US Post Office, 1789 to 1901

American State Papers, Miscellaneous

Don Heller, 15 October 2023

Title as given with each numbered document; the table of contents may give a different title.
Date when communicated to the House or Senate.

There is much more about roads and canals, states and territories, printing for Congress, and many other topics, that are not listed here.

no. pages title date
   [i-iv] Half-title, Title  [volume 1, no. 1-263]  
  v-x Table of Contents  
  5-948 No. 1-263  
  i-xxx Index  
3 6 Titles of the President and Vice President of the United States. 5 May 1789
7 8 Title of the President of the United States. 14 May 1789
10 9-10 Rhode Island desires to maintain friendly relations with the United States. 26 Sep. 1789
15 13-20 Plan for establishing uniformity in the coinage, weights, and measures, of the United States. 13 July 1790
16 20-21 Deleterious effects of distilled spirits on the human system. 29 Dec. 1790
18 36-37 Coinage, weights, and measures. 18 Jan. 1791
19 37 Manner of authenticating printed editions of the laws. 7 Feb. 1791
21 38 Weights and measures. 1 Mar. 1791
24 44-45 Plan for converting salt water into fresh. 22 Feb. 1791
28 48 Weights and measures. 4 Apr. 1792
34 57-68 List of civil officers of the United States, except judges, with their emoluments, for the year ending October 1, 1792.
    General Post Office, p. 59.
27 Feb. 1793
55 83 Election of the delegate from the Southwestern Territory. 14 Nov. 1794
59 114 Promulgation of the laws. 23 Dec. 1794
60 115-117 Weights and measures. 8 Jan. 1795
62 122 Promulgation of the laws. 29 Jan. 1795
73 140 Reporters to Congress. 29 Jan. 1796
84 148-149 Weights and measures. 12 Apr. 1796
90 153 Debates of Congress. 13 Dec. 1796
98 159 Debates of Congress. 6 Dec. 1797
111 185 Reprint of the journals of Congress under the Confederation, and of other public documents. 26 Feb. 1799
142 232 Books and papers destroyed by fire in the War Office, in 1800. 17 Feb. 1801
144 241-243 Books and papers destroyed by fire in the Treasury Department in 1801. 24 Feb. 1801
146 247-252 Causes of the late fires in the War and Treasury Departments. 28 Feb. 1801
148 253 Printing for Congress. 18 Dec. 1801
149 253-254 Library of Congress. 21 Dec. 1801
154 260-319 Roll of the officers, civil, military, and naval, of the United States.
    Postmasters, p. 289-299; List of post offices established in 1801, p. 299-300
    General Post Office, p. 305
17 Feb. 1802
161 340-343 State of Ohio. 2 Feb. 1803
164 344-356 Description of Louisiana. 14 Nov. 1803
165 357-358 Reprinting of the laws, journals, and other documents. 14 Nov. 1803
170 385 Disagreement of a joint committee of conference.  [salary of Postmaster General] 29 Dec. 1803
175 388 Weights and measures. 28 Feb. 1804
193 423-431 List of patentees. 22 Feb. 1805
199 437 Library of Congress. 20 Jan. 1806
205 452 Journals of Congress under the Confederation. 19 Feb. 1806
217 468-471 Burr's Conspiracy.  See also, no. 218, 219, 221, 223, 230 (p. 486-645), 238, 246, 251. 22 Jan. 1807
250 724-921 Roads and Canals. 6 Apr. 1808

  [i-iv] Half-title, Title  [volume 2, no. 264-543]  
  v-xii Table of Contents  
  1-1044 No. 264-543  
  i-xxxvi Index  
284 130-142 List of patentees. 14 Jan. 1811
308 169-172 List of patentees. 21 Jan. 1812
327 194 Sunday mails. 15 June 1812
333 197-201 List of patentees. 20 Jan. 1813
358 228-231 List of patentees. 31 Jan. 1814
370 242-244 List of ministers and consuls appointed in the recess of the Senate. [since 1792] 9 Apr. 1814
371 245-246 Books and papers of the House of Representatives and the Library of Congress, lost by the conflagration of the Capitol in 1814. 22 Sep. 1814
372 246-247 Purchase of the library of Thomas Jefferson. 7 Oct. 1814
374 248-252 Books and papers of the several executive departments destroyed by the conflagration in 1814.
    Post Office Department, p. 248. [nothing was lost]
26 Oct. 1814
375 252-253 Rebuilding the Capitol, President's House, and other public buildings in the city of Washington. 21 Nov. 1814
376 253 Purchase of the library of Thomas Jefferson. 28 Nov. 1814
377 253-257 Books and papers of the House of Representatives and libraries of Congress lost by the conflagration in 1814, and the state of the contingent fund. 12 Dec. 1814
378 258-262 Explanation of the Clerk of the House of Representatives relative to the loss of books and papers of his office, the library of Congress, and the vouchers for his expenditures from the contingent fund. 19 Dec. 1814
383 268-271 List of patentees. 30 Jan. 1815
387 274 Library of Congress. 20 Feb. 1815
396 279-282 Library of Congress and the Librarian. 26 Jan. 1816
405 299-300 Increase of the salaries of the officers of government. 22 Mar. 1816
410 307-396 Register of the officers and agents of the United States, and the force and condition of the Navy, September 30, 1816.
    General Post Office, p. 311.
    Post Office Department, p. 353-396.
2 Dec. 1816
413 401-402 Road through the Chickasaw nation. 11 Dec. 1816
419 412-413 Library of Congress. 6 Jan. 1817
437 448 List of persons holding office after their election to Congress. [three postmasters, incl. Elias Earle] 29 Dec. 1817
439 457 Contested election of Elias Earle, a Representative from South Carolina. 5 Jan. 1818
452 495-509 Misconduct of certain clerks.
    Aaron T. Crane, clerk in the Post Office Dept.
30 Mar. 1818
455 512 Distribution of the journals and other printed documents of Congress. 8 Apr. 1818
463 538-542 Weights and measures. 25 Jan. 1819
499 637-642 Compensation of the officers of Congress and of the executive departments. [but not the Post Office] 31 Jan. 1821
503 656-750 Weights and measures. [a long historical essay] 22 Feb. 1822
520 927-928 Weights and measures. 11 Mar. 1822
531 978-985 Number of clerks and messengers employed in the executive departments.
    Treasury Department, Fifth Auditor's Office, p. 982.
    Post Office Department, p. 984-985.
3 Dec. 1822
536 1007-1013 Settlement at the mouth of the Columbia River.  [Astoria] 27 Jan. 1823