Cassell's Illustrated Family Paper, 31 Dec. 1853 to 9 Mar. 1867
- vol. 1, 31 Dec. 1853 (no. 1) - xxx,
- vol. 2, xxx - xxx,
- vol. 3, xxx - xxx,
- vol. 4, xxx - 5 Dec. 1857 (no. 206),
new series
- vol. 1, 5 Dec. 1857 (no. 1) - xxx,
- vol. 2, xxx - xxx,
- vol. 3, xxx - xxx,
- vol. 4, xxx - xxx,
- vol. 5, 3 Dec. 1859 - 26 May 1860,
- vol. 6, 2 Jun. 1860 - 20 Oct. 1860,,
- vol. 7, xxx - xxx,
- vol. 8, xxx - xxx,
- vol. 9, 4 Jan. 1862 - 24 May 1862,
- vol. 10, xxx - xxx,
- vol. 11, xxx - xxx,
- vol. 12, xxx - xxx,
- vol. 13, xxx - xxx,
- vol. 14, xxx - 21 Jan. 1865 (no. 374),
new and enlarged series,
Cassell's Magazine, 1867 - 1874; Cassell's Family Magazine, 1874 -
1897; etc.