347
1899 (176) LXXVII.677
1900 (96) LXVIII.155
Correspondence on Proposal for Establishment of Parcel Post between
United States of America and Great Britain and Ireland.
Parcel post (United States of America and Great Britain). Return to
an order of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 11th February
1892;-- for, return of copy of all correspondence on the proposal
for the establishment of a parcel post between the United States of
America and Great Britain and Ireland.
1892 (54) LXXIX.189, 16 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Reprinted in <IUP-USA-49>, p. 725-740.
1893-94 (106) XIII.499, Post Office Sites
1893-94 (286) LXXIII.325, Vienna Postal Congress, 1891, Conditions
for admission of Australian Colonies to the UPU
1894 (291) LXX,
Reprinted in <IUP-China-42>
Select Committee on Telephone Service. Report, Proceedings,
Evidence, Appendix, Index.
Report from the Select Committee on the telephone service; together
with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix
and index.
1895 (350) XIII.21, 382 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Reprinted in <IUP-Posts-and-Telegraphs-8>
1897 (333) XIII.583, Post Office Sites
Inter-Dept. Committee on Post Office Establishments, Report,
Treasury Letter, March 1897.
Post Office establishments. Copy of report of the inter-departmental
committee on Post Office establishments, together with the Treasury
letter thereon, dated 9 March 1897.
1897 (121) XLIV.1, 36 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Reprinted in <IUP-Posts-and-Telegraphs-6>
Inter-Dept. Committee on Post Office Establishments: Minutes of
Evidence, Indices, Summaries, Appendices.
Post Office establishments. Return to an order of the Honourable the
House of Commons, dated 6 April 1897;--for, copy "of evidence (with
indices, summaries, and appendices) taken before the committee on
Post Office establishments."
1897 (163) XLIV.37, 1273 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Reprinted in <IUP-Posts-and-Telegraphs-6> and
1897 (39) LXXII.937, Newspaper Post
Select Committee on Telephones. Report, Proceedings, Evidence,
Appendix, Index.
Report from the Select Committee on telephones; together with the
proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix.
1898 (383) XII.1, 699 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Reprinted in <IUP-Posts-and-Telegraphs-8>
1898 (130) XXXIV.411, Mail Steamers, Scotland
1898 (230) LII.427, Post Office Sorters and Telegraphists, 1872,
1881, 1890, 1897
1900 (248) VIII.71, Post Office Sites
Command Papers
<work in progress>
Postmaster General: Twenty-third Report.
Twenty-third report of the Postmaster General, on the Post Office.
1877 [C.1863] XXVII.201, 60 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Postmaster General: Twenty-fourth Report.
Twenty-fourth report of the Postmaster General on the Post Office.
1878-79 [C.2193] XXI.133, 64 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Postmaster General: Twenty-fifth Report.
Twenty-fifth report of the Postmaster General on the Post Office.
1878-79 [C.2405] XXI.197, 68 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
(further PMG Reports omitted from this list)
1877 [C.1666] LXXXVIII.499, Adhesion of Ceylon, etc., to the General
Postal Union [UPU]
1878 [C.2050] LXXX.691, Adhesion of Canada to the General Postal
Union [UPU]
1878-79 [C.2309] LXXVII.487, UPU Convention, Paris, June 1878
1880 [C.2469] LXXVIII.319, Postal Convention with France
Agreement between United Kingdom and United States of America for
increasing Limits of Weight and Dimensions of Packets of Patterns of
Merchandise exchanged through Post, Washington, June 1880.
Commercial. No. 38 (1880). Agreement between the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland and the United States of America for
increasing the limits of weight and the dimensions of packets of
patterns of merchandise exchanged through the post between the two
1880 [C.2664] LXXVIII.61, 3 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Reprinted in <IUP-USA-49>, p. 647-650.
Similar agreements, with
- Argentina, 1884 [C.4101] LXXXVII.31
- Belgium, 1880 [C.2558] LXXVIII.265
- France, 1880 [C.2469] LXXVIII.319
- Greece, 1881 [C.2914] XCVIII.1023
- Italy, 1890 [C.5916] LXXXI.745
- Japan, 1890 [C.5900] LXXXI.791; 1893-94 [C.7213] CIX.143
- Luxemburg, 1880 [C.2545] LXXIX.187
- Portugal, 1881 [C.2745] XCIX.267
- Switzerland, 1882 [C.3236] LXXXI.571
1882 [C.3140] LXXXI.9, Postal Convention of 1872 with Italy,
additional articles
1883 [C.3653] LXXXII.321, Postal Agreement with France
1883 [C.3481] LXXXII.329, Postal Convention of Jan. 1871 with North
Germany, additional articles
1884-85 [C.4267] XXII.561, Central Post Office Buildings
1884-85 [C.4267-I] XXII.603, Central Post Office Buildings
1886 [C.4623] LXXIV.497, Postal Convention of Nov. 1877 with Egypt,
additional articles
1887 [C.5040] LXVI.561, Brief Account of Formation of the Universal
Postal Union
1887 [C.4922] XCI.83, Belgium, see 1876 [C.1423] LXXXII.383
1888 [C.5409] CIX.357, Postal Agreement with Italy
Additional Articles, January 1888, to Money-Order Convention between
General Post Office of United Kingdom and Post Office Dept. of
United States of America of December 1879.
Additional articles dated the 28th of January/15th of February 1888
to the money order convention between the General Post Office of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Post Office
Department of the United States of America of the 2nd/18th of
December 1879.
1888 [C.5362] CIX.579, 4 p.; PDF [ProQuest]
Reprinted in <IUP-USA-49>, p. 721-724.
1890 [C.6162] LXXXI.811, Postal Agreement with Romania
1890-91 [C.6257] XCVI.309, Postal Convention with France
1890-91 [C.6315] XCVI.319, Postal Convention with France
1892 [C.6724] XCV.111, UPU Convention, Vienna, July 1891
1894 [C.7507] LXX.519, Contract with De La Rue
1895 [C.7640] CIX.41, Postal Convention with France
1897 [C.8466] LXXII.947, Money Order Regulations
1898 [C.8833] CV.381, Adhesion of Orange Free State to the UPU
1898 [C.8866] CV.621, UPU Convention, Washington, June 1897
1899 [C.9180] CX.1, Postal Convention of Jan. 1871 with North
Germany, additional articles
1900 [Cd.5] CV.885, Exchange of Money Orders between USA and British
Postal Money Order conventions and agreements
- Austria-Hungary, 1884-85 [C.4550] LXXXVII.1
- Belgium, 1883 [C.3480] LXXXII.1; 1889 [C.5624] LXXXVI.27
- Denmark, 1882 [C.3222] LXXX.291; 1884 [C.3956] LXXXVII.219
- France, with GB, 1883 [C.3456] LXXXII.309
- with Malta, 1887 [C.4921] XCI.207
- with India, 1883 [C.3628] LXXXII.315
- with Canada, 1884-85 [C.4200] LXXXVII.15
- with British Colonies, 1889 [C.5826] LXXXVI.49
- Germany, 1899 [C.9180] CX.1
- Italy, 1882 [C.3140] LXXXI.9; 1890 [C.5924] LXXXI.749; 1900
[Cd.396] CV.813
- Japan, 1882 [C.3116] LXXXI.17; 1890[C.6128] LXXXI.781
- Luxemburg, 1893-94 [C.6992] CIX.165
- Netherlands, 1895 [C.7870] CIX.131; 1899 [C.9532] CX.47
- Norway, 1890 [C.5923] LXXXI.795
- Portugal, 1883 [C.3460] LXXXII.513; 1898 [C.8779] CV.389
- South African Republic, 1897 [C.8337] CI.173
- Sweden, 1882 [C.3117] LXXXI.557; 1890-91 [C.6389] XCVI.429
- Tunis, 1889 [C.5872] LXXXVI.55
- USA, 1888 [C.5362] CIX.579 (noted separately)
- multiple countries, telegraph money orders, 1900 [Cd.168]
Parcel Post conventions and agreements
- Argentina, 1889 [C.5871] LXXXVI.1; 1896 [C.7930] XCV.13
- Austria-Hungary, 1897 [C.8483] CI.71
- Belgium, State Railways, 1894 [C.7317] XCVI.47
- express delivery, 1898 [C.8673] CV.1
- Chile, 1897 [C.8281] CI.97
- Egypt, 1893-94 [C.7274] CXI.1159; 1895 [C.7844] CIX.929; 1898
[C.8728] CVII.683; 1900 [Cd.24] CV.1063
- France, 1887 [C.5112] XCI.199; 1895 [C.7613] CIX.29; 1895
[C.7893] CIX.33; 1899 [C.9118] CIX.823
- with Mauritius, 1889 [C.5622] LXXXVI.41; 1900 [Cd.360]
- with Malta, 1890 [C.5898] LXXXI.515
- with Cyprus, 1890-91 [C.6210] XCVI.329
- with India, 1898 [C.8704] CV.155
- with Australia, 1898 [C.8717] CV.165; 1899 [C.9132] CIX.829
- with Ceylon, etc., 1900 [Cd.357] CV.751
- express delivery, 1898 [C.8852] CV.175
- Germany, 1893-94 [C.7278] CIX.133; 1895 [C.7612] CIX.61
- Guatemala, 1899 [C.9149] CX.5
- Honduras, 1898 [C.8670] CV.347
- Italy, 1886 [C.4860] LXXIII.121; 1897 [C.8280] CI.133; 1900
[Cd.8] CV.809
- Japan, 1897 [C.8313] CI.145
- Liberia, 1893-94 [C.6993] CIX.147
- Mexico, 1889 [C.5672] LXXXVI.273; 1897 [C.8424] CI.161
- Netherlands, 1893-94 [C.7275] CIX.183
- express delivery, 1898 [C.8672] CV.343
- Norway, 1893-94 [C.7276] CIX.297
- Portugal, 1887 [C.5113] XCI.271; 1894 [C.7310] XCVI.355
- express delivery, 1899 [C.9310] CX.75
- Salvador, 1893-94 [C.6934] CIX.505
- Sweden, 1893-94 [C.7277] CIX.819; 1897 [C.8311] CI.191; 1898
[C.8970] CV.421
- Switzerland, 1896 [C.8206] XCV.93; 1898 [C.8712] CV.431
- express delivery, 1898 [C.8671] CV.427
- Uruguay, 1890-91 [C.6343] XCVI.433
Express delivery service
- France, 1893-94 [C.6916] CIX.81
Last changed 14 February 2018
Timeline of Philatelic Literature,
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